614 research outputs found

    Semantic Object Parsing with Graph LSTM

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    By taking the semantic object parsing task as an exemplar application scenario, we propose the Graph Long Short-Term Memory (Graph LSTM) network, which is the generalization of LSTM from sequential data or multi-dimensional data to general graph-structured data. Particularly, instead of evenly and fixedly dividing an image to pixels or patches in existing multi-dimensional LSTM structures (e.g., Row, Grid and Diagonal LSTMs), we take each arbitrary-shaped superpixel as a semantically consistent node, and adaptively construct an undirected graph for each image, where the spatial relations of the superpixels are naturally used as edges. Constructed on such an adaptive graph topology, the Graph LSTM is more naturally aligned with the visual patterns in the image (e.g., object boundaries or appearance similarities) and provides a more economical information propagation route. Furthermore, for each optimization step over Graph LSTM, we propose to use a confidence-driven scheme to update the hidden and memory states of nodes progressively till all nodes are updated. In addition, for each node, the forgets gates are adaptively learned to capture different degrees of semantic correlation with neighboring nodes. Comprehensive evaluations on four diverse semantic object parsing datasets well demonstrate the significant superiority of our Graph LSTM over other state-of-the-art solutions.Comment: 18 page

    Comparison of System Call Representations for Intrusion Detection

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    Over the years, artificial neural networks have been applied successfully in many areas including IT security. Yet, neural networks can only process continuous input data. This is particularly challenging for security-related non-continuous data like system calls. This work focuses on four different options to preprocess sequences of system calls so that they can be processed by neural networks. These input options are based on one-hot encoding and learning word2vec or GloVe representations of system calls. As an additional option, we analyze if the mapping of system calls to their respective kernel modules is an adequate generalization step for (a) replacing system calls or (b) enhancing system call data with additional information regarding their context. However, when performing such preprocessing steps it is important to ensure that no relevant information is lost during the process. The overall objective of system call based intrusion detection is to categorize sequences of system calls as benign or malicious behavior. Therefore, this scenario is used to evaluate the different input options as a classification task. The results show, that each of the four different methods is a valid option when preprocessing input data, but the use of kernel modules only is not recommended because too much information is being lost during the mapping process.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, submitted to CISIS 201

    Regularized Neural User Model for Goal-Oriented Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    User simulation is widely used to generate artificial dialogues in order to train statistical spoken dialogue systems and perform evaluations. This paper presents a neural network approach for user modeling that exploits an encoder-decoder bidirectional architecture with a regularization layer for each dialogue act. In order to minimize the impact of data sparsity, the dialogue act space is compressed according to the user goal. Experiments on the Dialogue State Tracking Challenge 2 (DSTC2) dataset provide significant results at dialogue act and slot level predictions, outperforming previous neural user modeling approaches in terms of F1 score.Spanish Minister of Science under grants TIN2014-54288-C4-4-R and TIN2017-85854-C4-3-R and by the EU H2020 EMPATHIC project grant number 769872

    Modeling the Temporal Nature of Human Behavior for Demographics Prediction

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    Mobile phone metadata is increasingly used for humanitarian purposes in developing countries as traditional data is scarce. Basic demographic information is however often absent from mobile phone datasets, limiting the operational impact of the datasets. For these reasons, there has been a growing interest in predicting demographic information from mobile phone metadata. Previous work focused on creating increasingly advanced features to be modeled with standard machine learning algorithms. We here instead model the raw mobile phone metadata directly using deep learning, exploiting the temporal nature of the patterns in the data. From high-level assumptions we design a data representation and convolutional network architecture for modeling patterns within a week. We then examine three strategies for aggregating patterns across weeks and show that our method reaches state-of-the-art accuracy on both age and gender prediction using only the temporal modality in mobile metadata. We finally validate our method on low activity users and evaluate the modeling assumptions.Comment: Accepted at ECML 2017. A previous version of this paper was titled 'Using Deep Learning to Predict Demographics from Mobile Phone Metadata' and was accepted at the ICLR 2016 worksho

    Deep Recurrent Modelling of Stationary Bitcoin Price Formation Using the Order Flow

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    In this paper we propose a deep recurrent model based on the order flow for the stationary modelling of the high-frequency directional prices movements. The order flow is the microsecond stream of orders arriving at the exchange, driving the formation of prices seen on the price chart of a stock or currency. To test the stationarity of our proposed model we train our model on data before the 2017 Bitcoin bubble period and test our model during and after the bubble. We show that without any retraining, the proposed model is temporally stable even as Bitcoin trading shifts into an extremely volatile "bubble trouble" period. The significance of the result is shown by benchmarking against existing state-of-the-art models in the literature for modelling price formation using deep learning.Comment: 10 pages, The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computin

    Visual Text Correction

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    Videos, images, and sentences are mediums that can express the same semantics. One can imagine a picture by reading a sentence or can describe a scene with some words. However, even small changes in a sentence can cause a significant semantic inconsistency with the corresponding video/image. For example, by changing the verb of a sentence, the meaning may drastically change. There have been many efforts to encode a video/sentence and decode it as a sentence/video. In this research, we study a new scenario in which both the sentence and the video are given, but the sentence is inaccurate. A semantic inconsistency between the sentence and the video or between the words of a sentence can result in an inaccurate description. This paper introduces a new problem, called Visual Text Correction (VTC), i.e., finding and replacing an inaccurate word in the textual description of a video. We propose a deep network that can simultaneously detect an inaccuracy in a sentence, and fix it by replacing the inaccurate word(s). Our method leverages the semantic interdependence of videos and words, as well as the short-term and long-term relations of the words in a sentence. In our formulation, part of a visual feature vector for every single word is dynamically selected through a gating process. Furthermore, to train and evaluate our model, we propose an approach to automatically construct a large dataset for VTC problem. Our experiments and performance analysis demonstrates that the proposed method provides very good results and also highlights the general challenges in solving the VTC problem. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first of its kind for the Visual Text Correction task

    Deep Big Simple Neural Nets Excel on Handwritten Digit Recognition

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    Good old on-line back-propagation for plain multi-layer perceptrons yields a very low 0.35% error rate on the famous MNIST handwritten digits benchmark. All we need to achieve this best result so far are many hidden layers, many neurons per layer, numerous deformed training images, and graphics cards to greatly speed up learning.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 4 listing

    Peak Forecasting for Battery-based Energy Optimizations in Campus Microgrids

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    Battery-based energy storage has emerged as an enabling technology for a variety of grid energy optimizations, such as peak shaving and cost arbitrage. A key component of battery-driven peak shaving optimizations is peak forecasting, which predicts the hours of the day that see the greatest demand. While there has been significant prior work on load forecasting, we argue that the problem of predicting periods where the demand peaks for individual consumers or micro-grids is more challenging than forecasting load at a grid scale. We propose a new model for peak forecasting, based on deep learning, that predicts the k hours of each day with the highest and lowest demand. We evaluate our approach using a two year trace from a real micro-grid of 156 buildings and show that it outperforms the state of the art load forecasting techniques adapted for peak predictions by 11-32%. When used for battery-based peak shaving, our model yields annual savings of $496,320 for a 4 MWhr battery for this micro-grid.Comment: 5 pages. 4 figures, This paper will appear in the Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy'20), June 202

    Investigation on N-gram Approximated RNNLMs for Recognition of Morphologically Rich Speech

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    Recognition of Hungarian conversational telephone speech is challenging due to the informal style and morphological richness of the language. Recurrent Neural Network Language Model (RNNLM) can provide remedy for the high perplexity of the task; however, two-pass decoding introduces a considerable processing delay. In order to eliminate this delay we investigate approaches aiming at the complexity reduction of RNNLM, while preserving its accuracy. We compare the performance of conventional back-off n-gram language models (BNLM), BNLM approximation of RNNLMs (RNN-BNLM) and RNN n-grams in terms of perplexity and word error rate (WER). Morphological richness is often addressed by using statistically derived subwords - morphs - in the language models, hence our investigations are extended to morph-based models, as well. We found that using RNN-BNLMs 40% of the RNNLM perplexity reduction can be recovered, which is roughly equal to the performance of a RNN 4-gram model. Combining morph-based modeling and approximation of RNNLM, we were able to achieve 8% relative WER reduction and preserve real-time operation of our conversational telephone speech recognition system.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication at SLSP 201