38 research outputs found

    Wavelets in the Transport Theory of Heterogeneous Reacting Solutes

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    Рассматривается дисперсионное уравнение одномерной конвекции (адвекции) теории транспорта гетерогенных реагирующих растворенных веществ в пористых средах. Вейвлетное решение получено в рамках мультирезольвентного анализа.Розглядається дiсперсiйне рiвняння одновимiрної конвекцiї (адвекцiї) теорiї транспорту гетерогенних реагуючих розчинених речовин у пористих середовищах. Вейвлетний розв'язок одержано в рамках мультирезольвентного аналiзу.In this paper we consider the one-dimensional convection (advection) dispersion equation of the transport theory of heterogeneous reacting solutes in porous media. A wavelet solution is in the framework of multi-resolution analysis

    Fantappie's group as an extension of special relativity on Cantorian space-time

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    In this paper we will analyze the Fantappie group and its properties in connection with Cantorian space-time. Our attention will be focused on the possibility of extending special relativity. The cosmological consequences of such extension appear relevant, since thanks to the Fantappie group, the model of the Big Bang and that of stationary state become compatible. In particular, if we abandon the idea of the existence of only one time gauge, since we do not see the whole Universe but only a projection, the two models become compatible. In the end we will see the effects of the projective fractal geometry also on the galactic and extra-galactic dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, accepted in Chaos, Solitons and Fractal

    Volterra's theory of elastic dislocations for a transversally isotropic homogeneous hollow cylinder

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    This work will consider Volterra’s theory of elastic dislocations in the case of a transversally isotropic homogeneous hyperelastic hollow cylinder. We obtain explicit equations for vector field of displacements, for tensor fields of strain and stress, and for forces upon the boundary.Розглянуто теорiю Вольтерри для пружних дислокацiй у випадку трансверсально iзотропних однорiдних надпружних порожнистих цилiндрiв. Одержано рiвняння для векторного поля перемiщень, тензорного поля напружень i сил на межi