4,704 research outputs found

    Kinetic energy functional for Fermi vapors in spherical harmonic confinement

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    Two equations are constructed which reflect, for fermions moving independently in a spherical harmonic potential, a differential virial theorem and a relation between the turning points of kinetic energy and particle densities. These equations are used to derive a differential equation for the particle density and a non-local kinetic energy functional.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Scanning Electron Microscopy - Electron Beam Induced Current and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy Studies of GaAs(In) Layers grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Electrically active defects in indium-doped (0.6%) GaAs layers grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) on Si-doped (≈1x1018 cm-3) GaAs substrates have been studied by the combination of two techniques: Scanning Electron Microscope - Electron Beam Induced Current (SEM-EBIC) technique, and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS). The epilayers studied were three microns thick. No electrically active defects were revealed by the EBIC micrographs in the top one micron of the epilayers, whereas a large number of non-propagating misfit dislocations were observed at the epilayer/substrate interface. DLTS measurements made in the dislocation free top region of the epilayer showed the presence of three well known traps, which had previously been observed to also exist near the interface. It is concluded that these traps are not related to misfit dislocations

    Quantum Separability and Entanglement Detection via Entanglement-Witness Search and Global Optimization

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    We focus on determining the separability of an unknown bipartite quantum state ρ\rho by invoking a sufficiently large subset of all possible entanglement witnesses given the expected value of each element of a set of mutually orthogonal observables. We review the concept of an entanglement witness from the geometrical point of view and use this geometry to show that the set of separable states is not a polytope and to characterize the class of entanglement witnesses (observables) that detect entangled states on opposite sides of the set of separable states. All this serves to motivate a classical algorithm which, given the expected values of a subset of an orthogonal basis of observables of an otherwise unknown quantum state, searches for an entanglement witness in the span of the subset of observables. The idea of such an algorithm, which is an efficient reduction of the quantum separability problem to a global optimization problem, was introduced in PRA 70 060303(R), where it was shown to be an improvement on the naive approach for the quantum separability problem (exhaustive search for a decomposition of the given state into a convex combination of separable states). The last section of the paper discusses in more generality such algorithms, which, in our case, assume a subroutine that computes the global maximum of a real function of several variables. Despite this, we anticipate that such algorithms will perform sufficiently well on small instances that they will render a feasible test for separability in some cases of interest (e.g. in 3-by-3 dimensional systems)

    The combined molecular adjuvant CASAC enhances the CD8+ T cell response to a tumor-associated self-antigen in aged, immunosenescent mice

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    BACKGROUND: Ineffective induction of T cell mediated immunity in older individuals remains a persistent challenge for vaccine development. Thus, there is a need for more efficient and sophisticated adjuvants that will complement novel vaccine strategies for the elderly. To this end, we have investigated a previously optimized, combined molecular adjuvant, CASAC (Combined Adjuvant for Synergistic Activation of Cellular immunity), incorporating two complementary Toll-like receptor agonists, CpG and polyI:C, a class-II epitope, and interferon (IFN)-γ in aged mice. FINDINGS: In aged mice with typical features of immunosenescence, antigen specific CD8+ T cell responses were stimulated after serial vaccinations with CASAC or Complete/Incomplete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA/IFA) and a class I epitope, deriving either from ovalbumin (SIINFEKL, SIL) or the melanoma-associated self-antigen, tyrosinase-related protein-2 (SVYDFFVWL, SVL). Pentamer analysis revealed that aged, CASAC/SIL-vaccinated animals had substantially higher frequencies of H-2K(b)/SIL-specific CD8+ T cells compared to the CFA/IFA-vaccinated groups. Similarly, higher frequencies of H-2K(b)/SVL-pentamer+ and IFN-γ+ CD8+ T cells were detected in the aged, CASAC + SVL-vaccinated mice than in their CFA/IFA-vaccinated counterparts. In both antigen settings, CASAC promoted significantly better functional CD8+ T cell activity. CONCLUSION: These studies demonstrate that functional CD8+ T cells, specific for both foreign and tumour-associated self-antigens, can be effectively induced in aged immunosenescent mice using the novel multi-factorial adjuvant CASAC

    Person Perception Aspects of Judgments of Truthfulness in Public Appeals

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    Although detection of deception accuracy rate has been researched extensively, the person perception components that are the basis for these judgments remain unclear. To explore this, 30 academics' person perceptions, as well as truthfulness judgment, of the individual presenting a televised appeal were measured using a 14-item scale. Twelve appeals (6 genuine and 6 false) for information regarding the whereabouts of a missing relative, or for information to apprehend the person who murdered their relative, were used. The person perception scale consisted of (1) global, abstract judgments (open, deceptive, genuine, trustworthy, and emotional) and (2) behavioural indices (facial pleasantness, facial animation, arousal, tension, involvement, verbal; consistency, plausibility and directness, and vocal certainty). Multiple regression identified person perceptions of openness, (non)deceptiveness, genuineness, trustworthiness, and verbal plausibility as significant predictors of truthfulness judgments. Future research should now explore the relationship of these person perception components of truth judgments to the accuracy

    Cuisine chypriote et cuisine grecque

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    Dans l’article qui suit, nous allons tenter d’approcher un phĂ©nomĂšne trĂšs rĂ©cent qui s’attache aux rĂ©alitĂ©s culinaires de l’üle de Chypre et qui n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©. Il s’agit de la prĂ©sence Ă  Chypre d’un nombre croissant de restaurants et de bistrots grecs, notamment depuis une quinzaine d’annĂ©es, phĂ©nomĂšne liĂ© en partie Ă  la prospĂ©ritĂ© et au niveau de vie plus Ă©levĂ©s Ă  Chypre qu’en GrĂšce, du moins jusqu’en 2013, ainsi qu’à la crise durable de l’économie grecque depuis la fin de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. Les conclusions de cette approche pourraient ĂȘtre utiles pour une analyse plus approfondie de la question

    Les rĂȘves d’Elytis

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    Strongly influenced by the Surrealist Movement, and particularly by its psychoanalytic dimensions, Elytis attaches the utmost importance to the dream as a space of total freedom beyond any form of prohibition, therefore as a space of innocence and authentic creativity. This article studies the role of the thematic of the dream in the works of the Greek Nobelist

    La réinvention de Rimbaud par la poésie chypriote

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    This article studies the reception of RimbaudÂŽs two-period stay in Cyprus (1878-79, 1880), by the 20th century Cypriot poetry. It attempts to show that, despite the fact that RimbaudÂŽs activities during his stay, had nothing to do with literature or anything heroic, Cypriot poetry has presented the poet as a semaphore of individual and national revolution as well as an idealised example of contestation and rebelliousness
