397 research outputs found

    A deterministic sandpile automaton revisited

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    The Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model is a cellular automaton which has been intensively studied during the last years as a paradigm for self-organized criticality. In this paper, we reconsider a deterministic version of the BTW model introduced by Wiesenfeld, Theiler and McNamara, where sand grains are added always to one fixed site on the square lattice. Using the Abelian sandpile formalism we discuss the static properties of the system. We present numerical evidence that the deterministic model is only in the BTW universality class if the initial conditions and the geometric form of the boundaries do not respect the full symmetry of the square lattice.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, EPJ style, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Distinct Scaling Regimes of Energy Release Dynamics in the Nighttime Magnetosphere

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    Based on a spatiotemporal analysis of POLAR UVI images, we show that the auroral emission events that initiate equatorward of the isotropic boundary (IB) obtained from a time-dependent empirical model, have systematically steeper power-law slopes of energy, power, area and lifetime probability distributions compared to the events that initiate poleward of the IB. The low-latitude group of events contains a distinct subpopulation of substorm-scale disturbances violating the power-law behavior, while the high latitude group is described by nearly perfect power-law statistics over the entire range of scales studied. The results obtained indicate that the inner and outer portions of the plasma sheet are characterized by substantially different scaling regimes of bursty energy dissipation suggestive of different physics in these regions.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    A supercritical series analysis for the generalized contact process with diffusion

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    We study a model that generalizes the CP with diffusion. An additional transition is included in the model so that at a particular point of its phase diagram a crossover from the directed percolation to the compact directed percolation class will happen. We are particularly interested in the effect of diffusion on the properties of the crossover between the universality classes. To address this point, we develop a supercritical series expansion for the ultimate survival probability and analyse this series using d-log Pad\'e and partial differential approximants. We also obtain approximate solutions in the one- and two-site dynamical mean-field approximations. We find evidences that, at variance to what happens in mean-field approximations, the crossover exponent remains close to ϕ=2\phi=2 even for quite high diffusion rates, and therefore the critical line in the neighborhood of the multicritical point apparently does not reproduce the mean-field result (which leads to ϕ=0\phi=0) as the diffusion rate grows without bound

    Dense transcript profiling in single cells by image correlation decoding

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    Sequential barcoded fluorescent in situ hybridization (seqFISH) allows large numbers of molecular species to be accurately detected in single cells, but multiplexing is limited by the density of barcoded objects. We present correlation FISH (corrFISH), a method to resolve dense temporal barcodes in sequential hybridization experiments. Using corrFISH, we quantified highly expressed ribosomal protein genes in single cultured cells and mouse thymus sections, revealing cell-type-specific gene expression

    Single-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing

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    Understanding the structure-function relationships at cellular, circuit, and organ-wide scale requires 3D anatomical and phenotypical maps, currently unavailable for many organs across species. At the root of this knowledge gap is the absence of a method that enables whole-organ imaging. Herein, we present techniques for tissue clearing in which whole organs and bodies are rendered macromolecule-permeable and optically transparent, thereby exposing their cellular structure with intact connectivity. We describe PACT (passive clarity technique), a protocol for passive tissue clearing and immunostaining of intact organs; RIMS (refractive index matching solution), a mounting media for imaging thick tissue; and PARS (perfusion-assisted agent release in situ), a method for whole-body clearing and immunolabeling. We show that in rodents PACT, RIMS, and PARS are compatible with endogenous-fluorescence, immunohistochemistry, RNA single-molecule FISH, long-term storage, and microscopy with cellular and subcellular resolution. These methods are applicable for high-resolution, high-content mapping and phenotyping of normal and pathological elements within intact organs and bodies

    Meson-Baryon Form Factors in Chiral Colour Dielectric Model

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    The renormalised form factors for pseudoscalar meson-baryon coupling are computed in chiral colour dielectric model. This has been done by rearranging the Lippmann-Schwinger series for the meson baryon scattering matrix so that it can be expressed as a baryon pole term with renormalized form factors and baryon masses and the rest of the terms which arise from the crossed diagrams. Thus we are able to obtain an integral equation for the renormalized meson-baryon form factors in terms of the bare form factors as well as an expression for the meson self energy. This integral equation is solved and renormalized meson baryon form factors and renormalized baryon masses are computed. The parameters of the model are adjusted to obtain a best fit to the physical baryon masses. The calculations show that the renormalized form factors are energy-dependent and differ from the bare form factors primarily at momentum transfers smaller than 1 GeV. At nucleon mass, the change in the form factors is about 10% at zero momentum transfer. The computed form factors are soft with the equivalent monopole cut-off mass of about 500 MeV. The renormalized coupling constants are obtained by comparing the chiral colour dielectric model interaction Hamiltonian with the standard form of meson-nucleon interaction Hamiltonian. The ratio of ΔNπ\Delta N\pi and NNπNN\pi coupling constants is found to be about 2.15. This value is very close to the experimental value.Comment: 16 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Dihyperon in Chiral Colour Dielectric Model

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    The mass of dihyperon with spin, parity Jπ=0+J^{\pi}=0^{+} and isospin I=0I = 0 is calculated in the framework of Chiral colour dielectric model. The wave function of the dihyperon is expressed as a product of two colour-singlet baryon clusters. Thus the quark wave functions within the cluster are antisymmetric. Appropriate operators are then used to antisymmetrize inter-cluster quark wave functions. The radial part of the quark wavefunctions are obtained by solving the the quark and dielectric field equations of motion obtained in the Colour dielectric model. The mass of the dihyperon is computed by including the colour magnetic energy as well as the energy due to meson interaction. The recoil correction to the dihyperon mass is incorporated by Peierls-Yoccoz technique. We find that the mass of the dihyperon is smaller than the ΛΛ\Lambda-\Lambda threshold by over 100 MeV. The implications of our results on the present day relativistic heavy ion experiments is discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page