322 research outputs found

    Effect of Fasciola hepatica proteins on the functioning of rat hepatocytes

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    Fasciolosis is a hepatic parasitic infection that affects many mammal species and creates a great economic and veterinary problem. Molecular mechanisms of parasite–hepatocyte interactions have not been precisely characterized yet. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate alterations in the metabolic activity of rat liver cells exposed to Fasciola hepatica somatic proteins. Hepatocytes were incubated with 0–1 mg/ml of fluke's somatic proteins for various periods of time. Afterward, changes in hepatocytes metabolic activity were determined with MTT and enzyme leakage tests. Hepatocytes' capacity to synthesize albumin was also investigated. It was observed that protein concentration, as well as longevity of their action, influenced metabolic activity of rat liver cells. Diminution of hepatocytes survival rate, an increase in enzyme leakage and altered synthetic capacity after treatment with parasite's proteins were reported. It is concluded that somatic proteins of F. hepatica may play an important role in liver cell damaging

    Influence of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in the synthesis of luminescent NaYF4:Yb,Er upconversion nanoparticles

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    Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) can be used to produce upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) in an advantageous manner, i.e. at modest temperatures in open-to-air conditions with simple hotplate and flask apparatus. However, the influence of PVP parameters on the formation of UCNPs has not been previously investigated. In this exploratory study, we establish that PVP molecular weight and relative amount of PVP can greatly influence the morphology and diameter of NaYF4:Yb,Er UCNPs produced via the PVP-assisted route. At nominal amounts of PVP, varying the molecular weight of PVP in synthesis between 10,000 g/mol (PVP10), 40,000 g/mol (PVP40), and 55,000 g/mol (PVP55), had minimal effect on UCNP morphology, whereas reducing the quantity of PVP10 and PVP40 in the reaction to 10% of the nominal amount resulted in two notable effects: (1) the generation of a greater range of UCNP diameters and (2) the production of an unexpected sub-population of rhombus-shaped UCNPs. Bulk and individual nanoparticle analysis indicates that all UCNP morphologies were cubic (α-phase) crystal structure and consisted of NaYF4:Yb,Er. Optical emission properties exhibited only modest green and red luminescence emission ratio when PVP parameters were varied. However, separately produced PVP40 NaYF4:Yb,Tm UCNPs exhibited a much more intense and dual-band blue /red emission. This exploratory work demonstrates that tailoring PVP content in synthesis of UCNPs can greatly alter morphology of UCNPs produced and should be carefully considered in experimental design. However, the underlying mechanisms of action of the role PVP plays in this synthesis remain unclear. Ultimately, significant further work is still required to fully elucidate the relevant chemistry to achieve full control of PVP-UCNP synthesis

    Treatment of landfill leachate by constructed wetlands

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    The performance of three constructed wetlands systems treating landfill leachate is described. Two are located in northern Poland (Szadolki near Gdansk and Gatka near Miastko) and one in southern Sweden (Örebro). The constructed wetlands in Szadolki consists of two parallel silty soil beds planted with reed with sub-surface horizontal flow of sewage. The constructed wetland in Gatka is a willow plantation on sandy soil, receiving leachate after preliminary sedimentation in a retention pond. The system in Örebro consists of a series of ponds with a surface flow of leachate, preceded by pre-treatment in an aerated tank with nitrogen stripping. The best treatment efficiencies were observed at Örebro. At the sub-surface flow wetlands in Szadolki and Gatka clogging problems occurred due to the unsatisfactory pre-treatment and low soil hydraulic conductivity resulting in lower treatment efficiencies

    Physical activity levels as a quantifier in police officers and cadets

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to determine the physical activity levels of active duty police officers and police academy cadets in different life domains and intensities. These parameters were treated as potential quantifiers that could be used when assessing individuals preparing for work as future police officers. Material and Methods: The study recruited 153 active police officers and 176 cadets attending a police academy and administered a diagnostic survey, the long-form version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, while in the statistical analysis the Student's t-test for independent groups was applied. Results: It was determined that police officers present high physical activity levels within the work domain, which are developed from initial training at a police academy and then throughout their police career. Conclusions: Such data are important in the light of the role police officers play in public safety as well as the prominence of physical activity within a particular profession and how it can be targeted and tailored to their needs

    Study on Phylogenetic Relationships, Variability, and Correlated Mutations in M2 Proteins of Influenza Virus A

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    M2 channel, an influenza virus transmembrane protein, serves as an important target for antiviral drug design. There are still discordances concerning the role of some residues involved in proton transfer as well as the mechanism of inhibition by commercial drugs. The viral M2 proteins show high conservativity; about 3/4 of the positions are occupied by one residue in over 95%. Nine M2 proteins from the H3N2 strain and possibly two proteins from H2N2 strains make a phylogenic cluster closely related to 2RLF. The variability range is limited to 4 residues/position with one exception. The 2RLF protein stands out by the presence of 2 serines at the positions 19 and 50, which are in most other M2 proteins occupied by cysteines. The study of correlated mutations shows that there are several positions with significant mutational correlation that have not been described so far as functionally important. That there are 5 more residues potentially involved in the M2 mechanism of action. The original software used in this work (Consensus Constructor, SSSSg, Corm, Talana) is freely accessible as stand-alone offline applications upon request to the authors. The other software used in this work is freely available online for noncommercial purposes at public services on bioinformatics such as ExPASy or NCBI. The study on mutational variability, evolutionary relationship, and correlated mutation presented in this paper is a potential way to explain more completely the role of significant factors in proton channel action and to clarify the inhibition mechanism by specific drugs
