546 research outputs found

    Russia’s banking sector during the pandemic

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    Quarantine and self-isolation have become a new challenge for the Russian economy, changed many areas of our life, revealed new weaknesses in the banking system and monetary regulation of the economy, and also become a good test for the post-crisis financial system. In this article using a systematic approach to the study of information, analytical and graphical methods the dynamics of the Russian banking sector during the development of the coronavirus pandemic and the specifics of recovery from the crisis have been investigated. The innovations and improvements brought about by the pandemic have been studied. The Central Bank of Russia’s monetary policy instruments used to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the real economy in general and on the banking sector in particular have been reviewed. The features of anti-crisis measures taken by the monetary authorities in our country have been revealed

    The “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” national program as a support mechanism for the Russian information technology industry

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    The current pace of information technology development of the economy has a significant impact on the social life. This explains the necessity of using a scientific approach to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” national program as a tool of government regulation of the economy and determines the high relevance of the topic of the study. The goal of the article is to identify significant areas of regulation of the Russian information technology industry on the basis of the assessment carried out. The objective of the study was to perform comprehensive analysis of the economic situation of the Russian Federation using the example of the information technology industry and to propose measures aimed at addressing imbalances in the industry’s advancement. The author of the article examined performance indicators of the industry and provided a description of the national program under study. The econometric model constructed revealed a high level of influence that program implementation measures have on the competitiveness of the industry

    Investment resources of the mining and metallurgical complex: management features, analysis of the composition, structure and sources of their formation

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    In the conditions of the modern economy, an especially important area of economic activity of any company is its investment activity, which is associated with the investment of certain funds in the implementation of both long-term and medium-term projects. Without increasing in the receipt of financial resources from various sources used for investment, it is impossible to achieve the largescale goals of innovative, technological and information development of the socio-economic sphere in Russia. The purpose of this article is to study the specifics of the management of investment resources of metallurgical and mining companies in the country, as well as the analysis of the composition, structure of their investment resources and sources of their formation. The methods of comparative analysis, a systematic approach to the study of information, graphical methods are used. This article considers the factors affecting the efficiency of investment activities of mining and metallurgical enterprises. The measures for the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development are proposed. The features of the formation of the composition and structure of investment resources of companies in the industry are revealed

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    Use of Microsoft Technologies in Hybrid Learning of a Foreign Language at School

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    В статье рассматривается практический опыт использования технологий Microsoft на уроках английского языка в условиях гибридного обучения. Раскрываются вопросы организации урока при гибридном (смешанном) формате обучения, когда часть детей присутствует на уроке очно, а часть — дистанционно.The article discusses the practical experience of using Microsoft technologies in English lessons in a hybrid learning environment. The questions of the organization of the lesson in a hybrid (mixed) format of education are revealed, when part of the children is present at the lesson in person, and part is remotely


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    While conducting numerous studies, including researchers in our laboratory, it was found that Th1/Th2 balance plays an essential role in the regulation of reactions that determine the outcomes of immunopathological processes in both chronic and acute GVHD models. However, the question about activity of which element in the regulatory process during GVHD induction (for example, a receptor or an enzyme) affects the ratio of this balance depends remains open. It has been suggested that the degree of activation of the GPR84 receptor during GVHD induction can significantly affect the host Th1/Th2 balance. And, by assessing this parameter, the direction of development and the intensity of the pathological process can be determined. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of ligands such as medium-chain fatty acid receptor GPR84 on the Th1/Th2 balance in an experimental model in an in vivo system.Female DBA/2 and hybrids (C57Bl/6 × DBA/2) F1 mouse strains were used in the experiments.The studied ligands of GPR84 were capric and lauric acids, as well as a synthetic ligand 6-OAU. Chronic GVHD in the semi-allogenic system was induced by injecting splenocytes from DBA/2 mice to B6D2F1 hybrid mice: 60-70 × 106 -cells iv twice with an interval of 6 days. The first administration of the GPR84 ligands was performed one hour after the donor cell transfer and then once a day for two weeks.The effect of the study drugs on the course of chronic GVHD was assessed three months after the onset of the experiment.It was shown that the administration of GPR84 ligands to to animals during the induction of chronic GVHD affects the activity of the receptor and the host Th1/Th2 ratio. In the group with the injection of 6-OAU, the number of animals which the immunopathological process developed according to the Th1-dependent variant increased by more than 1.5-fold, compared with the control group. This fact is consistent with the literature data obtained in the in vitro system. Apparently, the effect of a mixture of capric and lauric acids is mediated by some other mechanism, differed from the GPR84 activation. Therefore, further research is required to realize the promising possibility of adjusting immune responses by including certain fatty acids in the diet

    Potential of CLSM in studying some modern and fossil palynological objects

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    © 2017 Royal Microscopical Society. We have tested possibilities and limitations of confocal laser scanning microscopy to study the morphology of pollen and spores and inner structure of sporoderms. As test objects, we used pollen grains of the modern angiosperm Ribes niveum (Grossulariaceae) and Datura metel (Solanaceae), fossil angiosperm pollen grains of Pseudointegricorpus clarireticulatum and Wodehouseia spinata dated to the Late Cretaceous, fossil gymnosperm pollen grains of Cycadopites-type dated to the Middle Jurassic, and fossil megaspores Maexisporites rugulaeferus, M. grosstriletus, and Trileites sp. dated to the Early Triassic. For comparative purpose, we studied the same objects with application of conventional light, scanning electron (to entire pollen grains and spores or to semithin sections of their walls), or transmission electron microscopy. The resolution of confocal microscope is much lower than that of electron microscopes, as are its abilities to reconstruct the surface patterns and inner structure. On the other hand, it can provide information that is unreachable by other microscopical methods. Thus, the structure of endoapertures in angiosperm pollen grains can be directly observed. It is also helpful in studies of asymmetrical pollen and pollen grains bearing various appendages and having complicated exine structure, because rotation of 3-D reconstructions allows one to examine all sides and structures of the pollen grain. The exact location of all visible and concealed structures in the sporoderm can be detected; this information helps to describe the morphology and inner structure of pollen grains and to choose necessary directions of further ultrathin sectioning for a transmission electron microscopical study. In studies of fossil pollen grains that are preserved in clumps and stuck to cuticles, confocal microscope is useful in determining the number of apertures in individual pollen grains. This can be done by means of virtual sections through 3-D reconstructions of pollen grains. Fossil megaspores are too large and too thick-walled objects for a confocal study; however, confocal microscope was able to reveal a degree of compression of fossil megaspores, the presence of a cavity between the outer and inner sporoderm layers, and to get some information about sporoderm inner structure

    Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of the complex oxides in Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systems

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    Received: 18.01.2018. Accepted: 14.02.2018. Published: 10.05.2018.Present paper contains available information on the phase equilibria in the Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systems, including the synthesis routes used, crystal structure, which is often depended on oxygen nonstoichiometry, the data on thermodynamic stability of complex oxides, the obtained results on the homogeneity ranges of solid solutions, formed in the systems, and graphical presentation of phase relations in a form of phase diagrams

    Orthopoxvirus Infections: Epidemiology, Clinical Picture, and Diagnostics (Scientific Review)

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    Lack of immunity among the population against pathogenic orthopoxviruses and an increased number of these infections human cases testify to the need of development of the rapid high-sensitive methods for species-specific orthopoxvirus diagnostics. The review presents current epidemiological situation on human orthopoxvirus infections. Addressed are clinical aspects of the disease, caused by small pox virus (SPV), Monkeypox virus, cowpox virus, and vaccinia virus. Represented is a historical survey of the conventional methods for diagnostics of these particular viruses. Reconsidered are the benefits of researches into the sphere of state-of-the-art molecular-diagnostic techniques taking into view both genus-specific and species-specific detection of agents, causing orthopoxvirus infections in humans. Demonstrated is the urgency of new-generation typing in view of occurrence of a novel SPV-like virus emerged as a result of natural evolution of existing zoonotic orthopoxviruses or SPV application as a biological terroristic agent