254 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Psychological Well-Being of Russian Youth With the PERMA-Profiler

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    Received 25 June 2022. Accepted 16 November 2022. Published online 30 December 2022.This article presents the results of a survey of the psychological well-being of Russian youth based on the Russian version of the PERMA-Profiler. The survey was conducted at the beginning of 2021 and covered 11,811 respondents (males = 29.2%, females = 70.8%) aged 18–35 (49.2%, aged 18–22; 22.3%, aged 23–30; and 28.5%, aged 31–35) living in the central part of Russia. The survey’s results indicate that the country perform properly in terms of youth well-being. The scores of Russian respondents are significantly higher than the results reported by Butler and Kern for the UK, Greece, Korea, Italy, and the USA in their study of 2016 (this sample is referred to as a total sample). The Russian respondents scored higher compared to the total sample in the scales of Positive emotions and Relationships. The research data show different indicators of well-being in groups differing by gender, age, education, social, marital and parental status, living conditions, and income level. We also found some peculiar age- and gender-related differences regarding well-being in the Russian sample, which also distinguishes it from the total sample. The research results can be used in programs intended to improve the psychological well-being of Russian youth.This work was supported by the Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF), project No 22-28-20262

    Evaluation of commercial traits in the accessions of Medicago sativa L. from Asia Minor

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    Background. One of the main tasks of the present-day breeding practice is the development of high-yielding intensive-type fodder crop cultivars for indoor feeding of livestock. Alfalfa, as a productive and high-protein crop, deserves special attention. An offer of new breeding sources would enable breeders to broaden the diversity of alfalfa cultivars. Objective. The present study involved 65 local varieties and wild accessions of alfalfa from Turkey preserved in the VIR collection. Material and methods. Yekaterinino Experiment Station of VIR (Tambov Province) was chosen as the research site. Evaluation of the alfalfa collection was carried out in 2015–2017, using the methods developed at VIR for fodder crop research targeted at such traits as green biomass yield, seed productivity, and leafiness. The cultivar ‘Marusinskaya 425’ was used as the reference. Results and conclusions. In 2015, four accessions were identified as promising for their green matter yield and seed productivity: local varieties k-3373 and k-3378 from Konya Province, k-5992 from Isparta Province, and k-6116 from Sivas Province. In 2016, three accessions exceeded the reference in the yield of green matter, and three accessions had higher seed productivity. Eight accessions surpassed the reference in leafiness. In 2017, only one accession, k-6009 (Kayseri Province), significantly exceeded the reference in green matter yield. Nine accessions were selected for their high seed yield. The maximum seed productivity was observed in the accession k-3379 (Konya). Leafiness was notably higher than the reference’s in 15 accessions. The average for three years shows that none of the accessions credibly surpassed the reference in green matter yield. Four accessions had higher seed productivity than the reference. According to the three-year average, 11 accessions exceeded the reference in leafiness. All in all, in the three years of study, the accessions k-3373, k-3378 and k-3379 (Konya) were selected for high green matter yield and seed productivity. High seed productivity and leafiness, with satisfactory green matter yield, were registered in the accession k-5992 (Isparta). The accession k-6009 (Kayseri) significantly exceeded the reference in green matter yield, but demonstrated low seed productivity and poor leafiness. The place of origin for the identified local accessions had been Central Anatolia, with its continental climate. These accessions are valuable breeding sources with noteworthy commercial traits. Alfalfa from Asia Minor can be recommended for use in breeding practice, targeted at the development of new high-yielding intensive-type cultivars

    Metrological evaluation of methods for control the safety indicators of leukoreduced platelet concentrates

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    Objective. The aim of research was to evaluate experimentally the feasibility of using of control methods of safety indicators of leukoreduced platelet concentrates (CPl). Material and methods. The analysis of 14 leukoreduced platelet concentrates samples was performed. Platelet count was estimated in a 2-grid Goryaev’s camera using a «Mikmed-1» light microscope and conductometry with hydrodynamic focusing on an «XT-4000i» hematology analyzer. To determine the residual number of leukocytes, we used the laser flow cytofluorimetry method by «FACS Canto II» analyzer. The pH was measured by the potentiometric method by a pH-millivoltmeter «pH-150M». The feasibility of applying safety performance monitoring techniques was assessed based on the basis of coefficient of variation (CV). Results and discussion. The maximum CV value when calculating the platelet count in the Goryaev’s camera was 18,6 %; conductometry method – 2,8 %. CV when determining the residual number of leukocytes by laser flow cytofluorimetry did not exceed 17,5 %. The CV of the method for determining pH by potentiometric method was 0,4 %. Conclusion. To control the platelet count, a unified method of counting in a 2-grid Goryaev’s camera and conductometry method with hydrodynamic focusing on hematology analyzer are recommended. Laser flow cytofluorimetry should be used to determine the residual number of leukocytes. The maximum CV values were taken as the assigned convergence characteristics: for the unified counting method – not more than 18,6 %, for the conductometry method – not more than 2,8 %, for laser flow cytofluorimetry – not more than 17,5 %, for potentiometry – not more than 0,4 %

    Эпидемиология бокового амиотрофического склероза в Красноярском крае

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    Background. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes paralysis of muscles due to degeneration of motor neurons. According to available data, the incidence of ALS in different regions of the world is from 0.6 to 3.8 per 100,000 population per year. Data obtained during the study of the epidemiology of ALS at the regional level can be used in planning medical resources, in particular, calculating the necessary respiratory equipment and funds for nutritional support.Aim. Clinical and epidemiological analysis of ALS cases registered in the Krasnoyarsk region for the period 2018–2022.Materials and methods. A clinical and epidemiological analysis of ALS cases registered in the Krasnoyarsk region from 2018 to 2022 was conducted. To do this, we used data from the specialized office of neuromuscular pathology of the Regional Clinical Hospital in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center. Diagnosis verification was carried out in accordance with the generally accepted El Escorial and Gold Coast criteria. The functional state and degree of neurological deficit were assessed using the ALS-FRS-R scale.Results. Over the period from 2018 to 2022, 78 cases of ALS were registered. The incidence rate was 0.54 cases per 100,000 population per year. In 2022, the prevalence rate was 1.16 cases per 100 thousand population. The time from symptom onset to diagnosis of the disease ranged from 4 to 57 months, with the average time to diagnosis being 17 months. Most patients were diagnosed with ALS when their ALS-FRS-R score decreased by 7–11 points. The division of patients into groups of rapid, moderate, and slow diagnostic correlates with life expectancy. Patients who are diagnosed quickly have a higher rate of disease progression, which results in a low life expectancy.Conclusion. The creation of specialized centers will improve the diagnosis and management of patients with ALS and plan the costs of palliative care. The increase in the incidence and detection of ALS emphasizes the need to develop new approaches to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with ALS.Введение. Боковой амиотрофический склероз (БАС) – прогрессирующее нейродегенеративное заболевание, которое вызывает паралич мышц из-за дегенерации моторных нейронов. По имеющимся данным, заболеваемость БАС в разных регионах мира составляет от 0,6 до 3,8 случая на 100 тыс. населения в год. Данные, полученные в ходе изучения эпидемиологии БАС на региональном уровне, могут использоваться при планировании объема медицинских ресурсов, в частности для расчета необходимого респираторного оборудования и средств нутритивной поддержки.Цель работы – клинико-эпидемиологический анализ случаев БАС, зарегистрированных на территории Красноярского края за период 2018–2022 гг.Материалы и методы. Был проведен клинико-эпидемиологический анализ случаев БАС, зарегистрированных в Красноярском крае с 2018 по 2022 г. Для этого использовались данные специализированного кабинета нервномышечной патологии КГБУЗ «Краевая клиническая больница» г. Красноярска и Красноярского краевого медицинского информационно-аналитического центра. Верификация диагноза осуществлялась в соответствии с общепринятыми критериями El Escorial и Gold Coast. Функциональное состояние и степень неврологического дефицита оценивались с помощью шкалы ALS-FRS-R.Результаты. За период с 2018 по 2022 г. было зарегистрировано 78 случаев БАС. Заболеваемость составила 0,54 случая на 100 тыс. населения в год. В 2022 г. показатель распространенности составил 1,16 случая на 100 тыс. населения. Сроки диагностики заболевания варьировали от 4 до 57 мес, среднее время установления диагноза составило 17 мес. У большинства пациентов БАС был диагностирован при снижении оценки по шкале ALS-FRS-R на 7–11 баллов. Разделение пациентов на группы с быстрой, средней и медленной диагностикой коррелировало с ожидаемой продолжительностью жизни. Пациенты, у которых диагноз был установлен быстро, имеют более высокую скорость прогрессирования заболевания, что обусловливает низкую продолжительность жизни.Выводы. Создание специализированных приемов позволит улучшить диагностику и ведение пациентов с БАС и планировать затраты на паллиативную помощь. Растущая заболеваемость и выявляемость БАС подчеркивает необходимость разработки новых подходов к лечению и реабилитации больных БАС

    The role of active herpesvirus infection in the formation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis

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    The results of previous studies suggest the involvement of herpes viruses in the development of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, but there is no convincing evidence. Aim of the study was to evaluate the role of active herpesvirus infection in exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Material and methods. The analysis of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis in Russia in 2000–2020 was carried out. 92 blood donors and 97 patients with skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases (44 with atopic dermatitis and 53 with psoriasis) were examined for the presence of immunoglobulins M and G to herpes simplex viruses (HSV1,2), Epstein-Barr (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes type 6 (HНV6). Results and discussion. A significant strong direct correlation was revealed between the incidence of genital herpes and diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (p = 0.85), atopic dermatitis (p = 0.85); infectious mononucleosis and psoriasis (p = 0.85). The frequency of detection of IgM to HSV1,2, in total, IgG EA and IgM VCA EBV in the group of patients is significantly higher than in donors (p < 0.05). In patients with atopic dermatitis, IgM to HSV1 were detected significantly more often than in individuals with psoriasis, and markers of active EBV infection were significantly less common. The presence of IgM HSV-1 statistically significantly increases the incidence of atopic dermatitis (relative risk (RR) = 2.3, 95 % confidence interval (95 % CI) 1.6–3.3)), IgM VCA and IgG EA EBV – the incidence of psoriasis (RR = 2.3, 95 % CI 1.5–3.3). Conclusions. It has been shown for the first time that active HSV1,2 infection is a trigger factor for the development of atopic dermatitis, EBV infection is psoriasis

    Quality control of blood components: selection of laboratory testing methods

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    The blood components transfusion is a significant component of therapy for blood loss, anemia, and surgical operations. One of the main tasks of blood service institutions is the procurement of high-quality transfusion media, the effectiveness of which directly depends on the functioning of the safety system. The implementation of this direction of work is impossible without laboratory testing of the donor biomaterial, a prerequisite for which is the standardization of procedures to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of the results. The aim of this study is to analyze the existing methods for determining hematological parameters and assess their suitability for quality control of blood components. Material and methods. The samples of erythrocyte-containing blood components, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrate, as well as reference buffer solutions for pH measurement have been tested. To determine the number of blood cells, conductometry with hydrodynamic focusing, counting in the Goryaev chamber and laser flow cytofluorimetry, were used. The pH indicator was measured by potentiometry. The content of general and free hemoglobin was assessed by photometric, hemiglobincyanide and SLS method. The hematocrit value was determined on a hematological analyzer and by centrifugation in hematocrit capillaries. The activity of factor VIII was checked by the clotting method. Results and discussion. The generalized results of the metrological assessment and a comparative analysis of the listed laboratory methods, taking into account their sensitivity and precision have been presented. Conclusions. A list of recommended methods for quality control of blood components is formed, for each of which an assigned convergence characteristic is established

    Stacking-Order-Dependent Excitonic Properties Reveal Interlayer Interactions in Bulk ReS<sub>2</sub>

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    Rhenium disulfide, a member of the transition metal dichalcogenide family of semiconducting materials, is unique among 2D van der Waals materials due to its anisotropy and, albeit weak, interlayer interactions, confining excitons within single atomic layers and leading to monolayer-like excitonic properties even in bulk crystals. While recent work has established the existence of two stacking modes in bulk, AA and AB, the influence of the different interlayer coupling on the excitonic properties has been poorly explored. Here, we use polarization-dependent optical measurements to elucidate the nature of excitons in AA and AB-stacked rhenium disulfide to obtain insight into the effect of interlayer interactions. We combine polarization-dependent Raman with low-temperature photoluminescence and reflection spectroscopy to show that, while the similar polarization dependence of both stacking orders indicates similar excitonic alignments within the crystal planes, differences in peak width, position, and degree of anisotropy reveal a different degree of interlayer coupling. DFT calculations confirm the very similar band structure of the two stacking orders while revealing a change of the spin-split states at the top of the valence band to possibly underlie their different exciton binding energies. These results suggest that the excitonic properties are largely determined by in-plane interactions, however, strongly modified by the interlayer coupling. These modifications are stronger than those in other 2D semiconductors, making ReS2 an excellent platform for investigating stacking as a tuning parameter for 2D materials. Furthermore, the optical anisotropy makes this material an interesting candidate for polarization-sensitive applications such as photodetectors and polarimetry.</p

    Влияние поведенческого фактора водителя на образование транспортного затора

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    Driving in a traffic flow implies involvement in difficult traffic situations that adversely affects response time of a driver, which in turn is considered when estimating stopping distance of a vehicle and determines road safety. This relationship shows the effect of driver behaviour in traffic flow on the road traffic situation. The objective of the study was to study behavioural factors that influence driver’s decisions. The study used methods of driver behaviour modelling, mathematical modelling, experimental studies of the mental and psychological functions of drivers. Modelling the driver’s behaviour, considering various combinations of many behavioural and other factors, leads to a large number of options for mathematical description of driver behaviour, which makes it difficult to use this approach to describe behaviour of drivers under the conditions of a real street-road network. The research has analysed several works devoted to the study of control action of drivers, using unknown coefficients, describing a model of movement of vehicles considering accuracy of their control. Driving through an unregulated intersection is considered as the most complex and informative version of driver’s behaviour. It is found that when modelling a traffic flow, it is necessary to take into account the degree of resoluteness of drivers (through determination of a coefficient of resoluteness which is a random variable that takes into account the probability distribution of the coefficient’s value in conjunction with the probability distribution of the function of traffic flow intensity). The distribution of the coefficient of resoluteness of drivers, obtained from experimental data, was subject to analysis. It is determined that the driving style affects formation of traffic congestion. The assessment of the driving style is made through conditional classification of driver behaviour on the road, namely marked by manifestation of aggression and timidity. When studying the behaviour of timid and aggressive drivers, several pairs of trajectories and the dynamics of the corresponding traffic flow density, were considered and calculated based on Edie’s model. It has been confirmed that traffic congestion has the greatest negative effect on choleric drivers and sanguine drivers. Besides, there is a relationship between the response time of a driver and the change in his functional condition. It is concluded that to improve road safety thanks to a more accurate assessment of possible risks of formation of congestion situations, it is necessary to consider behavioural characteristics and temperaments of the drivers.Движение вавтомобильном потоке подразумевает вовлечение в сложные дорожные ситуации, отрицательно влияющие на время реакции водителя, которая в свою очередь учитывается при определении тормозного пути транспортного средства и определяет безопасность дорожного движения. Эта взаимосвязь показывает влияние поведения водителей в транспортном потоке на дорожнотранспортную ситуацию. Целью исследования было изучение поведенческих факторов, влияющих на принятие водителями решений. В ходе исследования использованы методы моделирования поведения водителей, математического моделирования, экспериментальные исследования психических и психологических функций водителей. Моделирование поведения водителя с учётом различного сочетания множества поведенческих и иных факторов приводит к большому количеству вариантов математического описания такого поведения, что затрудняет применение данного подхода при описании поведения водителей в условиях реальной улично-дорожной сети. Проанализированы работы, посвящённые изучению управляющего воздействия водителя с использованием неизвестных коэффициентов, описывающих модель движения транспортных средств с учётом точности управления им. Рассмотрен наиболее сложный и показательный вариант поведения водителя при проезде нерегулируемого пересечения. Установлено, что при моделировании транспортного потока необходимо учитывать степень решительности водителей (через определение коэффициента решительности– случайную величину с учётом распределения вероятности его значения в совокупности с распределением вероятностей функции интенсивности транспортного потока). Проанализировано распределение коэффициента решительности водителей, полученное по экспериментальным данным. Определено, что на формирование транспортного затора оказывает влияние стиль вождения, для оценки которого используют условную классификацию поведения водителей на дороге, аименно проявление агрессии и робости. При изучении поведения робких и агрессивных водителей рассмотрено несколько пар траекторий движения и динамика соответствующей плотности транспортного потока, которые рассчитаны на основе модели Edie’s. Подтверждено, что наибольшее отрицательное влияние транспортные заторы оказывают на водителей-холериков ина водителей-сангвиников. Кроме того, прослеживается взаимосвязь между временем реакции водителя и изменением его функционального состояния. Сделан вывод, что в целях повышения безопасности дорожного движения за счёт более точной оценки возможных рисков возникновения заторовых ситуаций необходимо учитывать поведенческие характеристики водителей и их темпераменты

    Genetic Characterization of Small (s)-Segment Genome Puumala Virus Strain Kazan

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the most active endemic regions for nephropathia epidemica (NE) in the Russian Federation. Annually, over 1000 cases of NE are registered, with an average mortality rate of 0.43 %. NE is a zoonosis where human become infected by inhaling a hantavirus-contaminated aerosol. Puumala virus is commonly detected in NE cases. Although NE cases have been registered in the region since 1958, little is known about the genetic variability of Puumala virus circulating in Tatarstan. We conducted phylogenetic analysis of the full length (1828 nt) small (S) segment genome sequence of Puumala virus RNA isolated from four bank voles (Myodes glareolus) captured during the 2014 outbreak. These virus sequences were compared to known sequences of Puumala viruses from nearby regions such as Samara and the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as to European isolates. We found that there was over 89 % nucleotide identity between Puumala virus sequences isolated from the bank voles captured in Tatarstan. Sequence identity between Puumala viruses from the Tatarstan bank voles and the sequences from Republic of Bashkortostan and the Samara region were 90–95 %. Less similarity was found between Tatarstan sequences and Puumala strains circulating in Europe (79.7–87.7 %). Taken together, these data suggest that Puumala viruses circulating within the bank vole population in the Republic of Tatarstan are phylogenetically closer to the viruses circulating in neighboring regions of Russia

    The Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Intrinsic Motivation of Students Involved in Programming

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    Анализируется внутренняя мотивация студентов, увлеченных программированием, и ее взаимосвязь с психологическим благополучием. Описывается выраженность компонентов благополучия и видов мотивации студентов, увлеченных программированием, и студентов, увлеченных другими видами деятельности. Устанавливаются корреляции между внутренней мотивацией и психологическим благополучием студентов, увлеченных программированием.The intrinsic motivation of students who are involved in programming and its correlation with psychological well-being is analyzed. It describes the severity of the components of well-being and types of motivation of students who are involved in programming, and students who are passionate about other activities. Correlations are established between intrinsic motivation and psychological well-being of students who are involved in programming.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда (РНФ) в рамках научного проекта № 19-78-10134