2,541 research outputs found

    Collapse of Kaluza-Klein Bubbles

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    Kaluza-Klein theory admits ``bubble" configurations, in which the circumference of the fifth dimension shrinks to zero on some compact surface. A three parameter family of such bubble initial data at a moment of time-symmetry (some including a magnetic field) has been found by Brill and Horowitz, generalizing the (zero-energy) ``Witten bubble" solution. Some of these data have negative total energy. We show here that all the negative energy bubble solutions start out expanding away from the moment of time symmetry, while the positive energy bubbles can start out either expanding or contracting. Thus it is unlikely that the negative energy bubbles would collapse and produce a naked singularity.Comment: 6 pages, plain LaTeX, UMDGR-94-08

    Viscoelastic response of sonic band-gap materials

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    A brief report is presented on the effect of viscoelastic losses in a high density contrast sonic band-gap material of close-packed rubber spheres in air. The scattering properties of such a material are computed with an on-shell multiple scattering method, properties which are compared with the lossless case. The existence of an appreciable omnidirectional gap in the transmission spectrum, when losses are present, is also reported.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Black Holes and Wormholes in 2+1 Dimensions

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    A large variety of spacetimes---including the BTZ black holes---can be obtained by identifying points in 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space by means of a discrete group of isometries. We consider all such spacetimes that can be obtained under a restriction to time symmetric initial data and one asymptotic region only. The resulting spacetimes are non-eternal black holes with collapsing wormhole topologies. Our approach is geometrical, and we discuss in detail: The allowed topologies, the shape of the event horizons, topological censorship and trapped curves.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 11 figure

    Fate of Kaluza-Klein Bubble

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    We numerically study classical time evolutions of Kaluza-Klein bubble space-time which has negative energy after a decay of vacuum. As the zero energy Witten's bubble space-time, where the bubble expands infinitely, the subsequent evolutions of Brill and Horowitz's momentarily static initial data show that the bubble will expand in terms of the area. At first glance, this result may support Corley and Jacobson's conjecture that the bubble will expand forever as well as the Witten's bubble. The irregular signatures, however, can be seen in the behavior of the lapse function in the maximal slicing gauge and the divergence of the Kretchman invariant. Since there is no appearance of the apparent horizon, we suspect an appearance of a naked singularity as the final fate of this space-time.Comment: 13 pages including 10 figures, RevTeX, epsf.sty. CGPG-99/12-8, RESCEU-6/00 and DAMTP-2000-30. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Thermal Diffusivities of Functionalized Pentacene Semiconductors

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    We have measured the interlayer and in-plane (needle axis) thermal diffusivities of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-Pn). The needle axis value is comparable to the phonon thermal conductivities of quasi-one dimensional organic metals with excellent pi-orbital overlap, and its value suggests that a significant fraction of heat is carried by optical phonons. Furthermore, the interlayer (c-axis) thermal diffusivity is at least an order of magnitude larger, and this unusual anisotropy implies very strong dispersion of optical modes in the interlayer direction, presumably due to interactions between the silyl-containing side groups. Similar values for both in-plane and interlayer diffusivities have been observed for several other functionalized pentacene semiconductors with related structures.Comment: 9 pages, including 4 figures; submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    The effect of stimulation frequency on the transmural ventricular monophasic action potential in yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares

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    Monophasic action potentials (MAPs) were recorded from the spongy and compact layers of the yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares ventricle as stimulation frequency was increased. MAP duration decreased with increase in stimulation frequency in both the spongy and compact myocardial layers, but no significant difference in MAP duration was observed between the layers

    Holographic fermions in external magnetic fields

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    We study the Fermi level structure of 2+1-dimensional strongly interacting electron systems in external magnetic field using the AdS/CFT correspondence. The gravity dual of a finite density fermion system is a Dirac field in the background of the dyonic AdS-Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. In the probe limit the magnetic system can be reduced to the non-magnetic one, with Landau-quantized momenta and rescaled thermodynamical variables. We find that at strong enough magnetic fields, the Fermi surface vanishes and the quasiparticle is lost either through a crossover to conformal regime or through a phase transition to an unstable Fermi surface. In the latter case, the vanishing Fermi velocity at the critical magnetic field triggers the non-Fermi liquid regime with unstable quasiparticles and a change in transport properties of the system. We associate it with a metal-"strange metal" phase transition. Next we compute the DC Hall and longitudinal conductivities using the gravity-dressed fermion propagators. For dual fermions with a large charge, many different Fermi surfaces contribute and the Hall conductivity is quantized as expected for integer Quantum Hall Effect (QHE). At strong magnetic fields, as additional Fermi surfaces open up, new plateaus typical for the fractional QHE appear. The somewhat irregular pattern in the length of fractional QHE plateaus resemble the outcomes of experiments on thin graphite in a strong magnetic field. Finally, motivated by the absence of the sign problem in holography, we suggest a lattice approach to the AdS calculations of finite density systems.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Quantum Fermion Hair

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    It is shown that the Dirac operator in the background of a magnetic %Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole and a Euclidean vortex possesses normalizable zero modes in theories containing superconducting cosmic strings. One consequence of these zero modes is the presence of a fermion condensate around magnetically charged black holes which violates global quantum numbers.Comment: 16pp (harvmac (l)) and 2 figs.(not included
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