1,791 research outputs found

    Бачення провінції в живописі Ежего Дуди-Грача (Pojęcie prowincji w malarstwie jerzego dudy-gracza) (The Concept of the province in the paintings of Jerzy Duda-Gracz)

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    Єжи Дуда-Грач представив естетичний код провінції, який був змінений завдяки переміщенню в бік каліцтва, сакрального в профанський, присутній у його живописі. За допомогою цієї форми художник змінив елементи, що стосуються високої культури. Він використав гомбровичевску форму, через яку були висміяні топоси польської культури. Гротеск у живописі та його елементи спрямовані проти міфів і стереотипів. Через гротеск Дуда заперечує істини, відомі людям, а також знищує те, що, здавалося святим, виставляє на посміховисько очевидні факти, овульгаризовує мистецтво, створюючи пародію і велич. Присутня деградація возвеличених символів і перенесення їх на грунт повсякденного життя. Аналізуючи «Голгофу Ясної Гори» можна зробити висновок, що залишаються непоміченими сучасниками святі речі, все те, що відомо суспільству, у Дуди втрачає сенс, як, наприклад, Христос, який для багатьох віруючих присутній тільки в церкві. Такі схеми, живопис цього художника руйнує і демонструє обмеженість і простоту людей, здавалося б, віруючих. Світ зображений Дудою, це трагічний світ, у якому людина не знаходить внутрішньої гармонії та спокою. (Zaprezentowany kod estetyczny prowincji, który uległ zmianie, przesunięciu w stronę brzydoty, sacrum w profanum, które obecne są w zapożyczeniach malarskich Jerzego Dudy-Gracza. Poprzez formy artysta zdegradował elementy przynależące do kultury wysokiej. Wykorzystał gombrowiczowską formę, poprzez którą ośmieszone zostały toposy kultury polskiej. Groteska w malarstwie Jerzego Dudy-Gracza i jej elementy wymierzone są przeciwko mitom i stereotypom. Poprzez groteskę Duda.) (Jerzy Duda-Gracz presented the aesthetic code of the province that has been changed by moving to the side of the ugliness, the sacred in the profane, presents in his paintings. Using this form the artist is degraded elements relating to high culture. He used gombrowicz’s form, through which were teases toposes of Polish culture. The grotesque in painting and its elements, is directed against myths and stereotypes. Through the grotesque Duda denies the truth known to people, and destroys that seemingly Holy, puts on mock obvious facts, posset and degrades the art, parodying his greatness. There is a degradation of the lofty themes, characters, and transfer them to the soil of everyday life. Analyzing the Golgotha of Jasna Góra, we can conclude that contemporaries go unnoticed is a sacred thing, all what is known in the society – for Duda is meaningless, as, for example, Christ, for many believers is present only in the Church. Such schemes, the artist of this painting, destroys and shows the stupidity and simplicity of the people, it would seem, believers. The world depicted by Duda-a tragic world where a person can not find their inner harmony and tranquility.

    Modelling the health-economic impact of the next influenza pandemic in The Netherlands

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    To optimally develop or adjust national contingency plans to respond to the next influenza pandemic, we developed a decision type model and estimated the total health burden and direct medical costs during the next possible influenza pandemic in the Netherlands on the basis of health care burden during a regular epidemic. Using an arithmetic decision tree-type model we took into account population characteristics, varying influenza attack rates, health care consumption according to the Dutch health care model and all-cause mortality. Actual direct medical cost estimates were based on the Dutch guidelines for pharmaco-economic evaluation. In the base-case scenario with no preventive measure available and an average influenza attack rate of 30%, 4,958,188 influenza infections, 1,552,687 GP consultations, 83,515 hospitalizations and 173,396 deaths will take place in The Netherlands. The burden is highest in adults aged 20 to 64 years. If minimizing the total mortality and sustaining highest net economic returns is the objective, this group needs to be targeted in interventions. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

    Comparing and calibrating black hole mass estimators for distant active galactic nuclei

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    Black hole mass is a fundamental property of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In the distant universe, black hole mass is commonly estimated using the MgII, Hbeta, or Halpha emission line widths and the optical/UV continuum or line luminosities, as proxies for the characteristic velocity and size of the broad-line region. Although they all have a common calibration in the local universe, a number of different recipes are currently used in the literature. It is important to verify the relative accuracy and consistency of the recipes, as systematic changes could mimic evolutionary trends when comparing various samples. At z=0.36, all three lines can be observed at optical wavelengths, providing a unique opportunity to compare different empirical recipes. We use spectra from the Keck Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to compare black hole mass estimators for a sample of nineteen AGNs at this redshift. We compare popular recipes available from the literature, finding that mass estimates can differ up to 0.38+-0.05 dex in the mean (or 0.13+-0.05 dex, if the same virial coefficient is adopted). Finally, we provide a set of 30 internally self consistent recipes for determining black hole mass from a variety of observables. The intrinsic scatter between cross-calibrated recipes is in the range 0.1-0.3 dex. This should be considered as a lower limit to the uncertainty of the black hole mass estimators.Comment: ApJ in press, 11 pages, 10 figure

    AFM of metallic nano-particles and nano-structures in heavily irradiated NaCl

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    AFM investigations are reported for heavily, electron irradiated NaCl crystals in ultra high vacuum (UHV) in the non-contact mode with an UHV AFM/STM Omicron system. To avoid chemical reactions between the radiolytic Na and oxygen and water, the irradiated samples were cleaved and prepared for the experiments in UHV. At the surface of freshly cleaved samples, we have observed sodium nano-precipitates with shapes, which depend on the irradiation dose and the volume fraction of the radiolytic Na. It appears that the nano-structures consist of (i) isolated nano-particles, (ii) more or less random aggregates of these particles, (iii) fractally shaped networks and (iv) ‘‘fabrics’’ consisting of bundles of Quasi-1D arrays forming polymeric networks of nano-particles. Almost independent of the concentration of the metallic Na in the samples the size of the individual nano-particles is in the range 1–3 nm. Our new AFM results are fully in line with our CESR and previous Raman scattering results.

    The potential economic value of influenza vaccination for healthcare workers in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the clinical evidence, influenza vaccination coverage of healthcare workers remains low. To assess the health economic value of implementing an influenza immunization program among healthcare workers (HCW) in University Medical Centers (UMCs) in the Netherlands, a cost-benefit model was developed using a societal perspective. METHODS/PATIENTS: The model was based on a trial performed among all UMCs in the Netherlands that included both hospital staff as well as patients admitted to the pediatrics and internal medicine departments. The model structure and parameters estimates was based on the trial and complemented with literature research, and the impact of uncertainty explored with sensitivity analyses. RESULTS: In a base-case scenario without vaccine coverage, influenza related annual costs were estimated at € 410,815 for an average UMC with 8,000 HCWs and an average occupancy during the influenza period of 6,000 hospitalized patients. Of these costs, 82% attributed to the HCWs and 18% were patient related. With a vaccination coverage of 15.47%, the societal program's savings were € 2,861 which corresponds to a saving of € 270.53 per extended hospitalization. Univariate sensitivity analyses show that the results are most sensitive to changes in the model parameters vaccine effectiveness in reducing influenza-like-illness (ILI) and the vaccination-related costs. CONCLUSION: In addition to the decreased burden of patient morbidity among hospitalized patients, the effects of the hospital immunization program slightly outweigh the economic investments. These outcomes may support healthcare policy makers' recommendations about the influenza vaccination program for healthcare workers. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Utilidade da determinação consecutiva da proteína C reactiva no follow-up da pneumonia adquirida na comunidade

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    Resumo: A pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC) é a principal causa de morte devido a doença infecciosa no mundo ocidental, sendo responsável por um número superior a 20 hospitalizações/ano por mil habitantes.As guidelines internacionais preconizam a antibioterapia combinada, como seja a associação de um β-lactâmico e de um macrólido no tratamento inaugural da PAC grave. Tal facto implica a utilização de cuidados de saúde oneroso e o consumo elevado de antibióticos, contribuindo, assim, para o aparecimento de resistências bacterianas.Nos EUA, os custos do tratamento da PAC excedem os doze biliões de dólares e, em muitos países desenvolvidos, observa-se um aumento da resistência aos macrólidos.Uma vez determinada a etiologia da PAC, a antibioterapia direccionada para o agente patogénico em causa pode ser iniciada. No entanto, até agora, não foi encontrada um biomarcador suficientemente sensível e específico para orientar a terapêutica inaugural, devendo ser criados protocolos com essa finalidade.Os autores do presente trabalho estudaram a relevância da determinação consecutiva da proteína C reactiva (PCR) no follow-up de doentes com PAC, avaliando o valor preditivo da normalização tardia dos níveis séricos da PCR relativamente ao risco de administração de antibioterapia inapropriada e a um prognóstico desfavorável.Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo multicêntrico controlado conduzido em cinco hospitais universitários holandeses, entre Junho de 2000 e Julho de 2003, sobre a eficácia clínica da instituição empírica de terapêutica antibiótica intravenosa ou oral na PAC.A PAC foi definida pela presença de, pelo menos, dois sintomas de infecção respiratória baixa aguda antes da admissão hospitalar e de um infiltrado pulmonar âde novoâ ou em progressão na radiografia do tórax. A classificação como grave está relacionada com um score no índice de gravidade PSI â Pneumonia severity index >90 ou de acordo com a definição da American Thoracic Society.Foram excluídos indivíduos com pneumonia intersticial, fibrose quística, colonização a gram negativos devido a lesão estrutural do aparelho respiratório, esperança de vida 25c/min; Sat O2 <90% por oximetria de pulso; PaO2 <55mmHg), instabilidade hemodinâmica, alteração súbita do estado de consciência, admissão numa unidade de cuidados intensivos ou morte nos 3 primeiros dias após a admissão. A falência tardia foi decretada pela deterioração clínica ou complicações, incluindo a morte, necessidade de ventilação mecânica, reintrodução de antibioterapia IV após instituição de antibióticos orais, readmissão por infecção pulmonar após alta hospitalar ou pirexia após melhoria inicial no período de follow-up.O atraso na normalização da PCR foi definido por um declínio < 60% nos níveis da PCR no dia 3 e < 90% no dia 7.Foram englobados 289 doentes com uma idade média de 69,7±13,8 anos. Os scores dos índices PSI e APACHE II foram respectivamente 112,4±25,7 e 13,8±4,6. Outras patologias estavam presentes em 180 indivíduos: I cardíaca congestiva, neoplasia, doença cerebrovascular, I renal crónica, doença hepática e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC). O nível sérico médio da PCR na admissão foi de 174mg/l, tendo sido ligeiramente inferior nos doentes submetidos a antibioterapia em ambulatório (135mg/l) e nos indivíduos sob corticoterapia inalatória (146mg/l). Não se verificou associação entre os níveis da PCR e as características demográficas ou a presença de comorbilidade. Cerca de 232 (80,3%) doentes receberam um β-lactâmico em monoterapia como terapêutica empírica inicial e 47 (16,3%) terapêutica combinada de um β-lactâmico com um macrólido.Em 122 (89,1%) dos 137 doentes com etiologia confirmada, a antibioterapia empírica foi considerada adequada. Um total de 20 indivíduos (6,9%) morreram durante o período de follow-up e 9 foram transferidos para uma unidade de cuidados intensivos.O diagnóstico etiológico foi estabelecido em 137 (47,4%) doentes, sendo o S. pneumoniae o mais frequente (19% dos casos). Os valores da PCR mais elevados foram observados nos doentes infectados por S. pneumoniae (278mg/l) seguido pela L. pneumophila (247mg/l), H. influenzae (214mg/l), S. aureus (187mg/l), Enterobacteriaciae (129mg/l), C. pneumoniae (115mg/l), M. catarihalis (64mg/l) e M. pneumoniae (49mg/l). Doentes infectados com agentes patogénicos múltiplos tinham um valor médio da PCR, na admissão, de 213mg/l. Os doentes com etiologia desconhecida tinham uma concentração média, na admissão, inferior aos indivíduos com confirmação bacteriológica (140mg/l versus 209mg/l).A determinação da PCR foi efectuada na admissão em todos os indivíduos, em 264 (91,3%) no dia 3 e em 210 no dia 7 do internamento. O declínio médio da PCR foi de 38,4% até ao dia 3 e de 80,9% na primeira semana de follow-up. Os doentes com tratamento antibiótico inapropriado tinham uma normalização mais lenta dos níveis da PCR. O declínio <60% no dia 3 e <90% no dia 7 estava associado a um maior risco de terapêutica empírica inadequada. Os doentes com atraso na normalização dos níveis de PCR na primeira semana apresentavam uma taxa de mortalidade superior, mas tal facto não foi estatisticamente significativo.Doentes com atraso na normalização da PCR no dia 3 tinham um ligeiro aumento do risco de apresentar falência terapêutica precoce ou tardia, mas tal facto não foi estatisticamente significativo

    Do Naked Singularities Form?

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    A naked singularity is formed by the collapse of a Sine-Gordon soliton in 1+1 dimensional dilaton gravity with a negative cosmological constant. We examine the quantum stress tensor resulting from the formation of the singularity. Consistent boundary conditions require that the incoming soliton is accompanied by a flux of incoming radiation across past null infinity, but neglecting the back reaction of the spacetime leads to the absurd conclusion that the total energy entering the system by the time the observer is able to receive information from the singularity is infinite. We conclude that the back reaction must prevent the formation of the naked singularity.Comment: 7 pages (21 Kb), PHYZZX. Revised version to appear in Class. & Quant. Grav. Letts. A discussion of the consistency of the Sine-Gordon model is include

    Collaborative efforts are needed to improve use of influenza immunisation in Europe

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    Influenza is among the infectious diseases with the highest incidence and associated serious morbidity and mortality that can be prevented by vaccination. </jats:p