32,594 research outputs found

    On the finite-size behavior of systems with asymptotically large critical shift

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    Exact results of the finite-size behavior of the susceptibility in three-dimensional mean spherical model films under Dirichlet-Dirichlet, Dirichlet-Neumann and Neumann-Neumann boundary conditions are presented. The corresponding scaling functions are explicitly derived and their asymptotics close to, above and below the bulk critical temperature TcT_c are obtained. The results can be incorporated in the framework of the finite-size scaling theory where the exponent λ\lambda characterizing the shift of the finite-size critical temperature with respect to TcT_c is smaller than 1/ν1/\nu, with ν\nu being the critical exponent of the bulk correlation length.Comment: 24 pages, late

    Asymmetric Fluid Criticality I: Scaling with Pressure Mixing

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    The thermodynamic behavior of a fluid near a vapor-liquid and, hence, asymmetric critical point is discussed within a general ``complete'' scaling theory incorporating pressure mixing in the nonlinear scaling fields as well as corrections to scaling. This theory allows for a Yang-Yang anomaly in which \mu_{\sigma}^{\prime\prime}(T), the second temperature derivative of the chemical potential along the phase boundary, diverges like the specific heat when T\to T_{\scriptsize c}; it also generates a leading singular term, |t|^{2\beta}, in the coexistence curve diameter, where t\equiv (T-T_{\scriptsize c}) /T_{\scriptsize c}. The behavior of various special loci, such as the critical isochore, the critical isotherm, the k-inflection loci, on which \chi^{(k)}\equiv \chi(\rho,T)/\rho^{k} (with \chi = \rho^{2} k_{\scriptsize B}TK_{T}) and C_{V}^{(k)}\equiv C_{V}(\rho,T)/\rho^{k} are maximal at fixed T, is carefully elucidated. These results are useful for analyzing simulations and experiments, since particular, nonuniversal values of k specify loci that approach the critical density most rapidly and reflect the pressure-mixing coefficient. Concrete illustrations are presented for the hard-core square-well fluid and for the restricted primitive model electrolyte. For comparison, a discussion of the classical (or Landau) theory is presented briefly and various interesting loci are determined explicitly and illustrated quantitatively for a van der Waals fluid.Comment: 21 pages in two-column format including 8 figure

    Southern Sky Redshift Survey: Clustering of Local Galaxies

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    We use the two-point correlation function to calculate the clustering properties of the recently completed SSRS2 survey. The redshift space correlation function for the magnitude-limited SSRS2 is given by xi(s)=(s/5.85 h-1 Mpc)^{-1.60} for separations between 2 < s < 11 h-1 Mpc, while our best estimate for the real space correlation function is xi(r) = (r/5.36 h-1 Mpc)^{-1.86}. Both are comparable to previous measurements using surveys of optical galaxies over much larger and independent volumes. By comparing the correlation function calculated in redshift and real space we find that the redshift distortion on intermediate scales is small. This result implies that the observed redshift-space distribution of galaxies is close to that in real space, and that beta = Omega^{0.6}/b < 1, where Omega is the cosmological density parameter and b is the linear biasing factor for optical galaxies. We also use the SSRS2 to study the dependence of xi on the internal properties of galaxies. We confirm earlier results that luminous galaxies (L>L*) are more clustered than sub-L* galaxies and that the luminosity segregation is scale-independent. We find that early types are more clustered than late types, but that in the absence of rich clusters, the relative bias between early and late types in real space, is not as strong as previously estimated. Furthermore, both morphologies present a luminosity-dependent bias, with the early types showing a slightly stronger dependence on luminosity. We also find that red galaxies are significantly more clustered than blue ones, with a mean relative bias stronger than that seen for morphology. Finally, we find that the relative bias between optical and iras galaxies in real space is b_o/b_I \sim 1.4.Comment: 43 pages, uses AASTeX 4.0 macros. Includes 8 tables and 16 Postscript figures, updated reference

    Will I? won't I? Why do men who have sex with men present for post-exposure prophylaxis for sexual exposures?

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    Background: Failures of post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual exposure (PEPSE) to prevent seroconversion have been reported and are often associated with ongoing risk exposure. Understanding why men who have sex with men (MSM) access PEPSE on some occasions and not others may lead to more effective health promotion and disease prevention strategies Methods: A qualitative study design using semi-structured interviews of 15 MSM within 6 months of them initiating PEPSE treatment at an HIV outpatient service in Brighton, UK. Results: PEPSE seeking was motivated by a number of factors: an episode that related to a particular sexual partner and their behaviour; the characteristics of the venue where the risk occurred; the respondent’s state of mind and influences of alcohol and recreational drug use; and their perceived beliefs on the effectiveness of PEPSE. Help was sought in the light of a “one-off” or “unusual” event. Many respondents felt they were less likely to behave in a risky manner following PEPSE. Conclusion: If PEPSE is to be effective as a public health measure, at risk individuals need to be empowered to make improved risk calculations from an increased perception that they could be exposed to HIV if they continue their current behaviour patterns. The concern is that PEPSE was sought by a low number of MSM implying that a greater number are not using the service based on failure to make accurate risk calculations or recognise high-risk scenario

    Charge and Density Fluctuations Lock Horns : Ionic Criticality with Power-Law Forces

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    How do charge and density fluctuations compete in ionic fluids near gas-liquid criticality when quantum mechanical effects play a role ? To gain some insight, long-range Φ±±L/rd+σ\Phi^{{\mathcal{L}}}_{\pm \pm} / r^{d+\sigma} interactions (with σ>0\sigma>0), that encompass van der Waals forces (when σ=d=3\sigma = d = 3), have been incorporated in exactly soluble, dd-dimensional 1:1 ionic spherical models with charges ±q0\pm q_0 and hard-core repulsions. In accord with previous work, when d>min{σ,2}d>\min \{\sigma, 2\} (and q0q_0 is not too large), the Coulomb interactions do not alter the (q0=0q_0 = 0) critical universality class that is characterized by density correlations at criticality decaying as 1/rd2+η1/r^{d-2+\eta} with η=max{0,2σ}\eta = \max \{0, 2-\sigma\}. But screening is now algebraic, the charge-charge correlations decaying, in general, only as 1/rd+σ+41/r^{d+\sigma+4}; thus σ=3\sigma = 3 faithfully mimics known \textit{non}critical d=3d=3 quantal effects. But in the \textit{absence} of full (+,+, -) ion symmetry, density and charge fluctuations mix via a transparent mechanism: then the screening \textit{at criticality} is \textit{weaker} by a factor r42ηr^{4-2\eta}. Furthermore, the otherwise valid Stillinger-Lovett sum rule fails \textit{at} criticality whenever η=0\eta =0 (as, e.g., when σ>2\sigma>2) although it remains valid if η>0\eta >0 (as for σ<2\sigma<2 or in real d3d \leq 3 Ising-type systems).Comment: 8 pages, in press in J. Phys. A, Letters to the Edito

    What is the probability that a random integral quadratic form in nn variables has an integral zero?

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    We show that the density of quadratic forms in nn variables over Zp\mathbb Z_p that are isotropic is a rational function of pp, where the rational function is independent of pp, and we determine this rational function explicitly. When real quadratic forms in nn variables are distributed according to the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) of random matrix theory, we determine explicitly the probability that a random such real quadratic form is isotropic (i.e., indefinite). As a consequence, for each nn, we determine an exact expression for the probability that a random integral quadratic form in nn variables is isotropic (i.e., has a nontrivial zero over Z\mathbb Z), when these integral quadratic forms are chosen according to the GOE distribution. In particular, we find an exact expression for the probability that a random integral quaternary quadratic form has an integral zero; numerically, this probability is approximately 98.3%98.3\%.Comment: 17 pages. This article supercedes arXiv:1311.554

    Lattice Models of Ionic Systems

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    A theoretical analysis of Coulomb systems on lattices in general dimensions is presented. The thermodynamics is developed using Debye-Huckel theory with ion-pairing and dipole-ion solvation, specific calculations being performed for 3D lattices. As for continuum electrolytes, low-density results for sc, bcc and fcc lattices indicate the existence of gas-liquid phase separation. The predicted critical densities have values comparable to those of continuum ionic systems, while the critical temperatures are 60-70% higher. However, when the possibility of sublattice ordering as well as Debye screening is taken into account systematically, order-disorder transitions and a tricritical point are found on sc and bcc lattices, and gas-liquid coexistence is suppressed. Our results agree with recent Monte Carlo simulations of lattice electrolytes.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, ReVTeX 4, Submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Anderson transition of the plasma oscillations of 1D disordered Wigner lattices

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    We report the existence of a localization-delocalization transition in the classical plasma modes of a one dimensional Wigner Crystal with a white noise potential environment at T=0. Finite size scaling analysis reveals a divergence of the localization length at a critical eigenfrequency. Further scaling analysis indicates power law behavior of the critical frequency in terms of the relative interaction strength of the charges. A heuristic argument for this scaling behavior is consistent with the numerical results. Additionally, we explore a particular realization of random-bond disorder in a one dimensional Wigner lattice in which all of the collective modes are observed to be localized.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Typo for the localization length corrected. Should read 1 / \n

    Fluctuations effects in high-energy evolution of QCD

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    Recently, Iancu and Triantafyllopoulos have proposed a hierarchy of evolution equations in QCD at high energy which generalises previous approaches by including the effects of gluon number fluctuations and thus the pomeron loops. In this paper, we present the first numerical simulations of the Langevin equation which reproduces that hierarchy. This equation is formally the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation supplemented with a noise term accounting for the relevant fluctuations. In agreement with theoretical predictions, we find that the effects of the fluctuations is to reduce the saturation exponent and to induce geometric scaling violations at high energy.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, minor corrections, version appeared in Phys. Rev.