1,869 research outputs found

    Geometric variational problems of statistical mechanics and of combinatorics

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    We present the geometric solutions of the various extremal problems of statistical mechanics and combinatorics. Together with the Wulff construction, which predicts the shape of the crystals, we discuss the construction which exhibits the shape of a typical Young diagram and of a typical skyscraper.Comment: 10 page

    Non-ergodic phases in strongly disordered random regular graphs

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    We combine numerical diagonalization with a semi-analytical calculations to prove the existence of the intermediate non-ergodic but delocalized phase in the Anderson model on disordered hierarchical lattices. We suggest a new generalized population dynamics that is able to detect the violation of ergodicity of the delocalized states within the Abou-Chakra, Anderson and Thouless recursive scheme. This result is supplemented by statistics of random wave functions extracted from exact diagonalization of the Anderson model on ensemble of disordered Random Regular Graphs (RRG) of N sites with the connectivity K=2. By extrapolation of the results of both approaches to N->infinity we obtain the fractal dimensions D_{1}(W) and D_{2}(W) as well as the population dynamic exponent D(W) with the accuracy sufficient to claim that they are non-trivial in the broad interval of disorder strength W_{E}<W<W_{c}. The thorough analysis of the exact diagonalization results for RRG with N>10^{5} reveals a singularity in D_{1,2}(W)-dependencies which provides a clear evidence for the first order transition between the two delocalized phases on RRG at W_{E}\approx 10.0. We discuss the implications of these results for quantum and classical non-integrable and many-body systems.Comment: 4 pages paper with 5 figures + Supplementary Material with 5 figure

    Supersymmetrical Separation of Variables for Scarf II Model: Partial Solvability

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    Recently, a new quantum model - two-dimensional generalization of the Scarf II - was completely solved analytically by SUSY method for the integer values of parameter. Now, the same integrable model, but with arbitrary values of parameter, will be studied by means of supersymmetrical intertwining relations. The Hamiltonian does not allow the conventional separation of variables, but the supercharge operator does allow, leading to the partial solvability of the model. This approach, which can be called as the first variant of SUSY-separation, together with shape invariance of the model, provides analytical calculation of the part of spectrum and corresponding wave functions (quasi-exact-solvability). The model is shown to obey two different variants of shape invariance which can be combined effectively in construction of energy levels and wave functions.Comment: 6 p.p., accepted for publication in EP

    Correlator of Topological Charge Densities in Instanton Model in QCD

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    The QCD sum rule for the correlator of topological charge densities and related to it longitudinal part of the correlator of singlet axial currents is considered in the framework of instanton model. The coupling constant of eta'-meson with the singlet axial current is determined. Its value appears to be in a good coincidence with the value determined recently from the connection of the part of proton spin, carried by u,d,s quarks, with the derivative of QCD topological susceptibility. From the same sum rule eta-eta' mixing angle is found in the framework of two mixing angles model. Its value is close to that found in the chiral effective theory. The correlator of topological charge densities at large momenta is calculated.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Multifractal metal in a disordered Josephson Junction Array

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    We report the results of the numerical study of the non-dissipative quantum Josephson junction chain with the focus on the statistics of many-body wave functions and local energy spectra. The disorder in this chain is due to the random offset charges. This chain is one of the simplest physical systems to study many-body localization. We show that the system may exhibit three distinct regimes: insulating, characterized by the full localization of many-body wavefunctions, fully delocalized (metallic) one characterized by the wavefunctions that take all the available phase volume and the intermediate regime in which the volume taken by the wavefunction scales as a non-trivial power of the full Hilbert space volume. In the intermediate, non-ergodic regime the Thouless conductance (generalized to many-body problem) does not change as a function of the chain length indicating a failure of the conventional single-parameter scaling theory of localization transition. The local spectra in this regime display the fractal structure in the energy space which is related with the fractal structure of wave functions in the Hilbert space. A simple theory of fractality of local spectra is proposed and a new scaling relationship between fractal dimensions in the Hilbert and energy space is suggested and numerically tested.Comment: 11 page
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