158 research outputs found

    Mean-field expansion and meson effects in chiral condensate of analytically regularized Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio model

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    Scalar meson contributions in chiral quark condensate are calculated for analytically regularized Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio model in framework of mean-field expansion in bilocal-source formalism. Sigma-meson contribution for physical values of parameters is found to be small. Pion contribution is found to be significant and should be taken into account at the choice of the parameter values.Comment: 12 pages, Plain LaTex, no figures, final versio

    A superintegrable finite oscillator in two dimensions with SU(2) symmetry

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    A superintegrable finite model of the quantum isotropic oscillator in two dimensions is introduced. It is defined on a uniform lattice of triangular shape. The constants of the motion for the model form an SU(2) symmetry algebra. It is found that the dynamical difference eigenvalue equation can be written in terms of creation and annihilation operators. The wavefunctions of the Hamiltonian are expressed in terms of two known families of bivariate Krawtchouk polynomials; those of Rahman and those of Tratnik. These polynomials form bases for SU(2) irreducible representations. It is further shown that the pair of eigenvalue equations for each of these families are related to each other by an SU(2) automorphism. A finite model of the anisotropic oscillator that has wavefunctions expressed in terms of the same Rahman polynomials is also introduced. In the continuum limit, when the number of grid points goes to infinity, standard two-dimensional harmonic oscillators are obtained. The analysis provides the N→∞N\rightarrow \infty limit of the bivariate Krawtchouk polynomials as a product of one-variable Hermite polynomials

    A finite oscillator model related to sl(2|1)

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    We investigate a new model for the finite one-dimensional quantum oscillator based upon the Lie superalgebra sl(2|1). In this setting, it is natural to present the position and momentum operators of the oscillator as odd elements of the Lie superalgebra. The model involves a parameter p (0<p<1) and an integer representation label j. In the (2j+1)-dimensional representations W_j of sl(2|1), the Hamiltonian has the usual equidistant spectrum. The spectrum of the position operator is discrete and turns out to be of the form ±k\pm\sqrt{k}, where k=0,1,...,j. We construct the discrete position wave functions, which are given in terms of certain Krawtchouk polynomials. These wave functions have appealing properties, as can already be seen from their plots. The model is sufficiently simple, in the sense that the corresponding discrete Fourier transform (relating position wave functions to momentum wave functions) can be constructed explicitly

    Numerical modeling of permafrost dynamics in Alaska using a high spatial resolution dataset

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    Climate projections for the 21st century indicate that there could be a pronounced warming and permafrost degradation in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Climate warming is likely to cause permafrost thawing with subsequent effects on surface albedo, hydrology, soil organic matter storage and greenhouse gas emissions. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; To assess possible changes in the permafrost thermal state and active layer thickness, we implemented the GIPL2-MPI transient numerical model for the entire Alaska permafrost domain. The model input parameters are spatial datasets of mean monthly air temperature and precipitation, prescribed thermal properties of the multilayered soil column, and water content that are specific for each soil class and geographical location. As a climate forcing, we used the composite of five IPCC Global Circulation Models that has been downscaled to 2 by 2 km spatial resolution by Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP) group. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; In this paper, we present the modeling results based on input of a five-model composite with A1B carbon emission scenario. The model has been calibrated according to the annual borehole temperature measurements for the State of Alaska. We also performed more detailed calibration for fifteen shallow borehole stations where high quality data are available on daily basis. To validate the model performance, we compared simulated active layer thicknesses with observed data from Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) stations. The calibrated model was used to address possible ground temperature changes for the 21st century. The model simulation results show widespread permafrost degradation in Alaska could begin between 2040–2099 within the vast area southward from the Brooks Range, except for the high altitude regions of the Alaska Range and Wrangell Mountains

    The su(2)\mathfrak{su}(2) Krawtchouk oscillator model under the CP{\cal C}{\cal P} deformed symmetry

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    We define a new algebra, which can formally be considered as a CP{\cal C}{\cal P} deformed su(2)\mathfrak{su}(2) Lie algebra. Then, we present a one-dimensional quantum oscillator model, of which the wavefunctions of even and odd states are expressed by Krawtchouk polynomials with fixed p=1/2p=1/2, K2n(k;1/2,2j)K_{2n}(k;1/2,2j) and K2n(k−1;1/2,2j−2)K_{2n}(k-1;1/2,2j-2). The dynamical symmetry of the model is the newly introduced su(2)CP\mathfrak{su}(2)_{{\cal C}{\cal P}} algebra. The model itself gives rise to a finite and discrete spectrum for all physical operators (such as position and momentum). Among the set of finite oscillator models it is unique in the sense that any specific limit reducing it to a known oscillator models does not exist.Comment: Contribution to the 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Ghent, Belgium, 2014). To be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Exact solution of the position-dependent mass Schr\"odinger equation with the completely positive oscillator-shaped quantum well potential

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    Two exactly-solvable confined models of the completely positive oscillator-shaped quantum well are proposed. Exact solutions of the position-dependent mass Schr\"odinger equation corresponding to the proposed quantum well potentials are presented. It is shown that the discrete energy spectrum expressions of both models depend on certain positive confinement parameters. The spectrum exhibits positive equidistant behavior for the model confined only with one infinitely high wall and non-equidistant behavior for the model confined with the infinitely high wall from both sides. Wavefunctions of the stationary states of the models under construction are expressed through the Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials. In general, the Jacobi polynomials appearing in wavefunctions depend on parameters aa and bb, but the Laguerre polynomials depend only on the parameter aa. Some limits and special cases of the constructed models are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    The Wigner function of a q-deformed harmonic oscillator model

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    The phase space representation for a q-deformed model of the quantum harmonic oscillator is constructed. We have found explicit expressions for both the Wigner and Husimi distribution functions for the stationary states of the qq-oscillator model under consideration. The Wigner function is expressed as a basic hypergeometric series, related to the Al-Salam-Chihara polynomials. It is shown that, in the limit case h→0h \to 0 (q→1q \to 1), both the Wigner and Husimi distribution functions reduce correctly to their well-known non-relativistic analogues. Surprisingly, examination of both distribution functions in the q-deformed model shows that, when q≪1q \ll 1, their behaviour in the phase space is similar to the ground state of the ordinary quantum oscillator, but with a displacement towards negative values of the momentum. We have also computed the mean values of the position and momentum using the Wigner function. Unlike the ordinary case, the mean value of the momentum is not zero and it depends on qq and nn. The ground-state like behaviour of the distribution functions for excited states in the q-deformed model opens quite new perspectives for further experimental measurements of quantum systems in the phase space.Comment: 16 pages, 24 EPS figures, uses IOP style LaTeX, some misprints are correctd and journal-reference is adde
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