65 research outputs found

    On the importance of chemosystematic correlation in the study of the allelopathic potential of congeneric native and exotic species of herbs

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    This abstract presents the results of screening for allelopathic activity of three pairs “aboriginal-exotic” of comparison species of herbs, including invasive species, systematically related at the level of the genus. It was shown that a 1% leaf extract of Solidago virgaurea and S. canadensis, Pulmonaria obscura and P. saccharata, Veronica serpyllifolia and V. fi liformis had a similar or equal inhibitory eff ect on the germination and growth of test-plant roots in biotests owing to its chemosystematic correlation. Extracts of Solidago and Pulmonaria species slowed down the rate of germination and root growth by 1.5–2 times lower than the control. In the Salidago sp. experiment options the dynamics of the processes developed according to the type of stress-reaction. The absolute rate of root growth at the exponential stage diff ered twice in the Solidago sp. options: 16.8±0.43 and 8.99±0.23 mm/day in native and exotic specie, respectively. The total germination was close to or equal to the control level. In a comparison pair Pulmonaria sp. germination decreased by 58.66 and 43.5%. V. fi liformis extract inhibited germination by 24.4% more than the native species. Extracts 0.05% extracts of Solidago sp. had no eff ect, P. saccharata and V. fi liformis extracts caused the eff ects of hormesis. P. saccharate option produced an – acceleration of the absolute and relative root growth rate of the test-plants by two times, exceeding the total length of the roots by half compared to the control and the native species. In the V. fi liformis option, the rates of germination and root growth was inhibited by 24.7 and 50.2% of the values of the paired species, respectively. The comparative method increases the level of analysis of bioassay data, allows for a deeper study of the specifi cs of test-plants reactions, and allows the evaluation of the modes of action of allelochemics

    Medical waste management in today’s healthcare: issues and progress

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    Background. In every region of the Russian Federation, medical waste management importantly relies on both safe and cost-effective decontamination.Objectives. The study aims to highlight the hygienic aspects of medical waste management in healthcare facilities of Krasnodar Krai and county-wide, as well as to prove the cost effectiveness of the physical decentralised decontamination/neutralisation method in a multi-specialty healthcare facility.Methods. A retrospective analysis of medical waste management over Krasnodar Krai and at a multi-specialty hospital has been conducted for period 2016–2018; cost effectiveness was calculated for the decentralised (physical) method of medical waste decontamination. Statistical analyses were performed with Statistica 10.Results. A high proportion of medical waste has been established for both Krasnodar Krai and country-wide. The cost effectiveness of the physical decentralised waste decontamination method has been demonstrated. The estimates with Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 Research Institute showed that a per-kilo deactivation cost for class B (epidemiological hazard) waste by a decentralised (physical) method is more effective amounting to average 38.42 ± 4.48 vs. 191.20 ± 20.46 (p < 0.01) for specialised commercial services of medical waste collection, transportation and neutralisation; the use of a reliable validated physical method warrants the staff epidemiological safety.Conclusion. The cost effectiveness of the physical decentralised method of medical waste decontamination/neutralisation has been demonstrated with a multi-specialty hospital. Better legal regulation and inter-department coordination of medical waste management will upgrade the disposal solutions to ensure compliance with epidemiological and environmental safety

    Comparative analysis of allele frequencies for DNA polymorphisms associated with disease and economically important traits in the genomes of Russian and foreign cattle breeds

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    The genetic makeup of a breed including its genetic differences from other breeds determines its appearance and characteristics, including economically important traits and resistance to pathologies. To date, many loci controlling significant phenotypes have been identified, which is successfully used in the world practice of marker-assisted selection to improve breed properties. The aim of this study was a comparative analysis of frequencies for known causative nucleotide substitutions, insertions and deletions associated with disease and economically important traits in Russian and foreign cattle breeds. As a result, we identified frequencies of these DNA polymorphisms in the populations of Russian cattle breeds, compared them with those of foreign populations of the same breed, as well as other foreign breeds. Our results indicate similarities in frequencies for most of such alleles within breeds (populations of Russian and foreign breeding), as well as the relationship between the causative allele prevalence and the presence of phenotypic traits under the effect. We also found an excess of some undesirable alleles in the Russian cattle populations, which should be paid attention to when designing breeding programs. We found that the alleles increasing fertility in the Hereford breed have a higher frequency in the Russian Hereford population compared to the foreign counterpart. Interestingly, unlike for the European breeds, for Asian Turano-Mongolian Wagyu and Yakut cattle, there was a less clear link between phenotypic traits and frequencies of known causative alleles. Our work points to specific genetic variants that could be used to improve and/or maintain the performance of certain cattle breeds bred in the Russian Federation

    Studies to elucidate the effect and antiapoptotic mechanism of 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-6- methylpyridine-n-acetyltaurinate in a rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusion

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    To study the retinoprotective effect and antiapoptotic mechanism of 2-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-6-methyl-pyridine-Nacetyltaurinate (EHMP-NAT) in a rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusio

    Drug-Induced Atrial Fibrillation / Atrial Flutter

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    Drug-induced atrial fibrillation / flutter (DIAF) is a serious and potentially life-threatening complication of pharmacotherapy. Purpose of the work: systematization and analysis of scientific literature data on drugs, the use of which can cause the development of DIAF, as well as on epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, risk factors, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of DIAF. Analysis of the literature has shown that many groups of drugs can cause the development of DIAF, with a greater frequency while taking anticancer drugs, drugs for the treatment of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and central nervous systems. The mechanisms and main risk factors for the development of DIAF have not been finally established and are known only for certain drugs, therefore, this section requires further study. The main symptoms of DIAF are due to the severity of tachycardia and their influence on the parameters of central hemodynamics. For diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an electrocardiogram (ECG) and Holter monitoring of an ECG and echocardiography. Differential diagnosis should be made with AF, which may be caused by other causes, as well as other rhythm and conduction disturbances. Successful treatment of DIAF is based on the principle of rapid recognition and immediate discontinuation of drugs (if possible), the use of which potentially caused the development of adverse drug reactions (ADR). The choice of management strategy: heart rate control or rhythm control, as well as the method of achievement (medication or non-medication), depends on the specific clinical situation. For the prevention of DIAF, it is necessary to instruct patients about possible symptoms and recommend self-monitoring of the pulse. It is important for practitioners to be wary of the risk of DIAF due to the variety of drugs that can potentially cause this ADR

    Genome-wide sequence analyses of ethnic populations across Russia

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    The Russian Federation is the largest and one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, however no centralized reference database of genetic variation exists to date. Such data are crucial for medical genetics and essential for studying population history. The Genome Russia Project aims at filling this gap by performing whole genome sequencing and analysis of peoples of the Russian Federation. Here we report the characterization of genome-wide variation of 264 healthy adults, including 60 newly sequenced samples. People of Russia carry known and novel genetic variants of adaptive, clinical and functional consequence that in many cases show allele frequency divergence from neighboring populations. Population genetics analyses revealed six phylogeographic partitions among indigenous ethnicities corresponding to their geographic locales. This study presents a characterization of population-specific genomic variation in Russia with results important for medical genetics and for understanding the dynamic population history of the world's largest country

    Дифференциальная диагностика токсического эпидермального некролиза (синдрома Лайелла) в ОРИТ: клинические наблюдения

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    Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a critical life-threating condition developing as the total detachment of epidermidis and characterized by severe pathological reactions of all body systems. The current article describes two cases of TEN with similar clinical and laboratory signs. In one case the diagnosis of TEN was subsequently refused.The objective: analysis of methods of clinical and differential diagnostics of conditions accompanied with massive epidermidis detachment in ICU patients.Results. The immunomorphological evaluation of skin specimen obtained from the patient with a torpid form of TEN showed linear IgG fixation in the intercellular space of stratum basale, stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum and C3 fixation in the intercellular space of stratum basale.Conclusion. The complex of anamnesis data and pathomorphological evaluation of skin are crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with atypical TEN.Токсический эпидермальный некролиз (ТЭН) – критическое жизнеугрожающее состояние, развивающееся в виде тотального отслоения эпидермиса и характеризующееся тяжелыми реакциями со стороны всех систем организма. Приведено описание двух клинических случаев со сходной клинико-лабораторной симптоматикой, в одном из которых диагноз ТЭН впоследствии был опровергнут.Цель: анализ методов клинической и лабораторной дифференциальной диагностики состояний, сопровождающихся массивной отслойкой эпидермиса, у пациентов, пребывающих в ОРИТ.Результаты. При иммуноморфологическом исследовании биоптата кожи, полученного от пациентки с торпидным течением ТЭН, обнаружена четкая линейная фиксация IgG в межклеточной связывающей субстанции (МСС) базального, шиповатого и зернистого слоев эпидермиса, а также фиксация С3-компонента комплемента в МСС базального слоя эпидермиса.Заключение. Совокупность анамнестических сведений и результатов патоморфологического исследования методом прямой иммунофлюоресценции имеет критически важное значение для установления диагноза и выбора лечебной тактики у пациентов с атипичным течением ТЭН


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    The article presents the detailed analysis results considering bottom sediments from the Chukchi Sea. Two core samples, b16 and НС–8 were taken from the northern Herald Canyon 150 km northeast from NE Wrangel Island. Core b16 has been studied in more detail. According to the 210Pb measurements, the recent sedimentation rate amounts to 0.9 mm/y–1 at the sampling point. In the bottom layer of the core sample, the minimum concentrations of biogenic components (SiO2bio, Corg, Ntot, and Br) and the increased concentrations of cold-water diatom species Thalassiosira antarctica may result from low biological productivity during the Maunder Minimum. A correlation with recent global warming (11–22 years) is shown by the increased concentrations of SiO2bio, Corg, Ntot, and Br and the decreased values of magnetic susceptibility and X-ray density in the top layer (1–2 cm) of the same core sample. The results of our geochemical and diatom analysis support the available literature data and confirm that the Late Holocene sedimentation in the Chukchi Sea takes place in the zone wherein the water transits from the Pacific to the Arctic Ocean.Представлены результаты комплексного исследования вещественного состава донных осадков, вскрытых двумя кернами в северной части каньона Геральд Чукотского моря. Одна из полученных колонок была выбрана для более детального исследования. Скорость современного осадконакопления в точке отбора этого керна, измеренная по 210Pb, составляет 0.9 мм/год. Минимальные концентрации биогенных компонентов (SiO2биог., Сорг., Nобщ., Br) и увеличение содержаний холодноводного вида диатомей Thalassiosira antarctica в нижнем слое колонки, вероятно, объясняются низкой биологической продуктивностью во время минимума Маундера. Повышенные концентрации SiO2биог, Сорг, Nобщ, Br, пониженные значения магнитной восприимчивости и рентгеновской плотности в самом верхнем интервале разреза (до 1–2 см) соответствуют последним 11–22 годам глобального потепления климата. Результаты геохимического и диатомового анализов подтверждают имеющиеся в литературе данные о том, что позднеголоценовая седиментация в Чукотском море происходит в зоне транзита тихоокеанских вод в Северный Ледовитый океан