110,647 research outputs found

    Efficient Methods for Automated Multi-Issue Negotiation: Negotiating over a Two-Part Tariff

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    In this article, we consider the novel approach of a seller and customer negotiating bilaterally about a two-part tariff, using autonomous software agents. An advantage of this approach is that win-win opportunities can be generated while keeping the problem of preference elicitation as simple as possible. We develop bargaining strategies that software agents can use to conduct the actual bilateral negotiation on behalf of their owners. We present a decomposition of bargaining strategies into concession strategies and Pareto-efficient-search methods: Concession and Pareto-search strategies focus on the conceding and win-win aspect of bargaining, respectively. An important technical contribution of this article lies in the development of two Pareto-search methods. Computer experiments show, for various concession strategies, that the respective use of these two Pareto-search methods by the two negotiators results in very efficient bargaining outcomes while negotiators concede the amount specified by their concession strategy

    Entanglement for all quantum states

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    It is shown that a state that is factorizable in the Hilbert space corresponding to some choice of degrees of freedom, becomes entangled for a different choice of degrees of freedom. Therefore, entanglement is not a special case but is ubiquitous in quantum systems. Simple examples are calculated and a general proof is provided. The physical relevance of the change of tensor product structure is mentioned.Comment: 9 page

    A Pedestrian Introduction to Gamow Vectors

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    The Gamow vector description of resonances is compared with the S-matrix and the Green function descriptions using the example of the square barrier potential. By imposing different boundary conditions on the time independent Schrodinger equation, we obtain either eigenvectors corresponding to real eigenvalues and the physical spectrum or eigenvectors corresponding to complex eigenvalues (Gamow vectors) and the resonance spectrum. We show that the poles of the S matrix are the same as the poles of the Green function and are the complex eigenvalues of the Schrodinger equation subject to a purely outgoing boundary condition. The intrinsic time asymmetry of the purely outgoing boundary condition is discussed. Finally, we show that the probability of detecting the decay within a shell around the origin of the decaying state follows an exponential law if the Gamow vector (resonance) contribution to this probability is the only contribution that is taken into account.Comment: 25 RevTex pages, 3 figure

    The HH34 outflow as seen in [FeII]1.64um by LBT-LUCI

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    Dense atomic jets from young stars copiously emit in [FeII] IR lines, which can, therefore, be used to trace the immediate environments of embedded protostars. We want to investigate the morphology of the bright [FeII] 1.64um line in the jet of the source HH34 IRS and compare it with the most commonly used optical tracer [SII]. We analyse a 1.64um narrow-band filter image obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) LUCI instrument, which covers the HH34 jet and counterjet. A Point Spread Function (PSF) deconvolution algorithm was applied to enhance spatial resolution and make the IR image directly comparable to a [SII] HST image of the same source. The [FeII] emission is detected from both the jet, the (weak) counter-jet, and from the HH34-S and HH34-N bow shocks. The deconvolved image allows us to resolve jet knots close to about 1\arcsec from the central source. The morphology of the [FeII] emission is remarkably similar to that of the [SII] emission, and the relative positions of [FeII] and [SII] peaks are shifted according to proper motion measurements, which were previously derived from HST images. An analysis of the [FeII]/[SII] emission ratio shows that Fe gas abundance is much lower than the solar value with up to 90% of Fe depletion in the inner jet knots. This confirms previous findings on dusty jets, where shocks are not efficient enough to remove refractory species from grains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, note accepted by A&

    Helly numbers of Algebraic Subsets of Rd\mathbb R^d

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    We study SS-convex sets, which are the geometric objects obtained as the intersection of the usual convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d with a proper subset SRdS\subset \mathbb R^d. We contribute new results about their SS-Helly numbers. We extend prior work for S=RdS=\mathbb R^d, Zd\mathbb Z^d, and Zdk×Rk\mathbb Z^{d-k}\times\mathbb R^k; we give sharp bounds on the SS-Helly numbers in several new cases. We considered the situation for low-dimensional SS and for sets SS that have some algebraic structure, in particular when SS is an arbitrary subgroup of Rd\mathbb R^d or when SS is the difference between a lattice and some of its sublattices. By abstracting the ingredients of Lov\'asz method we obtain colorful versions of many monochromatic Helly-type results, including several colorful versions of our own results.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. This paper is a revised version of what was originally the first half of arXiv:1504.00076v

    Beyond Chance-Constrained Convex Mixed-Integer Optimization: A Generalized Calafiore-Campi Algorithm and the notion of SS-optimization

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    The scenario approach developed by Calafiore and Campi to attack chance-constrained convex programs utilizes random sampling on the uncertainty parameter to substitute the original problem with a representative continuous convex optimization with NN convex constraints which is a relaxation of the original. Calafiore and Campi provided an explicit estimate on the size NN of the sampling relaxation to yield high-likelihood feasible solutions of the chance-constrained problem. They measured the probability of the original constraints to be violated by the random optimal solution from the relaxation of size NN. This paper has two main contributions. First, we present a generalization of the Calafiore-Campi results to both integer and mixed-integer variables. In fact, we demonstrate that their sampling estimates work naturally for variables restricted to some subset SS of Rd\mathbb R^d. The key elements are generalizations of Helly's theorem where the convex sets are required to intersect SRdS \subset \mathbb R^d. The size of samples in both algorithms will be directly determined by the SS-Helly numbers. Motivated by the first half of the paper, for any subset SRdS \subset \mathbb R^d, we introduce the notion of an SS-optimization problem, where the variables take on values over SS. It generalizes continuous, integer, and mixed-integer optimization. We illustrate with examples the expressive power of SS-optimization to capture sophisticated combinatorial optimization problems with difficult modular constraints. We reinforce the evidence that SS-optimization is "the right concept" by showing that the well-known randomized sampling algorithm of K. Clarkson for low-dimensional convex optimization problems can be extended to work with variables taking values over SS.Comment: 16 pages, 0 figures. This paper has been revised and split into two parts. This version is the second part of the original paper. The first part of the original paper is arXiv:1508.02380 (the original article contained 24 pages, 3 figures

    High-performance functional renormalization group calculations for interacting fermions

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    We derive a novel computational scheme for functional Renormalization Group (fRG) calculations for interacting fermions on 2D lattices. The scheme is based on the exchange parametrization fRG for the two-fermion interaction, with additional insertions of truncated partitions of unity. These insertions decouple the fermionic propagators from the exchange propagators and lead to a separation of the underlying equations. We demonstrate that this separation is numerically advantageous and may pave the way for refined, large-scale computational investigations even in the case of complex multiband systems. Furthermore, on the basis of speedup data gained from our implementation, it is shown that this new variant facilitates efficient calculations on a large number of multi-core CPUs. We apply the scheme to the tt,tt' Hubbard model on a square lattice to analyze the convergence of the results with the bond length of the truncation of the partition of unity. In most parameter areas, a fast convergence can be observed. Finally, we compare to previous results in order to relate our approach to other fRG studies.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure