1,170 research outputs found

    AC-driven quantum spins: resonant enhancement of transverse DC magnetization

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    We consider s=1/2 spins in the presence of a constant magnetic field in z-direction and an AC magnetic field in the x-z plane. A nonzero DC magnetization component in y direction is a result of broken symmetries. A pairwise interaction between two spins is shown to resonantly increase the induced magnetization by one order of magnitude. We discuss the mechanism of this enhancement, which is due to additional avoided crossings in the level structure of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Turing pattern outside of the Turing domain

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    There are two simple solutions to reaction-diffusion systems with limit-cycle reaction kinetics, producing oscillatory behaviour. The reaction parameter μ\mu gives rise to a ‘space-invariant’ solution, and μ\mu versus the ratio of the diffusion coefficients gives rise to a ‘time-invariant’ solution. We consider the case where both solution types may be possible. This leads to a refinement of the Turing model of pattern formation. We add convection to the system and investigate its effect. More complex solutions arise that appear to combine the two simple solutions. The convective system sheds light on the underlying behaviour of the diffusive system

    Limit cycles in the presence of convection, a first order analysis

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    We consider a diffusion model with limit cycle reaction functions. In an unbounded domain, diffusion spreads pattern outwards from the source. Convection adds instability to the reaction-diffusion system. We see the result of the instability in a readiness to create pattern. In the case of strong convection, we consider that the first-order approximation may be valid for some aspects of the solution behaviour. We employ the method of Riemann invariants and rescaling to transform the reduced system into one invariant under parameter change. We carry out numerical experiments to test our analysis. We find that most aspects of the solution do not comply with this, but we find one significant characteristic which is approximately first order. We consider the correspondence of the Partial Differential Equation with the Ordinary Differential Equation along rays from the initiation point in the transformed system. This yields an understanding of the behaviour

    AC field induced quantum rectification effect in tunnel junctions

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    We study the appearance of directed current in tunnel junctions, quantum ratchet effect, in the presence of an external ac field f(t). The current is established in a one-dimensional discrete inhomogeneous "tight-binding model". By making use of a symmetry analysis we predict the right choice of f(t) and obtain the directed current as a difference between electron transmission coefficients in opposite directions, ΔT=TLR−TRL\Delta T = T^{LR}-T^{RL}. Numerical simulations confirm the predictions of the symmetry analysis and moreover, show that the directed current can be drastically increased by a proper choice of frequency and amplitudes of the ac field f(t).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Magnetic field induced control of breather dynamics in a single plaquette of Josephson junctions

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    We present a theoretical study of inhomogeneous dynamic (resistive) states in a single plaquette consisting of three Josephson junctions. Resonant interactions of such a breather state with electromagnetic oscillations manifest themselves by resonant current steps and voltage jumps in the current-voltage characteristics. An externally applied magnetic field leads to a variation of the relative shift between the Josephson current oscillations of two resistive junctions. By making use of the rotation wave approximation analysis and direct numerical simulations we show that this effect allows to effectively control the breather instabilities, e. g. to increase (decrease) the height of the resonant steps and to suppress the voltage jumps in the current-voltage characteristics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin filters with Fano dots

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    We compute the zero bias conductance of electrons through a single ballistic channel weakly coupled to a side quantum dot with Coulomb interaction. In contrast to the standard setup which is designed to measure the transport through the dot, the channel conductance reveals Coulomb blockade dips rather then peaks due to the Fano-like backscattering. At zero temperature the Kondo effect leads to the formation of broad valleys of small conductance corresponding to an odd number of electrons on the dot. By applying a magnetic field in the dot region we find two dips corresponding to a total suppression in the conductance of spins up and down separated by an energy of the order of the Coulomb interaction. This provides a possibility of a perfect spin filter.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in European Physical Journal
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