26,646 research outputs found

    Prospects for computing airfoil aerodynamics with Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes codes

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    The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically for a variety of transonic airfoil configurations where viscous phenomena are important. Illustrative examples include flows past sensitive geometries, Reynolds number effects, and buffet phenomena

    On some numerical difficulties in integrating the equations for one-dimensional nonequilibrium nozzle flow

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    Numerical difficulties in integrating equations for one dimensional nonequilibrium nozzle flow of ga

    Development and validation of an ELISA to detect antibodies to Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in ovine sera

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    Several enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) have been developed for the detection of antibodies to Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, the causative agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA). However, none are commercially available in the UK. It was therefore necessary to develop a new, economic ELISA for use in a research project studying the epidemiology of CLA in UK sheep. The ELISA with its diagnostic qualities is presented. The ELISA was developed using sonicated C. pseudotuberculosis and optimised to detect total antibody or IgG class antibody in serum. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained and the area under the ROC curve was used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of the two ELISAs. Both versions of the ELISA were evaluated on a panel of 150 positive reference sera and 103 negative reference sera. Using the test at 100% specificity, the sensitivity of detection of total antibody was 71% (95% confidence interval 63-78%), and the 2 sensitivity of detection of IgG antibody to C. pseudotuberculosis was 83% (76-89%), which compares favourably with other reported ELISA tests for CLA in sheep. The sensitivity of the IgG antibody assay may be higher because of the greater affinity of IgG class antibodies compared with the IgM antibodies also detected by the total antibody ELISA. The results of ROC analysis indicated that the IgG isotype ELISA was more accurate than the total antibody ELISA. The efficiency of the test was greatest when serum samples were run in a dilution series than when any single serum dilution was used. The ELISA is considered to be suitable for application in field studies of CLA in UK sheep

    Laboratory Measurements Of White Dwarf Photospheric Spectral Lines: H Beta

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    We spectroscopically measure multiple hydrogen Balmer line profiles from laboratory plasmas to investigate the theoretical line profiles used in white dwarf (WD) atmosphere models. X-ray radiation produced at the Z Pulsed Power Facility at Sandia National Laboratories initiates plasma formation in a hydrogen-filled gas cell, replicating WD photospheric conditions. Here we present time-resolved measurements of H beta and fit this line using different theoretical line profiles to diagnose electron density, n(e), and n = 2 level population, n2. Aided by synthetic tests, we characterize the validity of our diagnostic method for this experimental platform. During a single experiment, we infer a continuous range of electron densities increasing from n(e) similar to 4 to similar to 30 x 10(16) cm(-3) throughout a 120-ns evolution of our plasma. Also, we observe n(2) to be initially elevated with respect to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE); it then equilibrates within similar to 55 ns to become consistent with LTE. This supports our electrontemperature determination of T-e similar to 1.3 eV (similar to 15,000 K) after this time. At n(e) greater than or similar to 10(17) cm(-3), we find that computer-simulation-based line-profile calculations provide better fits (lower reduced chi(2)) than the line profiles currently used in the WD astronomy community. The inferred conditions, however, are in good quantitative agreement. This work establishes an experimental foundation for the future investigation of relative shapes and strengths between different hydrogen Balmer lines.Laboratory Directed Research and Development programUnited States Department of Energy DE-AC04-94AL85000, DE-SC0010623National Science Foundation DGE-1110007Astronom

    Prevalence of sulfonamide resistance genes in bacterial isolates from manured agricultural soils and pig slurry in the United Kingdom

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    Prevalence of three sulfonamide resistance genes, sul1, sul2 and sul3 and sulfachloropyridazine (SCP) resistance was determined in bacteria isolated from UK manured agricultural clay soils and slurry samples, over a two year period. Slurry from tylosin-fed pigs amended with SCP and oxytetracycline (OTC) was used for manuring. Sul gene positive isolates were further screened for the presence of class 1 and 2 integrons. Phenotypic resistance to SCP was significantly higher in pig slurry and post application soil than in pre-application soil. Of 5isolates, 23 % carried sul1, 18 % sul2 and 9 % sul3 only. Two percent of isolates contained all three sul genes. Class 1 and class 2 integrons were identified in 5 % and 11.7 % of sul positive isolates. In previous reports, sul1 was linked to class 1 integrons, but in this study only 8 % of sul1 positive isolates carried the intI1 gene. Sulfonamide resistant pathogens were identified in slurry amended soil and soil leachate, including Shigella flexneri, Aerococcus spp. and Acinetobacter baumanni, suggesting a potential environmental reservoir. Sulfonamide resistance in Psychrobacter, Enterococcus and Bacillus spp. is reported for the first time, and this study also provides the first description of the genotype sul1, sul2 and sul3 outside the Enterobacteriacae, and in the soil environment

    Salmonella in Livestock

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    Salmonella in livestock discusses what salmonella are and why they are important. Addressed are sources of infection, prevention and treatment, and precautions for human food products. Included is information on the disease in swine, cattle, poultry, and other animals

    High accuracy results for the energy levels of the molecular ions H2+, D2+ and HD+, up to J=2

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    We present a nonrelativistic calculation of the rotation-vibration levels of the molecular ions H2+, D2+ and HD+, relying on the diagonalization of the exact three-body Hamiltonian. The J=2 levels are obtained with a very high accuracy of 10^{-14} a.u. (for most levels) representing an improvement by five orders of magnitude over previous calculations. The accuracy is also improved for the J=1 levels of H2+ and D2+ with respect to earlier works. Moreover, we have computed the sensitivities of the energy levels with respect to the mass ratios, allowing these levels to be used for metrological purposes.Comment: 11 page

    qq-Trinomial identities

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    We obtain connection coefficients between qq-binomial and qq-trinomial coefficients. Using these, one can transform qq-binomial identities into a qq-trinomial identities and back again. To demonstrate the usefulness of this procedure we rederive some known trinomial identities related to partition theory and prove many of the conjectures of Berkovich, McCoy and Pearce, which have recently arisen in their study of the Ď•2,1\phi_{2,1} and Ď•1,5\phi_{1,5} perturbations of minimal conformal field theory.Comment: 21 pages, AMSLate
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