8,125 research outputs found

    A study of compressible turbulent boundary layers using the method of invariant modeling

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    Model equations for studying compressible turbulen boundary layer

    N=2 Topological Yang-Mills Theory on Compact K\"{a}hler Surfaces

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    We study a topological Yang-Mills theory with N=2N=2 fermionic symmetry. Our formalism is a field theoretical interpretation of the Donaldson polynomial invariants on compact K\"{a}hler surfaces. We also study an analogous theory on compact oriented Riemann surfaces and briefly discuss a possible application of the Witten's non-Abelian localization formula to the problems in the case of compact K\"{a}hler surfaces.Comment: ESENAT-93-01 & YUMS-93-10, 34pages: [Final Version] to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    The effect of prolonged simulated non- gravitational environment on mineral balance in the adult male, volume 1 Final report

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    Effect of prolonged bed rest with simulated weightlessness on mineral balance in male adult - Vol.

    Topological Field Theory and Rational Curves

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    We analyze the superstring propagating on a Calabi-Yau threefold. This theory naturally leads to the consideration of Witten's topological non-linear sigma-model and the structure of rational curves on the Calabi-Yau manifold. We study in detail the case of the world-sheet of the string being mapped to a multiple cover of an isolated rational curve and we show that a natural compactification of the moduli space of such a multiple cover leads to a formula in agreement with a conjecture by Candelas, de la Ossa, Green and Parkes.Comment: 20 page

    State space c-reductions for concurrent systems in rewriting logic

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    We present c-reductions, a state space reduction technique. The rough idea is to exploit some equivalence relation on states (possibly capturing system regularities) that preserves behavioral properties, and explore the induced quotient system. This is done by means of a canonizer function, which maps each state into a (non necessarily unique) canonical representative of its equivalence class. The approach exploits the expressiveness of rewriting logic and its realization in Maude to enjoy several advantages over similar approaches: exibility and simplicity in the definition of the reductions (supporting not only traditional symmetry reductions, but also name reuse and name abstraction); reasoning support for checking and proving correctness of the reductions; and automatization of the reduction infrastructure via Maude's meta-programming features. The approach has been validated over a set of representative case studies, exhibiting comparable results with respect to other tools

    S-duality and Topological Strings

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    In this paper we show how S-duality of type IIB superstrings leads to an S-duality relating A and B model topological strings on the same Calabi-Yau as had been conjectured recently: D-instantons of the B-model correspond to A-model perturbative amplitudes and D-instantons of the A-model capture perturbative B-model amplitudes. Moreover this confirms the existence of new branes in the two models. As an application we explain the recent results concerning A-model topological strings on Calabi-Yau and its equivalence to the statistical mechanical model of melting crystal.Comment: 13 page

    Non-abelian gauge antisymmetric tensor fields

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    We construct the theory of non-abelian gauge antisymmetric tensor fields, which generalize the standard Yang-MIlls fields and abelian gauge p-forms. The corresponding gauge group acts on the space of inhomogeneous differential forms and it is shown to be a supergroup. The wide class of generalized Chern-Simons actions is constructed.Comment: 20 pages, Late

    Brst Cohomology and Invariants of 4D Gravity in Ashtekar Variables

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    We discuss the BRST cohomologies of the invariants associated with the description of classical and quantum gravity in four dimensions, using the Ashtekar variables. These invariants are constructed from several BRST cohomology sequences. They provide a systematic and clear characterization of non-local observables in general relativity with unbroken diffeomorphism invariance, and could yield further differential invariants for four-manifolds. The theory includes fluctuations of the vierbein fields, but there exits a non-trivial phase which can be expressed in terms of Witten's topological quantum field theory. In this phase, the descent sequences are degenerate, and the corresponding classical solutions can be identified with the conformally self-dual sector of Einstein manifolds. The full theory includes fluctuations which bring the system out of this sector while preserving diffeomorphism invariance.Comment: 15 page

    Topological field theory and physics

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    Topological Yang-Mills theory with the Belavin-Polyakov-Schwarz-Tyupkin SU(2)SU(2) instanton is solved completely, revealing an underlying multi-link intersection theory. Link invariants are also shown to survive the coupling to a certain kind of matter (hyperinstantons). The physical relevance of topological field theory and its invariants is discovered. By embedding topological Yang-Mills theory into pure Yang-Mills theory, it is shown that the topological version TQFT of a quantum field theory QFT allows us to formulate consistently the perturbative expansion of QFT in the topologically nontrivial sectors. In particular, TQFT classifies the set of good measures over the instanton moduli space and solves the inconsistency problems of the previous approaches. The qualitatively new physical implications are pointed out. Link numbers in QCD are related to a non abelian analogoue of the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. Revision: additional explanation

    Localized Exotic Smoothness

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    Gompf's end-sum techniques are used to establish the existence of an infinity of non-diffeomorphic manifolds, all having the same trivial R4{\bf R^4} topology, but for which the exotic differentiable structure is confined to a region which is spatially limited. Thus, the smoothness is standard outside of a region which is topologically (but not smoothly) B3×R1{\bf B^3}\times {\bf R^1}, where B3{\bf B^3} is the compact three ball. The exterior of this region is diffeomorphic to standard R1×S2×R1{\bf R^1}\times {\bf S^2}\times{\bf R^1}. In a space-time diagram, the confined exoticness sweeps out a world tube which, it is conjectured, might act as a source for certain non-standard solutions to the Einstein equations. It is shown that smooth Lorentz signature metrics can be globally continued from ones given on appropriately defined regions, including the exterior (standard) region. Similar constructs are provided for the topology, S2×R2{\bf S^2}\times {\bf R^2} of the Kruskal form of the Schwarzschild solution. This leads to conjectures on the existence of Einstein metrics which are externally identical to standard black hole ones, but none of which can be globally diffeomorphic to such standard objects. Certain aspects of the Cauchy problem are also discussed in terms of RΘ4{\bf R^4_\Theta}\models which are ``half-standard'', say for all t<0,t<0, but for which tt cannot be globally smooth.Comment: 8 pages plus 6 figures, available on request, IASSNS-HEP-94/2