42 research outputs found

    Quality and safety problems of sports nutrition products

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    The purpose of this work was to study the quality and safety of some sports nutrition products. The objects of study were sports nutrition products: protein bars of ‘ProteinBar’ (Russia) and ‘Bombbar’ (Russia); capsule forms of dietary supplements ω–3, ω–6, ω–9 firms ‘Sportline’ (Russia), ‘Multipower’ (Germany) and ‘Maxler’ (USA). According to the research results, the normalized safety indicators of the fat component of the studied products for sports nutrition (acid number and peroxide) are within acceptable values. The standardized safety indicators of the fat component do not fully reflect the safety requirements for the fat component of sports nutrition products, since there are no standards for the most important indicators of fat safety – the content of secondary oxidation products – copolymers insoluble in petroleum ether and epoxides. The results obtained in the course of the work showed that in almost all of the studied samples are content of epoxides (7.5–47.6 g -1 ) and secondary oxidation products – 1% or more


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    For a more detailed study of the effect of the 3d sublattice on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of compounds R(Сo-Fe)2, where R = Dy, Ho, Er, with a plate-like dependence ΔSm(Т), a series of Ho(Me0.84Fe0.16)2 samples, where Me = Co, CoNi и Ni, was synthesized and studied in this paper.Работа выполнена при поддержке Государственного контракта FEUZ 2023-0020 между УрФУ и Министерством высшего образования РФ

    Predictors of atrial fibrillation in patients with dualchamber pacemakers

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    During prospective study the predictors of primary AF incidence were studied in 87 patients (mean age 64,3±10.5 years) with chronic ischemic heart disease after dual chamber pacemakers (DCP) implantation: 39 - with sick sinus syndrome (SSS), 43 - with the atrioventricular block II-III degree (AVB), 5 - with binodal disease. The end point was the primary incidence of sustained paroxysmal AF (>30 seconds). The primary AF development is noted at 16 (18,4%) patients later 10 months after DCP implantation. At comparison of groups with and without AF by means of Stjudents criterion and Fisher's nonparametric criterion the factors associating with AF have been revealed: presence AVB (p=0,004), a male (p=0,01), left atrium dilation (p=0,04), right ventricular stimulation percent >60% (p=0,009), atrial stimulation percent 30 сек. Первичное развитие ФП отмечено у 16 (18,4%) пациентов спустя 10 месяцев после имплантации ЭКС. При сравнении групп с ФП и без ФП с помощью критерия Стъюдента и непараметрического критерия Фишера были выявлены факторы, ассоциирующиеся с ФП: наличие АВБ (р=0,004), мужской пол (р=0,01), дилатация левого предсердия (р=0,04), доля правожелудочковой стимуляции >60% (р=0,009), доля предсердной стимуляции <35% (р=0,04), длительность детектируемой АВ-задержки <180мсек (р=0,03). Методом бинарной логистической регрессии выявлено 2 независимых предиктора ФП: длительность детектируемой АВ-задержки <180 мс и принадлежность к мужскому полу. Наличие в ЭКС алгоритма, способствующего спонтанному АВ проведению, достоверно снижало развитие ФП только при СССУ (р=0,02)

    Photoluminescence and X-ray fluorescence of complex oxides upon selective photon excitation

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    The visible and ultraviolet photoluminescence of multicomponent beryllium-containing oxides Be2SiO4Be_{2}SiO_{4}, BeAl2O4BeAl_{2}O_{4}, and Be3Al2Si6O18Be_{3}Al_{2}Si_{6}O_{18} upon selective photon excitation in the vacuum ultraviolet (6–15 eV) and ultrasoft X-ray (50–150 eV) ranges is investigated. X-ray fluorescence in the range 60–115 eV upon excitation with X-ray photons is independently studied. Using comparative analysis of dissipation of the primary electronic-excitation energy via two channels of radiative relaxation of secondary excitations, the role of different cation sublattices of multicomponent oxides in the fundamental processes of electronic-excitation evolution is established