53 research outputs found

    Determinants of depression in 111 italian patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Background: A high prevalence of depressive symptoms has been described in systemic sclerosis (SSc), but no clear association with organ involvement or objective indices of disease severity has been depicted. To date, no effort has been made to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms in Italian patients with SSc or to clarify their cause. Methods: One-hundred-eleven SSc patients were asked to fill in the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaire, the scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire (sHAQ) and two additional questions assessing the patient's familiar support and the social consequences of the patient's change in physical appearnace. Results: Thirty-seven subjects (33.4%) presented mild to severe depressive symptoms (BDI Âł17). On univariate analysis the diffuse cutaneous form of the disease (p=0.019), higher pulmonary systolic pressures on echocardiogram (p=0.016), lower FVC percentage of predicted values (p=0.022), higher sHAQ values (p<0.001) or higher VAS values for pain (p=0.007), lung involvement (p=0.02), Raynaud's phenomenon severity (p=0.002), ulcers severity (p=0.006) or disease severity (p<0.001), were associated with the presence of pathologic depressive symptoms. On multivariate analysis only the VAS for disease severity relevant to BDI scores (p=0.016). Social behaviour changes due to SSc-related physical involvement were reported in 14 patients (38%) with depressive symptoms (p=0,006) and were more likely to be observed in younger patients (p=0.001) with a more severe Raynauds's phenomenon (p=0.013). Conclusions: Mild to severe depressive symptoms are common in SSc patients especially in those with a worse perception of disease severity, these patients should be carefully monitored and a psychological assistance counselled whenever necessary

    Stochastic Inverse Modeling and Parametric Uncertainty of Sediment Deposition Processes Across Geologic Time Scales

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    In this work an integrated methodological and operational framework for diagnosis and calibration of Stratigraphic Forward Models (SFMs) which are typically employed for the characterization of sedimentary basins is presented. Model diagnosis rests on local and global sensitivity analysis tools and leads to quantification of the relative importance of uncertain model parameters on modeling goals of interest. Model calibration is performed in a stochastic framework, leading to estimates of distributions of model parameters (and ensuing spatial distributions of model outputs) conditional on available information. Starting from a considerable number of uncertain model parameters, which is typically associated with SFMs of the kind analyzed, the approach leads to the identification of a reduced set of parameters which are most influential to drive stratigraphic modeling results. Probability distributions of these model parameters conditional on available data are then evaluated through stochastic inverse modeling. To alleviate computational efforts, this step is performed through a combination of a surrogate model constructed through the Polynomial Chaos Expansion approach and a machine learning algorithm for efficient search of the parameter space during model inversion. As a test bed for the workflow, focus is on a realistic synthetic three-dimensional scenario which is modeled through a widely used SFM that enables one to perform three-dimensional numerical simulations of the accumulation of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments across geologic time scales. These results constitute a robust basis upon which further deployment of the approach to industrial field settings can be designed

    Hot shale in an ice world : paleoceanographic evolution of the northern Godwana margin during the Early paleozoic (Tanezzuft Formation, Tunisia)

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    The Tanezzuft Formation deposited in marine periglacial conditions on the northern Gondwana margin during the end of the "ice-house" climate that characterized the lowermost Silurian. The basal part of this sedimentary sequence is characterized by organic-rich facies with locally very high measured Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content up to values greater than 20%. While deposition of organic-rich sediments during greenhouse time interval is well known, deposition of black shales during ice-house conditions is poorly documented. The extraordinary paleoceanographic conditions that led to the accumulation and preservation of enormous amounts of organic matter in periglacial settings, makes this formation an atypical example of black shales deposition.The study area is situated on the North African Platform in southern Tunisia, on the northern flank of the Ghadames Basin. Petrophysical logs, biostratigraphic, organic- and inorganic-geochemical data from nine wells, are here integrated with the aim of reconstructing the depositional history of the Tanezzuft Formation and the role played by organic matter production, preservation and dilution through time. Data indicate that dilution - that is, depositional style and framework - had an important control on lateral and vertical distribution of the C organic-rich facies. TOC and Hydrogen Index (HI) maxima are found in correspondence of the main transgressive phases, with repetitive stacking patterns strongly associated with source rock properties. Organic matter production, as observed by detailed palynofacies analysis, was mainly marine in nature, with important contribution by Amorphous Organic Matter, Leiosphaeridia/Tasmanaceae and minor amounts of graptolites fragments. Geochemical data indicate that the organic-richest interval ("Hot Shale") of the Tanezzuft Formation deposited under severe anoxic conditions that resulted in enhanced organic matter preservation at the sea-floor. OF-Mod 3D, an organic facies modelling software tool (by SINTEF), is used in order to reconstruct and quantify the peculiar processes that controlled the exceptional accumulation of organic matter at the time of deposition. Modelling results indicate that water stratification was the most plausible process that drove organic-matter sedimentation under mesotrophic conditions. Density stratification was probably controlled by the deglaciation phase after the Hirnantian glaciation and/or by the flooded complex basin physiography that induced an inefficient circulation of the water masses. The complete recovery from these extreme paleoceanographic conditions implied progressive processes that took several hundred thousand years

    Determinants of depression in 111 Italian patients with systemic sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: A high prevalence of depressive symptoms has been described in systemic sclerosis (SSc), but no clear association with organ involvement or objective indices of disease severity has been depicted. To date, no effort has been made to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms in Italian patients with SSc or to clarify their cause. METHODS: One-hundred-eleven SSc patients were asked to fill in the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaire, the scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire (sHAQ) and two additional questions assessing the patient's familiar support and the social consequences of the patient's change in physical appearnace. RESULTS: Thirty-seven subjects (33.4%) presented mild to severe depressive symptoms (BDI >/=17). On univariate analysis the diffuse cutaneous form of the disease (p=0.019), higher pulmonary systolic pressures on echocardiogram (p=0.016), lower FVC percentage of predicted values (p=0.022), higher sHAQ values (p<0.001) or higher VAS values for pain (p=0.007), lung involvement (p=0.02), Raynaud's phenomenon severity (p=0.002), ulcers severity (p=0.006) or disease severity (p<0.001), were associated with the presence of pathologic depressive symptoms. On multivariate analysis only the VAS for disease severity relevant to BDI scores (p=0.016). Social behaviour changes due to SSc-related physical involvement were reported in 14 patients (38%) with depressive symptoms (p=0,006) and were more likely to be observed in younger patients (p=0.001) with a more severe Raynauds's phenomenon (p=0.013). CONCLUSIONS: Mild to severe depressive symptoms are common in SSc patients especially in those with a worse perception of disease severity, these patients should be carefully monitored and a psychological assistance counselled whenever necessary

    Determinants of depression in 111 Italian patients with systemic sclerosis

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    BACKGROUND: A high prevalence of depressive symptoms has been described in systemic sclerosis (SSc), but no clear association with organ involvement or objective indices of disease severity has been depicted. To date, no effort has been made to determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms in Italian patients with SSc or to clarify their cause. METHODS: One-hundred-eleven SSc patients were asked to fill in the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaire, the scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire (sHAQ) and two additional questions assessing the patient's familiar support and the social consequences of the patient's change in physical appearnace. RESULTS: Thirty-seven subjects (33.4%) presented mild to severe depressive symptoms (BDI >/=17). On univariate analysis the diffuse cutaneous form of the disease (p=0.019), higher pulmonary systolic pressures on echocardiogram (p=0.016), lower FVC percentage of predicted values (p=0.022), higher sHAQ values (p<0.001) or higher VAS values for pain (p=0.007), lung involvement (p=0.02), Raynaud's phenomenon severity (p=0.002), ulcers severity (p=0.006) or disease severity (p<0.001), were associated with the presence of pathologic depressive symptoms. On multivariate analysis only the VAS for disease severity relevant to BDI scores (p=0.016). Social behaviour changes due to SSc-related physical involvement were reported in 14 patients (38%) with depressive symptoms (p=0,006) and were more likely to be observed in younger patients (p=0.001) with a more severe Raynauds's phenomenon (p=0.013). CONCLUSIONS: Mild to severe depressive symptoms are common in SSc patients especially in those with a worse perception of disease severity, these patients should be carefully monitored and a psychological assistance counselled whenever necessary

    First record of Phloeotribus liminaris (Harris) from Europe (Coleoptera Scolytidae)

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    During surveys conducted in the woods of the Ticino Park in Lombardy, northern Italy, we recorded a North American Phloeotribine scolytid, new to the fauna of Europe, Phloeotribus liminaris (Harris), the "Peach Bark Beetle". High densities of wintering refuges and adults were observed on Prunus serotina Ehrh., its typical host tree in the natural distribution area. P. serotina was introduced into Italy from North America and is now a very diffuse infestant in various lowland woods of northern Italy. This is the first record of the Peach Bark Beetle outside of its natural distribution area where it caused serious damage to P. serotina, an important source of valuable wood, and other forest and fruit Prunus, especially P. persica. The habitat where the bark beetle was found consists of riparian lowland woods dominated by Quercus robur L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Populus nigra L., Salix alba L. and Pinus sylvestris L., associated with the introduced species Robinia pseudoacada L., Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) and Prunus serotina. To facilitate the identification of the species and the recognition of new infestations, the Authors provide a brief description with original drawings of both P. liminaris and the nearly related P. scarabaeoides (Bernard) and with an identification key with brief bioecological notes. Potential risk of the diffusion of P. liminaris in Italy is also discussed

    Modelling parametric uncertainty in large-scale stratigraphic simulations

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    Abstract We combine forward stratigraphic models with a suite of uncertainty quantification and stochastic model calibration algorithms for the characterization of sedimentary successions in large scale systems. The analysis focuses on the information value provided by a probabilistic approach in the modelling of large-scale sedimentary basins. Stratigraphic forward models (SFMs) require a large number of input parameters usually affected by uncertainty. Thus, model calibration requires considerable time both in terms of human and computational resources, an issue currently limiting the applications of SFMs. Our work tackles this issue through the combination of sensitivity analysis, model reduction techniques and machine learning-based optimization algorithms. We first employ a two-step parameter screening procedure to identify relevant parameters and their assumed probability distributions. After selecting a restricted set of important parameters these are calibrated against available information, i.e., the depth of interpreted stratigraphic surfaces. Because of the large costs associated with SFM simulations, probability distributions of model parameters and outputs are obtained through a data driven reduced complexity model. Our study demonstrates the numerical approaches by considering a portion of the Porcupine Basin, Ireland. Results of the analysis are postprocessed to assess (i) the uncertainty and practical identifiability of model parameters given a set of observations, (ii) spatial distribution of lithologies. We analyse here the occurrences of sand bodies pinching against the continental slope, these systems likely resulting from gravity driven processes in deep sea environment

    Neurophysiological evaluation with multimodality evoked potentials in craniostenosis and craniofacial stenosis

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    Multimodality evoked potentials (somatosensory and acoustic) have been recorded before surgery in children selected for surgical treatment for different kinds of craniostenosis and craniofacial stenosis. Evoked potentials were found to be deranged on at least one recording in 50% of cases, suggesting a significant incidence of neurophysiological alterations in these patients. No correlation was found between evoked potentials' derangements and clinical status, radiological findings, or different kinds of craniostenosis; moreover, a significant correlation was found between neurophysiological alterations and the age of the children. These preliminary data might define the possible role of neurophysiological tests in the presurgical evaluation of craniostenosis and craniofacial stenosis

    An indirect method for assessing the abundance of introduced pest Myocastor coypus (Rodentia) in agricultural landscapes

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    Pest management requires the development of robust monitoring tools. In Italy, coypu Myocastor coypus (nutria) have been controlled since the early 1990s, but the effectiveness of these measures has never been tested. With the aim of developing a reliable and volunteer-based method for the long-term monitoring of coypu abundance in agricultural landscapes, we calibrated an index based on surveys for coypu paths against density estimates obtained through a standardized mark–recapture technique. Two trapping sessions were performed in winter for each of 12 1-km long stretches of irrigation canals and watercourses using 15 baited cage traps. Trapping sessions lasted 7 days each, with a 10-day break between sessions. Population size was assessed using three methods: Peterson–Lincoln's formula, capwire estimators and accumulation curves. Active coypu paths and five habitat variables were recorded by walking on the edge of both banks. The variables were then related to population size (y) by means of multi-regressive models, testing for the predictive power of the selected models by leave-one-out cross-validation. Multi-regressive models included only the number of coypu paths with the best performances achieved by the model based on Peterson–Lincoln formula, supporting path count as an effective method to assess the abundance of the coypu in agricultural landscapes. Concurrently, to assess the field suitability of the indirect method, surveys for coypu paths were carried out on 122 randomly chosen 3-km long stretches of irrigation canals and watercourses in the central part of the River Po valley (c. 15?000?km2; N Italy). The highest (&gt;8/100?m) mean number of paths was recorded in the central part of the study area. According to the regression models, the overall number of coypu is predicted to range between 350 000 and 1 100 000, raising doubts about the effectiveness of current control measures
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