15,648 research outputs found

    Differential chemical abundance analysis of a 47 Tuc AGB star with respect to Arcturus

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    This study resolves a discrepancy in the abundance of Zr in the 47 Tucanae asymptotic giant branch star Lee 2525. This star was observed using the echelle spectrograph on the 2.3 m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory. The analysis was undertaken by calibrating Lee 2525 with respect to the standard giant star Arcturus. This work emphasises the importance of using a standard star with stellar parameters comparable to the star under analysis rather than a calibration with respect to the Sun (Koch & McWilliam 2008). Systematic errors in the analysis process are then minimised due to the similarity in atmospheric structure between the standard and programme stars. The abundances derived for Lee 2525 were found to be in general agreement with the Brown & Wallerstein (1992) values except for Zr. In this study Zr has a similar enhancement ([Zr/Fe] = +0.51 dex) to another light s-process element, Y ([Y/Fe] = +0.53 dex), which reflects current theory regarding the enrichment of s-process elements by nuclear processes within AGB stars (Busso et al. 2001). This is contrary to the results of Brown & Wallerstein (1992) where Zr was under-abundant ([Zr/Fe] = +0.51 dex) and Y was over-abundant ([Y/Fe] = +0.50 dex) with respect to Fe.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Stellar Associations and their Field East of LMC 4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We report about the stellar content and the luminosity and mass functions of three stellar associations and their field located on the north-east edge of the super-bubble LMC 4 in the Large Magellanic Cloud.Comment: To be appeared in the meeting Proceedings of ``Modes of Star Formation and the Origin of Field Populations'', Heidelberg, Germany, October 2000; to be published in the ASP Conference Series, edited by E. K. Grebel and W. Brandne

    Quantum models related to fouled Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator

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    We study a pair of canonoid (fouled) Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator which provide, at the classical level, the same equation of motion as the conventional Hamiltonian. These Hamiltonians, say K1K_{1} and K2K_{2}, result to be explicitly time-dependent and can be expressed as a formal rotation of two cubic polynomial functions, H1H_{1} and H2H_{2}, of the canonical variables (q,p). We investigate the role of these fouled Hamiltonians at the quantum level. Adopting a canonical quantization procedure, we construct some quantum models and analyze the related eigenvalue equations. One of these models is described by a Hamiltonian admitting infinite self-adjoint extensions, each of them has a discrete spectrum on the real line. A self-adjoint extension is fixed by choosing the spectral parameter ϵ\epsilon of the associated eigenvalue equation equal to zero. The spectral problem is discussed in the context of three different representations. For ϵ=0\epsilon =0, the eigenvalue equation is exactly solved in all these representations, in which square-integrable solutions are explicity found. A set of constants of motion corresponding to these quantum models is also obtained. Furthermore, the algebraic structure underlying the quantum models is explored. This turns out to be a nonlinear (quadratic) algebra, which could be applied for the determination of approximate solutions to the eigenvalue equations.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, accepted for publication on JM

    Carbon and nitrogen abundances of individual stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] abundance ratios and CH({\lambda}4300) and S({\lambda}3883) index measurements for 94 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy from VLT/VIMOS MOS observations at a resolving power R= 1150 at 4020 {\AA}. This is the first time that [N/Fe] abundances are derived for a large number of stars in a dwarf spheroidal. We found a trend for the [C/Fe] abundance to decrease with increasing luminosity on the RGB across the whole metallicity range, a phenomenon observed in both field and globular cluster giants, which can be interpreted in the framework of evolutionary mixing of partially processed CNO material. Both our measurements of [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions for stars at similar luminosity and metallicity. We detected a dispersion in the carbon abundance at a given [Fe/H], which cannot be ascribed to measurement uncertainties alone. We interpret this observational evidence as the result of the contribution of different nucleosynthesis sources over time to a not well-mixed interstellar medium. We report the discovery of two new carbon-enhanced, metal-poor stars. These are likely the result of pollution from material enriched by asymptotic giant branch stars, as indicated by our estimates of [Ba/Fe]> +1. We also attempted a search for dissolved globular clusters in the field of the galaxy by looking for the distinctive C-N pattern of second population globular clusters stars in a previously detected, very metal-poor, chemodynamical substructure. We do not detect chemical anomalies among this group of stars. However, small number statistics and limited spatial coverage do not allow us to exclude the hypotheses that this substructure forms part of a tidally shredded globular cluster.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to A&

    Diamond thin Film Detectors for Beam Monitoring Devices

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    Diamonds offer radiation hard sensors, which can be used directly in primary beams. Here we report on the use of a polycrystalline CVD diamond strip sensor as beam monitor of heavy ion beams with up to 2.10^9 lead ions per bunch. The strips allow for a determination of the transverse beam profile to a fraction of the pitch of the strips, while the timing information yields the longitudinal bunch length with a resolution of the order of a few mm.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Hasselt Diamond Workshop (Hasselt, Belgium, Feb. 2006), v4: accidentally submitted figure, appearing at end, remove

    Constraints on Supersymmetry from Relic Density compared with future Higgs Searches at the LHC

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    Among the theories beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides an excellent dark matter (DM) candidate, the neutralino. One clear prediction of cosmology is the annihilation cross section of DM particles, assuming them to be a thermal relic from the early universe. In most of the parameter space of Supersymmetry the annihilation cross section is too small compared with the prediction of cosmology. However, for large values of the tan beta parameter the annihilation through s-channel pseudoscalar Higgs exchange yields the correct relic density in practically the whole range of possible SUSY masses up to the few TeV range. The required values of tan beta are typically around 50, i.e. of the order of top and bottom mass ratio, which happens to be also the range allowing for Yukawa unification in a Grand Unified Theory with gauge coupling unification. For such large values of tan beta the associated production of the heavier Higgses, which is enhanced by tan beta squared, becomes three orders of magnitude larger than the production of a simlar SM-like Higgs and could be observable as one of the first hints of new physics at the LHC.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Published version in Phys. Lett. B with updated references and minor correction

    Supersymmetry and LHC

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    The motivation for introduction of supersymmetry in high energy physics as well as a possibility for supersymmetry discovery at LHC (Large Hadronic Collider) are discussed. The main notions of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) are introduced. Different regions of parameter space are analyzed and their phenomenological properties are compared. Discovery potential of LHC for the planned luminosity is shown for different channels. The properties of SUSY Higgs bosons are studied and perspectives of their observation at LHC are briefly outlined.Comment: Lectures given at the 9th Moscow International School of Physics (XXXIV ITEP Winter School of Physics

    Gate-tunable band structure of the LaAlO3_3-SrTiO3_3 interface

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    The 2-dimensional electron system at the interface between LaAlO3_{3} and SrTiO3_{3} has several unique properties that can be tuned by an externally applied gate voltage. In this work, we show that this gate-tunability extends to the effective band structure of the system. We combine a magnetotransport study on top-gated Hall bars with self-consistent Schr\"odinger-Poisson calculations and observe a Lifshitz transition at a density of 2.9×10132.9\times10^{13} cm2^{-2}. Above the transition, the carrier density of one of the conducting bands decreases with increasing gate voltage. This surprising decrease is accurately reproduced in the calculations if electronic correlations are included. These results provide a clear, intuitive picture of the physics governing the electronic structure at complex oxide interfaces.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure