609 research outputs found

    The actual view of Russian and German students on innovations, economic growth and welfare

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The relevance of the investigated problem lies in the increasing role of innovation as a factor of welfare growth and sustainability of socio-economic development in each country. The purpose of the study is to describe the current state of significant economic and social concepts in the associative respect. The leading method used in the study of this problem was an associative experiment in order to reveal free associations to the concepts of "innovation", "growth" and "welfare"of Russian and German students. This article introduces and discusses the results of the conducted cross-cultural associative experiment. The "innovation", "economic growth" and "welfare" concepts have a wide range of associations given by the respondents. Within the associative field there are core associations, typical for 22.5-56.5% of the respondents and the side associations (from 64-70 of lexical units). The study makes a contribution to studying language and mental representations of economic and social concepts and can be useful for teaching sociology, cultural science and concept studies


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    The present review is devoted to the risk factors of osteoporosis progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), both relevant and irrelevant to the main disease. It is assumed that the most important predictors of the bone mineral density decrease is severe course of RA, significant functional disability (according to HAQ), glucocorticoid therapy, elderly age, low body mass index and menopause. However, despite the vast amount of studies, results on the risk factors of osteoporosis remain ambiguous and require further investigation

    Analgesic treatment, by using a systemic algorithm

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    To control musculoskeletal pain (MSP) is an important component of combination treatment for systemic inflammatory rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis, and a major area of therapy for osteoarthritis and nonspecific back pain. Pain development is associated with a number of pathogenetic mechanisms: local involvement; involvement of the elements of the ligamentous apparatus; chronic muscle tension; biomechanical disorders; dysfunction of the nociceptive system. This necessitates a comprehensive approach during analgesic therapy, with combined use of drugs having a different mechanism of analgesic action. This review considers the targets of pharmacotherapy for MSP and the main groups of medications that may affect them. The paper proposes an analgesic treatment algorithm based on the diagnosis of individual elements of the pathogenesis of chronic MSP and on the successive assessment of treatment results

    Association of the rs2167270 polymorphism of the leptin gene (LEP) with the intensity of pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee

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    Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a significant social problem as it is the most common disease of the joints. OA is a multifactorial disease in which great attention is paid to hereditary factors. Recently, a number of studies have demonstrated the contribution of a number of genes to the subjective assessment of pain in OA, which is the main symptom of this disease. The association of P2X7, TRPV1 and TACR1 genes and some others with pain sensitivity has been shown. One of the risk factors of pain among many others, is the increased weight. Abdominal adipose tissue is a source of release of pro-inflammatory adipokines that cause systemic inflammation associated with damage to many tissues, including subchondral bone, synovial membrane. Leptin is an endogenous hormone from the adipokine family encoded by the obesity gene leptin (LEP) and which is synthesized primarily in adipocytes.Aims: To investigate the possible association of rs2167270 (A19G) polymorphism of the LEP gene with pain intensity in ­patients with knee OA.Materials and methods: The study was conducted among women diagnosed with OA. Using the VAS scale (Visual analog scale), patients with mild knee pain — group 1 (VAS ≤ 40 mm) and patients with moderate or severe pain — group 2 (VAS>40 mm) were selected for pain assessment. Genetic variants of A19G leptin gene polymorphism were studied by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length analysis (PCR-RFLP) method.Results: In the group of patients with moderate or severe pain intensity (group 2, n=61), a statistically significant association was shown with a higher body mass index (p=0.006) and an increased frequency of carriers of the 19GG genotype (p=0,051) compared to group 1 (n=36). Carriers of the 19GG genotype statistically significantly had a higher rate of knee pain and an early age of OA debut compared to carriers of the 19AA genotype (p=0,035 and p=0,015, respectively).Conclusions: The findings open up new possibilities for predicting pain symptoms in patients with knee OA by genetic testing of A19G polymorphic variants of the leptin gene

    Influence of organic solvents and surfactants on photoactivation process of dielectric materials

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    For the photoselective activation of the surface of inorganic dielectric materials and fiberglass with an epoxy-rubber adhesive layer, compositions based on copper(II) compounds containing sodium salts of anthraquinon sulfonic acids and secondary sorbitol and ethanol as an optical sensitizer can be used. The metallization process of dielectric materials, in particular, copper plating is autocatalytic. The catalyst is the surface of an already formed copper coating. The concentration of catalytically active centers on the surface of the dielectric should be high enough to produce the high-quality solid copper coating. Organic solvents (dimethylformamide and dimethylsulfoxide) are entered a photosensitive composition for an increase in the amount of copper(II) at the surfaces of the dielectric. They are used at a stage of swelling of an epoxyrubber adhesive layer of fiber glasses by preparation of a dielectric surface. In this case, the photosensitive composition is fixed on the surface of the dielectric not only due to microroughness but also is capable to get deep into the bulked-up adhesive layer. The amount of copper(II) deposited on the surface of the dielectric in the composition of the photocomposition was determined using atomic absorption (AAMA) and X-ray diffraction fluorescence analysis methods (RSFA). It is established that the amount of copper(II) on the surface of the dielectric increases by 2a3 times at increase in time of drawing photocomposition from 0.5 to 5 of minutes. Thus, the photosensitive layer is fixed on the dielectric surface not only due to microroughness but also due to the adsorption of photocomposition by an adhesive layer. It is shown that the amount of copper(II) on a surface is more than when drawing photocomposition with dimethylformamide when drawing on the dielectric of the photocomposition containing 10% volume a dimethylsulfoxide. This suggests that the swelling of the adhesive layer in DMSO is more effective. It is established that the introduction of organic solvents into the photoactivator composition increases the concentration of copper(II) on the surface and in the adhesive layer. For the best fixing of photocomposition on the surface of the dielectric material, the photoactivator was entered into the structure of the photoactivator. Introduction to the structure of the photoactivator of surfactants increases the speed of photorestoration of copper(II) in a dry layer of the photoactivator. Surfactants increase the amount of copper(II) by the surfaces of the dielectric and promote the best distribution of the photoactivator. Nonionic surfactant of the OP-10 brand as a part of the photoactivator considerably increases adhesion of a metal coating to the dielectric. © 2019 Author(s)

    Restoration of Catalytic Activity of the Drawing of the Printed Circuit Board at Photoselective Activation of Fibreglasses

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    In the production technology of printed circuit boards by an additive method photoselective activation of dielectric materials finds broad application. The photoadditive technology is a multistage process. Photosensitive compositions for activation of dielectrics are the difficult multicomponent systems which are turning on the photopro-motor (copper acetate), an optical sensitizer (sodium salts of anthraquinonesulfonic acids), secondary reducer (sorbite, ethyl alcohol), the component (citric acid) interfering process of hydrolysis of the photopro-motor and maintaining value pH solution at the set level. The major requirement to activation of a surface is ensuring high catalytic activity of the metallized substrate which is defined by the nature of the catalyst of sedimentation of copper in solutions of a chemical copper plating. The high catalytic activity of the metallized surface provides sedimentation of compact, strong and uniform films of metal. Catalystically active centers need to be created under the influence of ultra-violet radiation for obtaining the set drawing of the scheme on a surface and in openings of the printed circuit board at further chemical metallization. Restoration of copper(II) to copper(I) and to metal happens in the course of exhibiting of a photosensitive layer on the basis of compounds of copper(II). The formed drawing of the scheme consists generally of particles of a cuprous oxide, metal copper and oxide of copper. Loss of activity by some sites of a surface results from oxidation, pollution, dissolution or washing off particles of the catalyst. The complete recovery of copper(II) and copper(I) is received in the solutions containing except alkali and formaldehyde of copper complexing agent: trilon B, sodium-potassium tartrate, ethylenediamine. Reliable restoration of catalytic activity of the drawing of the printed circuit board happens at a temperature of 20a25 °C during processing of 3a5 minutes. At interaction of solution of this structure and a cuprous oxide metal copper and a soluble complex of copper (II) from which copper (II) is restored in water alkaline solutions by formaldehyde to metal is formed Cu2O + H2O + C4H4O6 2- = Cu0 + Cu(OH)2C4H4O6. Potassium-sodium tartrate is used as a ligand in technological process with tartratny solution of a thick-layer chemical copper plating. Then after restoration of catalytic activity of the drawing of the scheme the printed circuit board can be brought in solution of a thick-layer chemical medneniye without intermediate washing. © 2019 Author(s)

    Teaching physical chemistry: Developing and using an electronic course in the discipline

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    An electronic course (EC) "Physical Chemistry"was created on the basis of the Hypermethod platform for full-time bachelors of the Chemical and Technological Institute of the Ural Federal University (180 people in 2019). The developed EC refers to mixed (hybrid) courses. It combines the classroom work of students in lectures and laboratory work and work on the Hypermode platform to fulfill educational tasks. The choice of the course model is due to both the specifics of the training discipline and the peculiarities of the content of the curriculum of the discipline. Most of the course is e-Learning. It includes the performance of 4 calculation works in physical chemistry. Each design work contains 2 to 4 tasks. Each task provides for arbitrary variation of the option number for each student, and the total number of options for one task is 20-22 options. © 2021 Author(s)

    Estimation of production consistency of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis components of the DTP vaccine using Shewhart charts

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    The Russian Federation puts special emphasis on vaccination-related issues, in accordance with the WHO recommendations. The fact that vaccination, in particular with the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTP vaccine), covers large population groups, accounts for the relevance of research aimed at improving the quality of vaccines. One of the ways to produce vaccines of assured quality is to maintain consistent manufacturing processes that ensure consistency of product characteristics. The stability of the technological processes may be assessed using Shewhart charts. The aim of the study was to assess the production consistency of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis components of DTP vaccine using Shewhart control charts. Materials and methods: the study used data from 60 batch summary protocols of a Russian-produced DTP vaccine that were submitted to the Testing Centre of the Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products from September 2017 until April 2020. The study assessed one of the main vaccine quality characteristics—specific (protective) activity of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis components. Shewhart charts for the diphtheria and tetanus components were constructed based on the manufacturer’s summary protocols, while Shewhart charts for the pertussis component were constructed based on both summary protocols and the results obtained by the Testing Centre during certification of the product batches. The Shewhart charts were used in accordance with the national standards GOST R 50779.42-99 and GOST R ISO 7870-2-2015. Results: a retrospective analysis of R- and X-charts covering a 2.5-year period revealed some characteristic trends in special-cause criteria. The most alarming situation was observed for the production of the diphtheria component. The technological processes were somewhat safer in the case of the tetanus and pertussis components. The production process lacked due statistical control, which is confirmed by the lack of correlation between the results of the pertussis component activity assessment obtained by the manufacturer and the Testing Centre. Conclusions: during the analysed period, the production of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis components of the DTP vaccine was not always consistent. This highlights the need to conduct research aimed at standardisation of both production processes and control test conditions