466 research outputs found

    Effects of Light Intensity and Seedling Mediaon the Growth of Reutealis Trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw Seedling

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    This experiment was conducted at Pakuwon Experimental Station with altitude about 450 m above sea level and Latosol type of soil beginning from January until June 2009. It aimed to investigate the effect of light intensity and seedling media on growth of "Sunan" candle nut (R. trisperma) seedling. Split plot design with 4 replications was used in this study. The main plots factor are percentage of light intensity (I) consisted of two levels : I1 (65%) and I2 (100%), and the split plots factor are seedling media (M) consisted of five kinds of media: M1 (50% soil and 50% sheep dung), M2 (50% soil and 50% rice husk), M3 (50% sheep dung and 50% rice husk), M4 (33.3% soil, 33.3% sheep dung, and 33.3% rice husk), and M5 (100% soil). Result showed that: (1) for better growth of R. trisperma seedling suggested to be shaded, and (2) mixed of the 50% soil and 50% sheep dung are the best media for it growth

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Increased Plant Growth and Nutrient Concentrations of Milkwood Tropical Tree Species Alstonia Scholaris Under Greenhouse Conditions

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of five arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on the early growth of Alstonia scholaris (milkwood) seedlings. The seedlings were inoculated with Glomus clarum Nicholson & Schenk, Gigaspora decipiens Hall & Abbott, Glomus sp. ACA Tulasne & Tulasne, Entrophospora sp. Ames & Scheneider, and Glomus sp. ZEA Tulasne & Tulasne, and uninoculated (control) under greenhouse conditions. Percentage of AM colonization, plant growth, survival rate, mycorrhizal dependency (MD), shoot nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations were measured after 150 days. Survival rates were higher in the AM-colonized seedlings at 150 days after transplantation than those in the control seedlings. Mycorrhizal Dependency (MD) values were 80, 78, 79, 78 and 78% in A. scholaris inoculated with G. clarum, G. decipiens, Glomus sp. ACA, Entrophospora sp., and Glomus sp. ZEA, respectively. Shoot N, P, K, Ca and Mg content of the seedlings were increased by AM fungi as much as 82-86, 81-86, 81-86, 88-91 and 85-90%, respectively. The percentage of AM colonization of A. scholaris ranged from 64 to 91 %. Colonization by five AM fungi increased plant height, diameter, total fresh weight, total dry weight and total length root. Glomus clarum was more effective in improving nutrient content and plant growth of A. scholaris than G. decipiens, Entrophospora sp., Glomus sp. ZEA and Glomus sp. ACA. Total root length of A. scholaris ranged from 1,180 to 1,310 cm. The results suggest that AM fungi can accelerate the establishment of the seedling stocks of A. scholaris. This finding would contribute to the effort of establishing A. scholaris plantation

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Kompleks Logam Transisi Cr, Mn, dan Ag dengan Glisin melalui Spektrofotometri Ultraungu dan Sinar Tampak

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    Glisin merupakan asam amino yang paling sederhana dan dapat berdisosiasimembentuk suatu anion glisin H2N-CH2-CO2-, yang dapat bertindak sebagai liganterhadap kation logam transisi. Glisin digolongkan kepada ligan bidentat, ligansemi, dan ligan negatif, karena mempunyai pasangan elektron bebas dalam atomN dan pasangan elektron dalam atom O sebagai kelebihan elektron. Dalampenelitian ini disintesis senyawa koordinasi logam transisi Cr, Mn, dan Ag denganglisin, menghasilkan kristal kompleks Cr-glisinato berwarna merah, Mn-glisinatoberwarna merah muda, dan Ag-glisinato tidak berwarna. Pada pengukuranspektrum inframerah, serapan yang dihasilkan sebagian besar berasal dari glisin.Dengan cara membandingkan serapan glisin dengan serapan kompleksnya,didapatkan hasil regang ikatan logam dengan glisin. Cr-N pada 468,7 cm-1, Cr-Opada 401,2 cm-1, Mn-N pada 532,3 cm-1, Mn-O pada 447,5 cm-1, Ag-N pada 422,1cm-1, dan Ag-O pada 366,4 cm-1. Adanya regangan ikatan logam dengan ligantersebut menunjukkan bahwa glisin berkoordinasi dengan logam melalui atom Ndan O. Pengukuran spektrum ultraungu dari kompleks yang terbentukmenunjukkan adanya serapan glisin. Hal ini menandakan bahwa glisinberkoordinasi dengan logam. Pengukuran spektrum sinar tampak menunjukkanadanya energi yang diserap oleh senyawa kompleks yang terbentuk, untukkompleks Cr-glisinato pada 520 nm, Mn-glisinato pada 570 nm, sedangkan Agglisinatotidak memberikan serapan pada daerah ini karena senyawanya tidakberwarna. Ag-glisinato memberikan serapan pada daerah ultraungu denganpanjang gelombanbg 300 nm

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Increased Early Growth of Gaharu Wood of Aquilaria Malaccencsis and a. Crasna Under Greenhouse Conditions

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    Gaharu wood stand has an important source of profits to the forest community in South and Southeast Asia tropical forest countries, but Aquilaria species have reduced in number and turn out to be endangered due to overexploitation. Today, the planting stocks of Aquilaria species are not sufficient to sustain the yield of gaharu wood and promote forest conservation. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of five arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi: Entrophospora sp., Gigaspora decipiens, Glomus clarum, Glomus sp. ZEA, and Glomus sp. ACA, on the early growth of Aquilaria malaccensis and A. crasna under greenhouse conditions. The seedlings of Aquilaria spp. were inoculated with Entrophospora sp., Gi. decipiens, Glomus clarum, Glomus sp. ZEA, Glomus sp. ACA and uninoculated (control) under greenhouse conditions. Then, percentage AM colonization, plant growth, survival rate and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content and mycorrhizal dependence (MD) were measured. The percentage AM colonization of A. malaccensis and A. crasna ranged from 83 to 97% and from 63 to 78%, respectively. Colonization by five AM fungi increased plant height, diameter, and shoot and root dry weights. N and P content of the seedlings were also increased by AM colonization. Survival rates were higher in the AM-colonized seedlings at 180 days after transplantation than those in the control seedlings. The MD of Aquilaria species was higher than 55 %. The results suggested that AM fungi can be inoculated`to Aquilaria species under nursery conditions to obtain vigorous seedlings, and the field experiment is underway to clarify the role of AM fungi under field conditions

    PND41 Predicting EQ-5D Utility Scores from the Huntington quality of Life instrument (H-QOL-I)

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    Feasibility Study of Business in Agarwood Inoculation at Different Stem Diameters and Inoculation Periods

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    Indonesia signifies as the biggest agarwood producer country in the world. Its demand and price tend to increase and have brought about over exploitation of agarwood. Consequently, its population in nature has decreased significantly. To overcome the situation, since 1995, agarwood has been included in the CITES Appendix II. However, illegal exploitation remains persistent and reaches an excessive level. In order to deal with it, agarwood cultivation and its artificial production have been undertaken at several provinces in Indonesia. Some supporting factors for agarwood cultivation and artificial production are the availability of potential land for extensive cultivation, appropriate agro climate condition, simple cultivation technique and already being well adopted by farmers, the availability of necessary pathogen for agarwood inoculation, and the increasing demand with relatively high price. The research aims to analyze the feasibility study of agarwood inoculation business at several stem diameters (15 - 25 cm; 26 -35 cm and 36 - 40 cm) and periods of inoculation (1 - 5 years). Data were collected through field observation and literature study. The results showed that inoculation on agarwood producer tree stands at 12.5% interest rate afforded positive net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) is much higher than market interest and benefit cost (B/C) ratio >2 for those three diameter classes. Furthermore, if agarwood harvesting is delayed until five years after inoculation, NPV, IRR and B/C ratio would be much higher. It can be concluded that inoculation on agarwood producer tree stands (at appropriate age for inoculation) is feasible to be developed

    Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization on Early Growth and Nutrient Content of Two Peat­ Swamp Forest Tree Species Seedlings, Calophyllum Hosei and Ploiarium Alternifolium

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    Tropical peat-swamp forests are one of the largest near-surface reserves of terrestrial organic carbon, but rnany peat-swamp forest tree species decreased due over-exploitation, forest fire and conversion of natural forests into agricultural lands. Among those species are slow-growing Calophyllum hoseiand Ploiarium alternifolium, two species are good for construction of boats, furniture, house building and considerable attention from pharmacological viewpoint for human healthly. This study was aimed at understanding the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on early growth of C. hosei and P.alternifoliumunder greenhouse condition. Seedlings of C. hosei and P.alternifoliumwere inoculated with AM fungi: Glomus clarum and Glomus aggregatum ,or uninoculated under greenhouse condition during 6 months. AM colonization, plant growth, survival rate and nutrient content (P, Zn and B) were measured. The percentage of C. hoseiand P.alternifolium ranged from 27-32% and 18-19%, respectively. Both inoculated seedling species had greater plant height, diameter, leaf number, shoot and root dry weight than control seedlings. Nutrient content of inoculated plants were increased with AM colonization- Survival rates of inoculated plants were higher (100%) than those of control plants (67%). The results suggested that inoculation of AM fungi could improve the early growth of C. hoseiand P.alternifolium grown in tropical peat-swamp forest therefore this finding has greater potential impact if this innovative technology applied in field scales which are socially acceptable, commercially profitable and environmentally friendly

    A qualitative study of women's network social support and facility delivery in rural Ghana

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    Similar to many sub-Saharan African countries, maternal mortality in Ghana ranks among the highest (39th) globally. Prior research has demonstrated the impact of social network characteristics on health facility delivery in sub-Saharan Africa. However, in-depth examination of the function of all members in a woman’s network, in providing various types of support for the woman’s pregnancy and related care, is limited. We qualitatively explore how women’s network social support influences facility delivery. Qualitative data came from a mixed methods evaluation of a Maternal and Newborn Health Referral project in Ghana. In 2015 we conducted in-depth interviews with mothers (n = 40) and husbands (n = 20), and 4 focus group interviews with mothers-in-law. Data were analyzed using narrative summaries and thematic coding procedures to first examine women’s network composition during their pregnancy and childbirth experiences. We then compared those who had homebirths versus facility births on how network social support influenced their place of childbirth. Various network members were involved in providing women with social support. We found differences in how informational and instrumental support impacted women’s place of childbirth. Network members of women who had facility delivery mobilized resources to support women’s facility delivery. Among women who had homebirth but their network members advocated for them to have facility delivery, members delayed making arrangements for the women’s facility delivery. Women who had homebirth, and their network members advocated homebirth, received support to give birth at home. Network support for women’s pregnancy-related care affects their place of childbirth. Hence, maternal health interventions must develop strategies to prioritize informational and instrumental support for facility-based pregnancy and delivery care

    Sejarah dan perkembangan Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Jilid 1. Seri penyuluhan 10

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    Buku ini memuat sejarah Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, kegiatan kebahasaan, dan pandangan masyarakat terhadap usaha pembinaan dan pengembangan bahasa dan sastra yang selama inf kita lakukan. Penyusunan buku ini dilakukan oleh Panitia Kerja Pengolahan Data yang dibentuk oleh Kepala Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa dengan surat keputusannya tanggal 3 Mei 1977, No. 036/Kep/PB/77, sedang penerbitannya diusahakan oleh Proyek Pengembangan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Dalam penulisan sejarah Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa telah dimanfaatkan naskah Sejarah Lembaga Bahasa Nasional yang disusun oleh Sdr. Hermanu Maulana sebagai sumber bahan penyusunan di samping sumber-sumber lain. Pandangan masyarakat terhadap pembinaan dan pengembangan bahasa serta sumbangan pikiran mengenai pengembangan bahasa dalam buku ini adalah kumpulan tulisan beberapa tokoh masyarakat yang secara khusus diminta untuk keperluan penyusunan buku ini

    Mycorrhizal Fungi Increased Early Growth of Tropical Tree Seedlings in Adverse Soil

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    The rate of reforestation has increased throughout the countries in Southeast Asia region during the last 20 years. At the same time, inconvenient situations such as forest destruction, forest exploitation, illegal logging, clear-cut forest areas, old agricultural lands, post-wildfire areas, conversion of natural forests into plantations, resettlement areas, mine lands, and amended adverse soils have also been increasing significantly. Mycorrhizas, hovewer, play important role to increase plant growth, enrich nutrient content and enhance survival rates of forest tree species in temperate and sub-tropical regions. Unfortunately, a little information so far is available regarding the effect of mycorrhizas on growth of tree species growing in tropical forests. In relevant, several experiments were carried out to determine whether ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can enhance mycorrhizal colonization, nutrient content, and plant growth of some tropical rain forest tree species in Indonesia under nursery and field conditions. The families of tropical tree species used in the experiment were Thymelaeaceae (Aquilaria crassna), Leguminosae (Sesbania grandifolia), Guttiferae (Ploiarium alternifolium and Calophyllum hosei), Apocynaceae (Dyera polyphylla and Alstonia scholaris), and Dipterocarpaceae (Shorea belangeran). These families are important as they provide timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs). This paper discusses the role of mycorrhizal fungi in increasing early growth of tropical tree seedlings in adverse soil
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