100 research outputs found

    Impact flux of asteroids and water transport to the habitable zone in binary star systems

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    By now, observations of exoplanets have found more than 50 binary star systems hosting 71 planets. We expect these numbers to increase as more than 70% of the main sequence stars in the solar neighborhood are members of binary or multiple systems. The planetary motion in such systems depends strongly on both the parameters of the stellar system (stellar separation and eccentricity) and the architecture of the planetary system (number of planets and their orbital behaviour). In case a terrestrial planet moves in the so-called habitable zone (HZ) of its host star, the habitability of this planet depends on many parameters. A crucial factor is certainly the amount of water. We investigate in this work the transport of water from beyond the snow-line to the HZ in a binary star system and compare it to a single star system

    Disc-protoplanet interaction Influence of circumprimary radiative discs on self-gravitating protoplanetary bodies in binary star systems

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    Context. More than 60 planets have been discovered so far in systems that harbour two stars, some of which have binary semi-major axes as small as 20 au. It is well known that the formation of planets in such systems is strongly influenced by the stellar components, since the protoplanetary disc and the particles within are exposed to the gravitational influence of the binary. However, the question on how self-gravitating protoplanetary bodies affect the evolution of a radiative, circumprimary disc is still open. Aims. We present our 2D hydrodynamical GPU-CPU code and study the interaction of several thousands of self-gravitating particles with a viscous and radiative circumprimary disc within a binary star system. To our knowledge this program is the only one at the moment that is capable to handle this many particles and to calculate their influence on each other and on the disc. Methods. We performed hydrodynamical simulations of a circumstellar disc assuming the binary system to be coplanar. Our gridbased staggered mesh code relies on ideas from ZEUS-2D, where we implemented the FARGO algorithm and an additional energy equation for the radiative cooling according to opacity tables. To treat particle motion we used a parallelised version of the precise Bulirsch - Stoer algorithm. Four models in total where computed taking into account (i) only N-body interaction, (ii) N-body and disc interaction, (iii) the influence of computational parameters (especially smoothing) on N-body interaction, and (iv) the influence of a quiet low-eccentricity disc while running model (ii). The impact velocities where measured at two different time intervals and were compared. Results. We show that the combination of disc- and N-body self-gravity can have a significant influence on the orbit evolution of roughly Moon sized protoplanets

    Spectral properties of near-Earth and Mars-crossing asteroids using Sloan photometry

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    The nature and origin of the asteroids orbiting in near-Earth space, including those on a potentially hazardous trajectory, is of both scientific interest and practical importance. We aim here at determining the taxonomy of a large sample of near-Earth (NEA) and Mars-crosser (MC) asteroids and analyze the distribution of these classes with orbit. We use this distribution to identify their source regions and to study the strength of planetary encounters to refresh asteroid surfaces. We measure the photometry of these asteroids over four filters at visible wavelengths on images taken by the SDSS. These colors are used to classify the asteroids into a taxonomy consistent with the widely used Bus-DeMeo taxonomy based on spectroscopy. We report here on the taxonomic classification of 206 NEAs and 776 MCs determined from SDSS photometry, representing an increase of 40% and 663% of known taxonomy classifications in these populations. Using the source region mapper by Greenstreet et al. (2012), we compare the taxonomic distribution among NEAs and main-belt asteroids of similar diameters. Both distributions agree at the few percent level for the inner part of the Main Belt and we confirm this region as a main source of near-Earth objects. The effect of planetary encounters on asteroid surfaces are also studied by developing a simple model of forces acting on a surface grain during planetary encounter, which provides the minimum distance at which a close approach should occur to trigger resurfacing events. By integrating numerically the orbit of the 519 S-type and 46 Q-type asteroids back in time and monitoring their encounter distance with planets, we seek to understand the conditions for resurfacing events. The population of Q-type is found to present statistically more encounters with Venus and the Earth than S-types, although both types present the same amount of encounters with Mars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icarus. 45 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, 2 tables in appendix (supplementary material

    The shape evolution of cometary nuclei via anisotropic mass loss

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    Context. Breathtaking imagery recorded during the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission confirmed the bilobate nature of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's nucleus. Its peculiar appearance is not unique among comets. The majority of cometary cores imaged at high resolution exhibit a similar build. Various theories have been brought forward as to how cometary nuclei attain such peculiar shapes. Aims. We illustrate that anisotropic mass loss and local collapse of subsurface structures caused by non-uniform exposure of the nucleus to solar irradiation can transform initially spherical comet cores into bilobed ones. Methods. A mathematical framework to describe the changes in morphology resulting from non-uniform insolation during a nucleus' spin-orbit evolution is derived. The resulting partial differential equations that govern the change in the shape of a nucleus subject to mass loss and consequent collapse of depleted subsurface structures are solved analytically for simple insolation configurations and numerically for more realistic scenarios. Results. The here proposed mechanism is capable of explaining why a large fraction of periodic comets appear to have peanut-shaped cores and why light-curve amplitudes of comet nuclei are on average larger than those of typical main belt asteroids of the same size.Comment: 4 pages of the main text, 2 pages of appendix, 4 figure

    High order three part split symplectic integrators: Efficient techniques for the long time simulation of the disordered discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    While symplectic integration methods based on operator splitting are well established in many branches of science, high order methods for Hamiltonian systems that split in more than two parts have not been studied in great detail. Here, we present several high order symplectic integrators for Hamiltonian systems that can be split in exactly three integrable parts. We apply these techniques, as a practical case, for the integration of the disordered, discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation (DDNLS) and compare their efficiencies. Three part split algorithms provide effective means to numerically study the asymptotic behavior of wave packet spreading in the DDNLS - a hotly debated subject in current scientific literature.Comment: 5 Figures, Physics Letters A (accepted

    Colliding Winds in Low-Mass Binary Star Systems: wind interactions and implications for habitable planets

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    Context. In binary star systems, the winds from the two components impact each other, leading to strong shocks and regions of enhanced density and temperature. Potentially habitable circumbinary planets must continually be exposed to these interactions regions. Aims. We study, for the first time, the interactions between winds from low-mass stars in a binary system, to show the wind conditions seen by potentially habitable circumbinary planets. Methods. We use the advanced 3D numerical hydrodynamic code Nurgush to model the wind interactions of two identical winds from two solar mass stars with circular orbits and a binary separation of 0.5 AU. As input into this model, we use a 1D hydrodynamic simulation of the solar wind, run using the Versatile Advection Code. We derive the locations of stable and habitable orbits in this system to explore what wind conditions potentially habitable planets will be exposed to during their orbits. Results. Our wind interaction simulations result in the formation of two strong shock waves separated by a region of enhanced density and temperature. The wind-wind interaction region has a spiral shape due to Coriolis forces generated by the orbital motions of the two stars. The stable and habitable zone in this system extends from approximately 1.4 AU to 2.4 AU. (TRUNCATED)Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, to be published in A&

    Efficient integration of the variational equations of multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems: Application to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice

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    We study the problem of efficient integration of variational equations in multi-dimensional Hamiltonian systems. For this purpose, we consider a Runge-Kutta-type integrator, a Taylor series expansion method and the so-called `Tangent Map' (TM) technique based on symplectic integration schemes, and apply them to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam β\beta (FPU-β\beta) lattice of NN nonlinearly coupled oscillators, with NN ranging from 4 to 20. The fast and accurate reproduction of well-known behaviors of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) chaos detection technique is used as an indicator for the efficiency of the tested integration schemes. Implementing the TM technique--which shows the best performance among the tested algorithms--and exploiting the advantages of the GALI method, we successfully trace the location of low-dimensional tori.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Asteroid flux towards circumprimary habitable zones in binary star systems: I. Statistical Overview

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    So far, multiple stellar systems harbor more than 130 extra solar planets. Dynamical simulations show that the outcome of planetary formation process can lead to various planetary architecture (i.e. location, size, mass and water content) when the star system is single or double. In the late phase of planetary formation, when embryo-sized objects dominate the inner region of the system, asteroids are also present and can provide additional material for objects inside the habitable zone (hereafter HZ). In this study, we make a comparison of several binary star systems and their efficiency to move icy asteroids from beyond the snow-line into orbits crossing the HZ. We modeled a belt of 10000 asteroids (remnants from the late phase of planetary formation process) beyond the snow-line. The planetesimals are placed randomly around the primary star and move under the gravitational influence of the two stars and a gas giant. As the planetesimals do not interact with each other, we divided the belt into 100 subrings which were separately integrated. In this statistical study, several double star configurations with a G-type star as primary are investigated. Our results show that small bodies also participate in bearing a non-negligible amount of water to the HZ. The proximity of a companion moving on an eccentric orbit increases the flux of asteroids to the HZ, which could result into a more efficient water transport on a short timescale, causing a heavy bombardment. In contrast to asteroids moving under the gravitational perturbations of one G-type star and a gas giant, we show that the presence of a companion star can not only favor a faster depletion of our disk of planetesimals but can also bring 4 -- 5 times more water into the whole HZ.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    High order three part split symplectic integrators: Efficient techniques for the long time simulation of the disordered discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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    While symplectic integration methods based on operator splitting are well established in many branches of science, high order methods for Hamiltonian systems that split in more than two parts have not been studied in great detail. Here, we present several high order symplectic integrators for Hamiltonian systems that can be split in exactly three integrable parts. We apply these techniques, as a practical case, for the integration of the disordered, discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (DDNLS) and compare their efficiencies. Three part split algorithms provide effective means to numerically study the asymptotic behavior of wave packet spreading in the DDNLS – a hotly debated subject in current scientific literature

    Prospects of the Detection of Circumbinary Planets With Kepler and CoRoT Using the Variations of Eclipse Timing

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    In close eclipsing binaries, measurements of the variations in binary's eclipse timing may be used to infer information about the existence of circumbinary objects. To determine the possibility of the detection of such variations with CoRoT and Kepler space telescopes, we have carried out an extensive study of the dynamics of a binary star system with a circumbinary planet, and calculated its eclipse timing variations (ETV) for different values of the mass-ratio and orbital elements of the binary and the perturbing body. Here, we present the results of our study and assess the detectability of the planet by comparing the resulting values of ETVs with the temporal sensitivity of CoRoT and Kepler. Results point to extended regions in the parameter-space where the perturbation of a planet may become large enough to create measurable variations in the eclipse timing of the secondary star. Many of these variations point to potentially detectable ETVs and the possible existence of Jovian-type planets.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio