840 research outputs found

    Resistência mecânica do solo à penetração afetada pela presença de braquiária em sistemas de rotação de culturas.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da braquiária em sistemas de rotação de culturas em plantio direto na resistência mecânica do solo à penetração

    Influência de rotações de culturas nas propriedades físico-hídricas de um Latossolo Vermelho em plantio direto.

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    A adoção do plantio direto, com a inclusão de espécies gramíneas de relação C/N alta, poderá minimizar a degradação estrutural do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da inclusão da braquiária na rotação de culturas nas propriedades físico-hídricas e no conteúdo de matéria orgânica de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico em plantio direto. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram compostas por quatro sistemas de rotação, e as subparcelas, por quatro profundidades de amostragem (0-10; 10-20; 20-40, e 40-60 cm). As culturas utilizadas foram: arroz (A); feijão irrigado (F); milho (M); soja (S), e arroz (A+B), milho (M+B) e soja (S+B) consorciados com braquiária. Os sistemas de rotação foram: S1 - A/F/M/F/S/F; S2 - A+B/F/M+B/F/S+B/F; S3 - M/F/S/F/S/F, e S4 - M+B/F/S+B/F/S+B/F. Uma área de mata nativa, situada a 500 m do experimento, foi considerada como controle. A inclusão da braquiária na rotação de culturas não afetou a densidade, a macroporosidade e a capacidade de água disponível do solo. A porosidade total e o teor de matéria orgânica do solo foram favorecidos pelas rotações que incluíam maior número de cultivos de soja. A associação de soja com a braquiária contribuiu para a estabilidade dos agregados, e a de gramíneas de verão com a braquiária, para a diminuição da resistência do solo à penetração

    Determination of the Ileal Digestibility of Proteins and Amino Acids from Biscuit Bran and Wheat Gluten in Swine

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    To determine the apparent (AIDCP) and standardized (SIDCP) ileal digestibility coefficients of the protein and the apparent (AIDAA) and standardized (SIDAA) ileal digestibility coefficients of amino acids from biscuit bran and wheat gluten were used six castrated males swine in growth, on average weight from 22 to 60kg, with a T cannula on the terminal ileum, distributed in a randomized block design with three treatments, two periods and two repetitions per period. Each animal was considered a repeat. Treatments consisted of a protein free diet (PFD) for determination of the endogenous loss, PFD + biscuit bran (BB) and PFD + wheat gluten (WG). Each period lasted for six days, five days of adaptation of animals to the diet and 24 hours of collection of ileal digestion. The AIDCP of BB and WG were 82.33 and 90.07%, respectively and the SIDCP of BB and WG were 89.17% and 95.60%, respectively. The SIDAA were on average 80.84% (lysine), 83.94% (threonine), 90.57% (methionine + cystine) and 87.15% (valine) to BB. The SIDAA for the WG were on average 91.01% (lysine), 90.97% (threonine), 95.82% (methionine + cystine) and 90.04% (valine). The SID of protein and essential amino acids and non-essential elements identified in this study were on average, respectively, 89.17%, 88.54% and 89.20% of biscuit branand 95.60%, 93.71% and 89.20% of wheat gluten

    Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): exotic pest introduced on vine in the São Francisco Valley.

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    The pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutusis a polyphagous pest that attacks more than 200 generous and about more than 74 botanical families of cultivated or uncultivated plants. Many of these plants are of economic importance to Brazil, including cotton, cocoa, coffee, coconut, citrus, cucumber, corn, beans, papaya, sweet potatoes, figs, grapes, guavas, peanuts, roses, hibiscusand ornamental palms. However, M. hirsutus was recently introduced in Brazil. This study reported the first time occurence this pest in São Francisco Valley, Northeastern Brazil. After the pest presence alert, samplings were taken inside and around of the plantation of vines. The mealybugs were found attacking all structures of grape plants (Vitis vinifera), native plants of caatinga, weeds, "windbreaks" and fruit trees. In grape plants, the mealybugs inside bunches caused the reduction of the fruits quality and the discard of them, and on the sprouts they cause the inhibition of branches development, compromising at least two harvests. Thus, by severity of the damage, M. hirsutus may be considered one of the most important pests of the grape culture in theregion. The control of this new pest is a big challenge that will require a set of actions including chemical insecticides registration, the development of an effective monitoring plan as well as the search and use of natural enemies adapted to the region
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