8 research outputs found

    Some morphological factors of resistance of the bronchial wall to the development of chronic obstructive lung disease in smoking individuals

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    According to current epidemiological studies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) develops in only 15-20 % of smokers. This suggests that exposure to tobacco smoke is just a trigger of the pathological process, and other pathophysiological factors play a key role in the development of COPD. The aim of the study was to perform morphological analysis of bronchial mucosa features in smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Material and research methods. Morphological and electron-microscopic analysis of biopsy samples of the bronchial mucosa of smoking patients with (n = 40) and without (n = 30) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was carried out. The study involved men (80.2 % of men) and women aged 42 to 67 years (62.3 ± 2.24 years) with smoking experience of more than 20 years and smoking intensity of 20-45 pack-years. In the main group was a verified diagnosis of COPD. All patients of the studied groups underwent morphological, morphometric counting of bulk densities of various types of epithelial cells and structures of their lamina propria of the bronchial mucosa, as well as the density of inflammatory infiltrate and various cell populations, immunohistochemical (typing of CD4- and CD8positive lymphocytes, expression of transforming growth factor β1 receptors) and electron microscopic analysis of bronchobioptates.Results and discussion. Smokers without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease develop exudative inflammation, which does not violate the structural architectonics of the epithelial layer, but causes activation of proteinsynthetic and energy processes in the epithelial cells of the bronchial wall. With prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke associated with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic neutrophilic inflammation forms in the bronchial mucosa, leading to a violation of the functional morphology of the vessels and epithelial cells of the bronchial mucosa, followed by remodeling of the bronchial wall

    Stimulation of Liver Regeneration Using a Titanium Nickelide Implant (Experimental Study)

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    Currently, morbidity and mortality from chronic diffuse diseases of the liver and cirrhosis continue to increase worldwide. The difficulty of stabilizing the process with pharmacological agents, lots of restrictions for liver transplantation, the palliative character of the surgical correction of complications determine the urgency of finding various ways to stimulate liver regeneration, including surgical ones. Most of the known methods of surgical stimulation of regeneration are quite traumatic, and their stimulating effect is short-lived. The methods associated with cellular technologies are mostly expensive, ineffective, or poorly understood. In the experimental study, the effect on the parenchyma of a healthy and cirrhotic liver clips for clamping parenchymal organs exerting different unit pressure on the tissue was studied. The object of the study was laboratory rats with a healthy liver and animals with simulated cirrhosis. The animals were operated on with the imposition of titanium nickelide clips on the liver. Changes in the liver were studied 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after the surgery by histological examination of various parts of the liver. It was established that the clip with a lower specific pressure did not cause tissue necrosis, led to atrophy of the marginal part of the liver, also increased hepatocytes and binuclear hepatocytes were observed in the bulk of the liver. A decrease in the proportion of connective tissue was also observed in groups with liver cirrhosis. Thus, we consider it possible to use clips with a certain specific pressure on the tissue as a method of stimulating the reparative properties of the liver in chronic diffuse diseases and cirrhosis of the live

    Сократительные реакции гладких мышц воздухоносных путей при бронхиальной астме в эксперименте

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    Mechanographical method helped to investigate retractive reactions of unstriped muscle оf auriferous ways at bronchial asthma in the experiment that guinea-pigs had. Sensitization of guinea-pigs by ovalbumin leads to the development of hypersensibility to inhalation of this protein with external characteristics of abnormality of bronchial patency. This process is followed by decomposition of epithelium of bronchi, development of immune inflammation in bronchial wall and hypertrophy of muscle layer. In sensibilized beings there was observed the development of hype reactivity of unstriped muscles of auriferous ways on histamine. It appears in histamine of liminal concentration and increasing of maximal amplitude of contraction. Reactions on choline ergine and β2-adrenergine effect didn't change.Механографическим методом у морских свинок исследовались сократительные реакции гладких мышц воздухоносных путей при бронхиальной астме в эксперименте. Сенсибилизация животных овальбумином приводит к развитию гиперчувствительности к ингаляции данного белка с внешними признаками нарушения бронхиальной проходимости в виде кашля и одышки. Морфологически данный процесс сопровождается деструкцией эпителия бронхов, развитием иммунного воспаления в бронхиальной стенке и гипертрофией мышечного слоя. У сенсибилизированных животных отмечалось развитие гиперреактивности гладких мышц воздухоносных путей на воздействие гистамина, что проявляется в значительном снижении пороговых концентраций и увеличении максимальной амплитуды сокращения. Реакции на холинэргические и β2-адренэргические воздействия при этом практически не изменялись

    Влияние гипертрофии больших слюнных желез на ультраструктуру сперматогенного эпителия крыс

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    Purpose. The aim of this study was to ascertain the characteristics of major salivary glands endocrine effect onspermatogenesis.Materials and methods. Mature white outbred male rats (2 months, 153 ± 18 g) consisted of the following groups (each containing 30 rats): intact, control, and group of rats subjected to multiple amputation of incisors. To achieve hypertrophy of major salivary glands multiple amputation of incisors was performed: incisors were cut to a level of 1-2 mm above the gingival margin under ether anesthesia once every 3 days within 2 weeks. Animals of the control group were anesthetized with ether at the same time. Rats were sacrificed by CO2 asphyxia after 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks after the first amputation of incisors. Fragments of the rat testes were examined on a JEM-1400 “JEOL” (Japan) transmission electron microscope. On electron microscopy images the specific vacuolization of the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids (standard units) was analyzed by the point counting method. In spermatogenic cells the proportion of mitochondria (%) with morphological signs of swelling was assessed.Results. Transient ultrastructural changes of Sertoli and spermatogenic cells develop in the rats convoluted seminiferous tubules as a result of multiple amputation of the incisors, such as phagosomes and pronounced vacuolization in the Sertoli cells cytoplasm, cytoplasm vacuolization and mitochondrial swelling in spermatogenic cells. Sporadic spermatogenic cells with signs of nuclear (chromatin fragmentation, its condensation on the periphery of the nucleus) and cytoplasm (destruction of membrane organelles) destruction appeared as a result of multiple incisors’ amputation. Ultrastructural changes of Sertoli and spermatogenic cells are most pronounced at 2-3 weeks, decrease at 4 week and are completely leveled by the 6th week of the experiment.Conclusion. Hypertrophy of major salivary glands, caused by multiple amputations of incisors, has similar to sialoadenectomy effect on the spermatogenic epithelium. Multiple incisors’ amputation cause transient  depression of granular convoluted cells function. Probably submandibular gland granular convoluted tubules cells endocrine factors make the greatest contribution to the regulation of spermatogenesis in rats. Цель. Выяснение особенностей эндокринного влияния больших слюнных желез на сперматогенез половозрелых крыс.Материалы и методы. Половозрелые белые беспородные самцы крыс (возраст 2 мес, масса тела (153 ± 18) г) составили три группы (по 30 особей): интактная, контрольная и крысы, подвергшиеся многократной ампутации резцов. Для оценки эндокринного  влияния эпителиоцитов ацинусов и протоков больших слюнных желез моделировали их гипертрофию путем многократной ампутации резцов. Крыс выводили из эксперимента на 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, 8- и 10-ю нед после первой ампутации резцов. Семенники животных оценивали при помощи трансмиссионной электронной микроскопии. На электронограммах анализировали удельный объем вакуолизации цитоплазмы сустентоцитов, сперматогоний, сперматоцитов и сперматид (усл. ед.), в сперматогенных клетках оценивали количество митохондрий (%) с морфологическими признаками набухания.Результаты. В ранние сроки эксперимента в извитых семенных канальцах крыс развивается вакуолизация цитоплазмы сустентоцитов, а также ультраструктурные изменения сперматогенных клеток (вакуолизация цитоплазмы, альтерация митохондрий, разрушение мембранных органелл, фрагментация хроматина). Изменения структуры  сперматогенных клеток и сустентоцитов максимально выражен на 2–3-й нед, снижаются  на 4-й нед и полностью нивелируются к 6-й нед эксперимента.Заключение. Гипертрофия больших слюнных желез, вызванная многократной  ампутацией резцов, оказывает на сперматогенный эпителий влияние, схожее с эффектом сиалоаденэктомии. В результате многократной ампутации резцов угнетается  функциональное состояние клеток гранулярных извитых трубок поднижнечелюстных желез. Эндокринные факторы, которые вносят наибольший вклад в регуляцию  сперматогенеза у крыс, вырабатываются клетками гранулярных извитых трубок

    Эффективность фликсотида у больных атопической бронхиальной астмой

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    Bronchial washouts (BW) were studied in patients with atopic bronchial asthma (BA) exacerbation. Flixotid’s efficacy was assessed based on dynamics of clinical signs and BW parameters after 3-month application of the drug. In bronchial asthma exacerbation BW showed the high cytosis (2.31 ±0.05 • 106/l); cell contents displayed the increased eosinophyls (5.06±0.62%), lymphocytes (14.73±0.41%), neutrophyls (5.49±0.55%) number and lowering in macrophages amount (38.89±2.01%). Secretory lysozyme activity (35.24±2.16%) and SlgA level (0.22±0.01g/l) were reduced, IgG concentration was increased.After the therapy with Flixotid distinct positive changes in clinical signs and peak flow rate were noted. It was observed a significant cytosis reduction, a diminishing in the inflammatory cells amount, and an increase in macrophages number in BW. Comparative analysis of BW humoral indices found a reliable increase in lysozyme activity and SlgA level and also a lowering in IgG concentration.The data obtained give the evidence concerning Flixotid’s anti-inflammatory efficiency.Проведено изучение бронхиальных смывов (БС) у больных атопической бронхиальной астмой (БА) в стадии обострения и оценена эффективность фликсотида по динамике клинической картины и показателей БС после 3-месячного применения препарата. При оценке БС в период обострения БА регистрировался высокий цитоз (2,31±0,05 * 106/л), клеточный состав характеризовался повышенным содержанием эозинофилов (5,06±0,62%), лимфоцитов (14,73±0,41 %), нейтрофилов (5,49±0,55%) и снижением макрофагов (38,89±2,01%), а также снижением активности секреторного лизоцима (35,24±2,16%), уровня SlgA (0,22±0,01 г/л), повышением уровня IgG. После проведенной терапии фликсотидом отмечена отчетливая положительная динамика клинической картины, показателей пикфлоуметрии. В БС наблюдалось достоверное снижение цитоза, уменьшение количества воспалительных клеток и увеличение макрофагов.При сравнительном анализе гуморальных показателей в БС отмечено достоверное увеличение активности лизоцима, уровня SlgA и снижение уровня IgG. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о противовоспалительном эффекте препарата

    Carbonyl stress phenomena during chronic infection with Opisthorchis felineus.

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    Infection with the fish borne liver fluke Opisthorchis felineus is common in the Eastern Europe (Ukraine, European part of Russia), Northern Asia (Siberia) and Central Asia (Northern Kazakhstan). Better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of the biliary tract and liver during chronic opisthorchiasis can be expected to improve protection against and management of complications of this disease. We hypothesize that infection with O. felineus associates with formation of methylglyoxal and carbonyl stress in the liver and hence here we investigated the glyoxalase system and the receptor for advanced glycated end products (RAGE) in the liver of hamsters infected with this liver fluke. Expression of mRNA encoding glyoxalase 1 decreased at 8 weeks of the infection and catalytic activity as well decreased at 8 and 12 weeks after infection, and the expression of the glyoxalase 2 decreased until 36 week post infection, which associated with the decreasing activity of the enzyme at 8, 12 week post infection. Glutathione levels in infected livers had decreased at week 8, whereas up-regulation of RAGE at mRNA levels was seen for the extended duration of the experimental infection of the hamsters. This outcome supported the notion of hepatic dicarbonyl stress during chronic opisthorchiasis. The inhibition of the glyoxalase system and accumulation of methylgyloxal at the early stages of the infection may underpin development of insulin resistance during opisthorchiasis