930 research outputs found

    Innovation in Plant-Greenhouse Interactions and Crop Management

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    (Semi)-closed greenhouses allow for better control of climate conditions compared to conventional greenhouses. To make the high investments for such greenhouses economically feasible, substantial yield increases are necessary. In north-Europe supplementary assimilation light in greenhouse horticulture is increasingly used to improve yield and product quality to meet market demands for year-round production and to obtain a more regular labor demand throughout the year. Using inter-lighting instead of lights only on top of the crop, and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), could increase substantially light and energy efficiency. As soon as LEDs will reach high enough efficiency and feasible price, they are expected to replace high pressure sodium lamps in greenhouse horticulture. Another important issue is the choice of the greenhouse cover which should be optimized from the crop point of view. A cover with high transmission of light, but low transmission of NIR, results in a better climate during the warm season (reduced temperatures, less crop transpiration, higher CO2-concentration possible because of reduced ventilation demand). Increasing the diffusive power of the cover material could result in a better distribution of the radiation over the crop canopy, therefore leading to substantial increase in absorbed radiation (up to 20% for highly diffusive covers) and improving radiation use efficiency and yield. Under these new conditions (high CO2 and high light levels) other genotypes than the present cultivars may be superior. However, the possible effect of breeding especially for these new conditions is still little investigated. Under improved crop management, maintaining leaf area index high enough and controlling source-sink balance is discussed. In conclusion, there are a lot of possibilities to further improve yield and quality of greenhouse produce, and meanwhile reduce the input of fossil fuel energy

    Possibilities for soilless cultivation in cut chrysanthemum: Effect of irrigation frequencies and spacing schedules

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    Three levels of irrigation frequencies, provided by root misting, combined with three plant densities and two spacing treatments were tested to evaluate the optimum conditions during the first crop stages of chrysanthemum in a soilless cultivation system (aeroponics) in an experiment conducted in autumn. The optimum misting frequency was 3¿2’ times ¿ min h-1. A higher frequency (12¿1’) had no additional effect, whereas the lowest frequency (1¿6’) had a negative effect on total shoot dry mass (TDMs). The highest plant densities (172 and 344 plants m-2) could be used until week 2 with hardly any negative effect on TDMs, and resulted in higher light interception and higher total shoot dry mass per m2. During the period between week 2 and 4 after planting, a higher density (172 compared to 86 plants m-2) had a strong negative impact on the TDMs, while a further increase to 344 plants m-2 had only a minor effect. When spacing (week 2) from 344 to 172 plants m-2, TDMs at week 4 was not negatively affected by the high starting density, though spacing from 172 to 86 plants m-2 resulted in a 13% reduced TDMs, as compared to plants grown at 86 plants m-2 continuously. It is concluded that the irrigation frequency until week 4 after planting under these light conditions, should be three times per hour. Furthermore, very high plant densities (e.g., 344 plants m-2) are feasible until week 2 with hardly any negative effects on plant growth, while spacing schemes give several possibilities for a smaller reduction of the TDMs, than that expected by the higher initial densities

    A simulation study on the interactive effects of radiation and plant density on growth of cut chrysanthemum

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    In the present study, we used a photosynthesis-driven crop growth model to determine acceptable plant densities for cut chrysanthemum throughout the year at different intensities of supplementary light. Dry matter partitioning between leaves, stems, and flowers was simulated as a function of crop developmental stage. Leaf area index was simulated as leaf dry mass multiplied by specific leaf area, the latter being a function of season. Climatic data (hourly global radiation, greenhouse temperature, and CO2 concentration) and initial organ dry mass were model inputs. Assimilation lights were switched on and off based on time and ambient global radiation intensity. Simulated plant fresh mass with supplementary light (49 µmol m-2 s-1) for 52 cultivations (weekly plantings, reference plant densities, and length of the long and short day period) was used as reference plant fresh mass. For four other supplementary light intensities (31, 67, 85, and 104 µmol m-2 s-1), dry matter production was simulated with the reference plant density and length of the long and short day period for each planting week and plant fresh mass was calculated. The acceptable plant density was then calculated as the ratio between plant fresh mass and reference plant fresh mass multiplied by the reference density. Under low natural light intensities, plant density could be increased substantially (>30%) at increased supplementary light intensities, while maintaining the desired plant mass. Simulated light use efficiency (g additional dry mass ¿ MJ-1 additional supplementary light) was higher in winter (4.7) than in summer (3.5), whereas it hardly differed between the supplementary light intensities. This type of simulations can be used to support decisions on the acceptable level of plant density at different intensities of supplementary lighting or lighting strategies and on optimum supplementary light intensities

    Stochastic dynamic simulation of fruit abortion: a case study of sweet pepper

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    Abortion of reproductive organs diminishes yields in many crops. In indeterminate greenhouse crops, alternating periods of fruit abortion and fruit set exist, resulting in fluctuations in fruit yield. Factors affecting the level of abortion are e.g., the supply and demand for assimilates (source and sink strength, respectively), temperature and cultivar. However, simulation of fruit abortion is still a weak part of crop simulation models. Variation in fruit abortion exists between plants, which results in differences in the timing and the number of set fruits. Therefore, simulating fruit abortion with variation could give more realistic simulation results. The probability of a fruit to abort should be related to factors like source strength and sink strength. The more favourable the circumstances are for fruit abortion, e.g., low source strength or high sink strength, the more likely it is that the fruit aborts. Survival analysis estimates parameters quantifying the influence of explanatory variables on the abortion rate. Time-varying explanatory variables can be used in the analysis. In a case study, we used survival analysis to analyse a data set with observations on flowering, fruit abortion and fruit harvest for sweet pepper. Source and sink strength were used as explanatory variables. The resulting equation determining the probability of abortion per day was implemented in a simple simulation model to simulate fruit set. The model output, as an average of 100 plants, showed similar timing in the fluctuations in fruit set as the observations, although the amplitude of the fluctuations was in some cases underestimated. The percentage fruit set was simulated correctl

    Modelling postharvest quality behaviour as affected by preharvest conditions

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    Some hundred years ago, wise men decided that preharvest research and applications had to be regarded separated from the postharvest handling and behaviour. Over the years, both areas developed completely separated. Control over both areas was obtained by different companies and advisory boards, with mostly not too good means of communication between them. This decision hampered seriously the consistent and integral development of knowledge on food production and usage. Bridging the gap between all the knowledge and expertise available in the preharvest area of growing food and the postharvest area of storing and processing food, has become and is still becoming more and more important over the last couple of years. In this paper, based on theoretical considerations, on plausible (but unproven) mechanisms and applying the fundamental rules of chemical kinetics, a pathway to deduce general and generic models is developed towards a possible approach to integrate all available knowledge. Still the validity of this approach is not proven. However, a number of examples from both the applied as well as the fundamental point of view are elaborated to indicate such an interaction exists, and to indicate how to tackle the modelling problem. The examples range from physiological disorders like core brown, internal brown, chilling injury and the biological age of individual tomatoes in truss tomatoes as related to the maturity at harves

    Effect of Relative Air Himidity on the Stomatal Functionality in Fully Developed Leaves

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    Several studies have shown that stomata developed under long-term high relative air humidity (RH =85%) are malfunctional, resulting in a poor control of water loss. Yet, little is known about the dynamics of stomatal adaptation to moderate RH, and the possibilities to improve or reverse the destabilized stomatal responsiveness. In this study, a reciprocal transfer experiment was conducted in climate chambers using Rosa hybrida ‘Prophyta’, grown at moderate RH (60%) or at high RH (90%). The adaptation of fully developed leaves to the new RH environment was assessed at day 0, 4, 8 and 12 after plant transfer by measuring the transpiration rate in detached leaves. Stomata fully developed at high RH had a lower closing capacity in response to a decrease in leaf Relative Water Content (RWC) (i.e. water loss was considerably high at RWC below 20%, whereas in moderate RH stomata the water loss almost ceased at 57% RWC). Furthermore, stomata developed at high RH did not become functional after 12 days of cultivation at moderate RH. Similarly, stomata developed at moderate RH and transferred to high RH for a 12 day period did not loose their ability to close in response to desiccation. This indicates that stomatal functionality is determined during leaf development, while after this period stomata have a limited capacity to adapt to new RH environment. It is concluded that stomata from fully developed rose leaves conserve their behaviour independently of the post-development humidity leve

    Genotypic variation of cut chrysanthemum response to high CO2 concentration: Growth, time to flowering and visual quality

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    In this study sixteen cut chrysanthemum cultivars were used to evaluate the effects of high CO2 concentration (1500 µmol mol-1) on growth, time to flowering and visual quality as compared to the concentration used in commercial greenhouses (600 µmol mol-1). CO2 enrichment increased light use efficiency (11-41%) and total plant dry mass (TDM) (5-40%) in a cultivar dependent manner. This TDM increase was a result of: (i) higher relative growth rate during the long day period (i.e., 0 to 2 weeks; LD); and (ii) higher absolute growth rate both during the period between 2 to 6 weeks (SD1), and 6 weeks to final harvest (SD2). Cultivar differences in TDM at flowering between the two CO2 concentrations could be explained by differences in growth rate during the LD and SD2 periods. Furthermore, growing at high CO2 regime enhanced the number of flowers and flower buds per plant (NoF, 4-48%). Interestingly, the cultivars that showed the highest percentage of TDM increase, with CO2 enrichment, were not the ones that had the highest increase in the percentage of NoF. In contrast, high CO2 concentration had only a minor or no effect on the number of internodes on the main stem and on the reaction time in all the cultivars examined. From this research it is concluded that there is a large variation in the response of cut chrysanthemum cultivars to CO2 enrichment, in terms of TDM and NoF, which gives possibilities for breeding

    Climate and Yield in a closed greenhouse

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    The so-called closed greenhouse (closed ventilation windows) is a recent innovation in Dutch greenhouse industry. The technical concept consists of a heat pump, underground (aquifer) seasonal energy storage as well as daytime storage, air treatment units with heat exchangers, and air distribution ducts. Savings of up to 30% in fossil fuel and production increases by up to 20%, mainly because of the continuously high CO2 concentration, have been reported. Economic feasibility of this innovative greenhouse highly depends on the yield increase that can be obtained. In this simulation study the effects of greenhouse climate on tomato yield in a closed greenhouse are presented. The explanatory model INTKAM was used, which has several submodels e.g. for light interception, leaf photosynthesis and biomass partitioning. The closed greenhouse offers possibilities for combinations of light, temperature, air humidity and CO2 concentration that are impossible in a conventional greenhouse. At high CO2 concentration and high light intensity, leaf photosynthesis shows a more narrow optimum for temperature than at high CO2 and moderate light intensity. However, the response of crop photosynthesis to temperature has a much broader optimum than that of leaf photosynthesis. Besides photosynthesis, temperature also influences aspects like partitioning, leaf area development and fruit development. Yield potential reduces at temperatures above 26°C, with fruit set being one of the first processes that is negatively influenced by supra-optimal temperatures. Based on actual climatic conditions in a conventional and a closed greenhouse (same crop management) measured during two years, INTKAM predicts an increase in yield by about 17%. Hence, in a closed greenhouse a higher stem density can be maintained for obtaining the same average fruit weight (size) as in a conventional greenhouse. In 2005 actual yield increase was similar to the simulated one (16%), but in 2004 only a 9% higher yield was realized, at least partly because of botrytis infection in the closed greenhouse

    New Development in Greenhouse Technology can Mitigate the Water Shortage Problem of the 21st Century

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    The world's fresh accessible water situation is deteriorating at a dismal pace. Though the situation is already quite dramatic in Africa, the near future will bring us great problems in Asia as well, considering the pace at which the population is growing and the rise in water use per capita as the economy induces a raised demand. Agricultural consumption of fresh water is one of the main water uses world wide; however, it appears that protected cultivation of horticultural crops can alleviate the problem. Drip irrigation already reduces water use dramatically. However, novel high technological solutions in greenhouse production can lead the way to highly efficient water use production techniques. Adoption of more efficient water use techniques will contribute to sustainability, especially in highly populated urban areas. The novel Dutch technology of closed greenhouses could help develop water efficient production system

    Opportunities and constraints of tomato production in Eritrea

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    Tomato is an important vegetable in Eritrea, grown across the entire country. Yields in Eritrea are comparatively low, due to agronomic, institutional and market constraints. We carried out a survey throughout the country based on a participatory rural appraisal, discussion groups and interviews with staff members of the Ministry of Agriculture. Results showed that farmers preferred varieties with a prolonged harvesting period and a long storage life unless other varieties are better yielding and can immediately be marketed. However, their knowledge on varieties is limited while maintaining their own seeds. Seedlings are established in nurseries and subsequently transplanted once they have reached a height of 10 to 15 cm. Spacing, staking, pruning and irrigation are important aspects of proper crop management. Flower abortion is common in some areas and the crop is affected by several diseases and pests. The harvesting takes place over a prolonged period and timing of harvest of individual fruits is based on skin colour. There are significant price differences based on size grade. Seasonality of the crop causes problems with marketing and price fluctuation. It is recommended to improve the farmer’s knowledge on variety characteristics, to improve the seed systems and train the farmers in improved crop managemen
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