4,241 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal syndrome treated with global postural re-education in double-redo lung transplantation: a case report with an 8-month follow-up

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    Postoperative pain and persisting fatigue represent critical concerns for patients receiving lung transplantation. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the trajectory of symptoms in a patient who presented with a posttransplant musculoskeletal syndrome after double redo-lung transplantation and attended therapeutic sessions of global postural re-education during the symptomatic phase. A 32-year-old woman with interstitial lung disease underwent double lung transplantation. At 23 months, functional parameters deteriorated, and the patient was placed on the active list for a second double-lung transplantation. Twenty months after re-transplantation, the patient reported continuous thoracic-lumbar musculoskeletal pain exacerbated by moving or performing the standard motor activities. Lower body flexibility improved during the observation period changed from -10 cm to 0 cm at the Chair Sitand- Reach Test. Leg strength improved as well, and the patient was able to perform more repetitions at the Squat Test, improving from 14 to 39. Pain intensity changed from 7 to 4 on a numerical rating scale. We observed that outcomes strictly related to treatment, with lower body flexibility, pain intensity, and physical function improving over time. As a result global postural re-education proved to be effective in this patient

    Optimization of RPCs read-out panel with electromagnetic simulation

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    With the upgrade of the RPCs [1]-[2] and the increase of its performances, the study and the optimization of the read-out panel is necessary in order to maintain the signal integrity and to reduce the intrinsic crosstalk. Through Electromagnetic Simulation, performed with CST Studio Suite, new panels design are tested and their crosstalk property are studied. The behavior of different type of panel is shown, in particular a panel with the decoupling strip connected through their characteristic impedance to the ground plane is simulated

    Ageing test of the ATLAS RPCs at X5-GIF

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    An ageing test of three ATLAS production RPC stations is in course at X5-GIF, the CERN irradiation facility. The chamber efficiencies are monitored using cosmic rays triggered by a scintillator hodoscope. Higher statistics measurements are made when the X5 muon beam is available. We report here the measurements of the efficiency versus operating voltage at different source intensities, up to a maximum counting rate of about 700Hz/cm^2. We describe the performance of the chambers during the test up to an overall ageing of 4 ATLAS equivalent years corresponding to an integrated charge of 0.12C/cm^2, including a safety factor of 5.Comment: 4 pages. Presented at the VII Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors; Clermont-Ferrand October 20th-22nd, 200


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