4,871 research outputs found

    Near-IR studies of recurrent nova V745 Scorpii during its 2014 outburst

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    The recurrent nova (RN) V745 Scorpii underwent its third known outburst on 2014 February 6. Infrared monitoring of the eruption on an almost daily basis, starting from 1.3d after discovery, shows the emergence of a powerful blast wave generated by the high velocity nova ejecta exceeding 4000 kms1^{-1} plowing into its surrounding environment. The temperature of the shocked gas is raised to a high value exceeding 108^{8}K immediately after outburst commencement. The energetics of the outburst clearly surpass those of similar symbiotic systems like RS Oph and V407 Cyg which have giant secondaries. The shock does not show a free-expansion stage but rather shows a decelerative Sedov-Taylor phase from the beginning. Such strong shockfronts are known to be sites for γ\gamma ray generation. V745 Sco is the latest nova, apart from five other known novae, to show γ\gamma ray emission. It may be an important testbed to resolve the crucial question whether all novae are generically γ\gamma ray emitters by virtue of having a circumbinary reservoir of material that is shocked by the ejecta rather than γ\gamma ray generation being restricted to only symbiotic systems with a shocked red giant (RG) wind. The lack of a free-expansion stage favors V745 Sco to have a density enhancement around the white dwarf (WD), above that contributed by a RG wind. Our analysis also suggests that the WD in V745 Sco is very massive and a potential progenitor for a future SN Ia explosion.Comment: To appear in ApJ (Letters

    The Gaseous Extent of Galaxies and the Origin of \lya Absorption Systems. III. Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of \lya-Absorbing Galaxies at z < 1

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    We present initial results of a program to obtain and analyze HST WFPC2 images of galaxies identified in an imaging and spectroscopic survey of faint galaxies in fields of HST spectroscopic target QSOs. We measure properties of 87 galaxies, of which 33 are associated with corresponding \lya absorption systems and 24 do not produce corresponding \lya absorption lines to within sensitive upper limits. Considering only galaxy and absorber pairs that are likely to be physically associated and excluding galaxy and absorber pairs within 3000 \kms of the background QSOs leaves 26 galaxy and absorber pairs and seven galaxies that do not produce corresponding \lya absorption lines to within sensitive upper limits. Redshifts of the galaxy and absorber pairs range from 0.0750 to 0.8912 with a median of 0.3718, and impact parameter separations of the galaxy and absorber pairs range from 12.4 to 157.4h1157.4 h^{-1} kpc with a median of 62.4h162.4 h^{-1} kpc. The primary result of the analysis is that the amount of gas encountered along the line of sight depends on the galaxy impact parameter and B-band luminosity but does not depend strongly on the galaxy average surface brightness, disk-to-bulge ratio, or redshift. This result confirms and improves upon the anti-correlation between \lya absorption equivalent width and galaxy impact parameter found previously by Lanzetta et al. (1995). There is no evidence that galaxy interactions play an important role in distributing tenuous gas around galaxies in most cases. Galaxies might account for all \lya absorption systems with W>0.3W > 0.3 \AA, but this depends on the unknown luminosity function and gaseous cross sections of low-luminosity galaxies as well as on the uncertainties of the observed number density of \lya absorption systems.Comment: Minor changes. Figure 1 stays intact and is available at ftp://ftp.ess.sunysb.edu/pub/lanzetta/wfpc

    Critical behavior of the 3-state Potts model on Sierpinski carpet

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    We study the critical behavior of the 3-state Potts model, where the spins are located at the centers of the occupied squares of the deterministic Sierpinski carpet. A finite-size scaling analysis is performed from Monte Carlo simulations, for a Hausdorff dimension dfd_{f} 1.8928\simeq 1.8928. The phase transition is shown to be a second order one. The maxima of the susceptibility of the order parameter follow a power law in a very reliable way, which enables us to calculate the ratio of the exponents γ/ν\gamma /\nu. We find that the scaling corrections affect the behavior of most of the thermodynamical quantities. However, the sequence of intersection points extracted from the Binder's cumulant provides bounds for the critical temperature. We are able to give the bounds for the exponent 1/ν1/\nu as well as for the ratio of the exponents β/ν\beta/\nu, which are compatible with the results calculated from the hyperscaling relation.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Spectral Models for Early Time SN 2011fe Observations

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    We use observed UV through near IR spectra to examine whether SN 2011fe can be understood in the framework of Branch-normal SNe Ia and to examine its individual peculiarities. As a benchmark, we use a delayed-detonation model with a progenitor metallicity of Z_solar/20. We study the sensitivity of features to variations in progenitor metallicity, the outer density profile, and the distribution of radioactive nickel. The effect of metallicity variations in the progenitor have a relatively small effect on the synthetic spectra. We also find that the abundance stratification of SN 2011fe resembles closely that of a delayed detonation model with a transition density that has been fit to other Branch-normal Type Ia supernovae. At early times, the model photosphere is formed in material with velocities that are too high, indicating that the photosphere recedes too slowly or that SN 2011fe has a lower specific energy in the outer ~0.1 M_sun than does the model. We discuss several explanations for the discrepancies. Finally, we examine variations in both the spectral energy distribution and in the colors due to variations in the progenitor metallicity, which suggests that colors are only weak indicators for the progenitor metallicity, in the particular explosion model that we have studied. We do find that the flux in the U band is significantly higher at maximum light in the solar metallicity model than in the lower metallicity model and the lower metallicity model much better matches the observed spectrum.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS, in press, fixed typ