147 research outputs found

    Containerless high purity pulling process and apparatus for glass fiber

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    Apparatus and method for pulling optical glass fibers in a containerless environment is disclosed which includes a single axis acoustical levitation furnace in which a specimen is levitated and melted. A reflector unit is carried in the interior of the furnace and includes a reflector disposed centrally about the acoustical axis of the levitator. The reflector unit includes a circular shroud of insulation and a copper sleeve inserted in the unit which is hollow at for receiving a cooling medium. A fiber pulling bore is formed centrally in the reflector unit surrounded by cooling jacket to enhance solidification and formation of a fiber. A starting fiber strand is introduced into the melt and pulled outwardly through bore whereby the specimen fiber is started and formed as pulled therethrough. In order to replenish the melt and thus enable a continous process, a movable secondary reflector is provided which captures a supplemental specimen pellet and by movement of the reflector transfers it to the melt

    Reformulation of the LDA+U method for a local orbital basis

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    We present a new approach to the evaluation of the on-site repulsion energy U for use in the LDA+U method of Anisimov and collaborators. Our objectives are to make the method more firmly based, to concentrate primarily on ground state properties rather than spectra, and to test the method in cases where only modest changes in orbital occupations are expected, as well as for highly correlated materials. Because of these objectives, we employ a differential definition of U. We also define a matrix U, which we find is very dependent on the environment of the atom in question. The formulation is applied to evaluate U for transition metal monoxides from VO to NiO using a local orbital basis set. The resulting values of U are typically only 40-65% as large as values currently in use. We evaluate the U matrix for the e_g and t_{2g} subshells in paramagnetic FeO, and illustrate the very different charge response of the e_g and t_{2g} states. The sensitivity of the method to the choice of the d orbitals, and to the basis set in general, is discussed.Comment: 6 figure

    Containerless electromagnetic levitation melting of Cu-Fe and Ag-Ni alloys

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    The feasibility of producing silver or copper alloys containing finely dispersed nickel or iron particles, respectively, by utilizing containerless electromagnetic levitation casting techniques was investigated. A levitation coil was designed to successfully levitate and melt a variety of alloys including Nb-Ge, Cu-Fe, Fe-C, and Ag-Ni. Samples of 70 Cu-30 Fe and 80 Ag-20 Ni (atomic %), prepared by mechanical pressing of the constituent powders, were levitated and heated either to the solid plus liquid range of the alloys or to the fully liquid region. The samples were then solidified by passing helium gas into the bell jar or they were dropped into a quenching oil. The structure of the samples which were heated to the solid plus liquid range consists of uniform distribution of Fe or Ni particle in their respective matrices. A considerable amount of entrapped gas bubbles were contained. Upon heating for longer periods or to higher temperatures, the bubbles coalesced and burst, causing the samples to become fragmented and usually fall out of the coil

    Containerless glass fiber processing

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    An acoustic levitation furnace system is described that was developed for testing the feasibility of containerless fiber pulling experiments. It is possible to levitate very dense materials such as platinum at room temperature. Levitation at elevated temperatures is much more difficult. Samples of dense heavy metal fluoride glass were levitated at 300 C. It is therefore possible that containerless fiber pulling experiments could be performed. Fiber pulling from the melt at 650 C is not possible at unit gravity but could be possible at reduced gravities. The Acoustic Levitation Furnace is described, including engineering parameters and processing information. It is illustrated that a shaped reflector greatly increases the levitation force aiding the levitation of more dense materials

    Electromagnetic levitation coil fabrication technique for MSFC containerless processing facilities

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    A technique is described for more reproducible fabrication of electromagnetic levitation coils. A split mandrel was developed upon which the coil is wound. After fabrication the mandrel can be disassembled to remove it from the coil. Previously, a full day was required to fabricate a levitation coil and the success rate for a functional coil was only 50 percent. About eight coils may be completed in one day using the technique developed and 95 percent of them are good levitation coils

    Sonic levitation apparatus

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    A sonic levitation apparatus is disclosed which includes a sonic transducer which generates acoustical energy responsive to the level of an electrical amplifier. A duct communicates with an acoustical chamber to deliver an oscillatory motion of air to a plenum section which contains a collimated hole structure having a plurality of parallel orifices. The collimated hole structure converts the motion of the air to a pulsed. Unidirectional stream providing enough force to levitate a material specimen. Particular application to the production of microballoons in low gravity environment is discussed

    Optimization of the Processing Parameters of High Temperature Superconducting Glass-Ceramics: Center Director's Discretionary Fund Final Report

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    A number of promising glass forming compositions of high Tc superconducting Ba-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) materials were evaluated for their glass-ceramic crystallization ability. The BSCCO ceramics belonging to the class of superconductors in the Ba-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system were the focus of this study. By first forming the superconducting material as a glass, subsequent devitrification into the crystalline (glass-ceramic) superconductor can be performed by thermal processing of the glass preform body. Glass formability and phase formation were determined by a variety of methods in another related study. This study focused on the nucleation and crystallization of the materials. Thermal analysis during rapid cooling aids in the evaluation of nucleation and crystallization behavior. Melt viscosity is used to predict glass formation ability

    Surface film effects on drop tube undercooling studies

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    The effects of various gaseous atmospheric constituents on drop-tube solidified samples of elemental metals were examined from a microstructural standpoint. All specimens were prepared from the purest available elements, so effects of impurities should not account for the observed effects. The drop-tube gas has a definite effect on the sample microstructure. Most dramatically, the sample cooling rate is effected. Some samples receive sufficient cooling to solidify in free fall while others do not, splating at the end of the drop tube in the sample catcher. Gases are selectively absorbed into the sample. Upon solidification gas can become less soluble and as a result forms voids within the sample. The general oxidation/reduction characteristics of the gas also affect sample microstructures. In general, under the more favorable experimental conditions including reducing atmospheric conditions and superheatings, examination of sample microstructures indicates that nucleation has been suppressed. This is indicated by underlying uniform dendrite spacings throughout the sample and with a single dendrite orientation through most of the sample. The samples were annealed yielding a few large grains and single or bi-crystal samples were commonly formed. This was especially true of samples that were inadvertently greatly superheated. This is in contrast with results from a previous study in which surface oxides were stable and contained numerous sites of nucleation. The number of nucleation events depends upon the surface state of the specimen as determined by the atmosphere and is consistent with theoretical expectations based upon the thermodynamic stability of surface oxide films. Oxide-free specimens are characterized by shiny surfaces, with no observable features under the scanning electron microscope at 5000X

    Containerless drop tube solidification and grain refinement of NiAl3

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    The possibility of undercooling Ni-Al alloys below the liquidus in order to produce a single phase peritectic structure by containerless drop tube solidification was studied. Containerless process is a technique for both high purity contamination free studies as well as for investigating the undercooling and rapid solidification of alloys by suppression of heterogeneous nucleation on container walls. In order to achieve large undercoolings one must avoid heterogeneous nucleation of crystallization. It was shown that the Marshall Space Flight Center drop tubes ae unique facilities for containerless solidification experiments and large undercoolings are possible with some alloys. The original goal of undercooling the liquid metal well below the liquidus to the peritectic temperature during containerless free to form primarily NiAl3 was achieved. The microstructures were interesting from another point of view. The microstructure from small diameter samples is greatly refined. Small dendrite arm spacings such as these could greatly facilitate the annealing and solid state transformation of the alloy to nearly 10% NiAl3 by reducing the distance over which diffusion needs to occur. This could minimize annealing time and might make it economically feasible to produce NiAl3 alloy

    Computational Investigation into Heteroleptic Photoredox Catalysts Based on Nickel(II) Tris-Pyridinethiolate for Water Splitting Reactions

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    This work demonstrates a strategy to fine-tune the efficiency of a photoredox water splitting Ni(II) tris-pyridinethiolate catalyst through heteroleptic ligand design using computational investigation of the catalytic mechanism. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations, supported by topology analyses using quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM), show that the introduction of electron donating (ED) −CH3 and electron withdrawing (EW) −CF3 groups on the thiopyridyl (PyS–) ligands of the same complex can tune the pKa and E0, simultaneously. Computational modeling of two heteroleptic nickel(II) tris-pyridinethiolate complexes with 2:1 and 1:2 ED and EW −CH3 and −CF3 group containing PyS– ligands, respectively, suggests that the ideal combination of EW to ED groups is 2:1. This work also outlines the possibility of formation of a large number of isomers after the protonation of one of the pyridyl N atoms and suggests that to acquire unambiguous computational results it is necessary to carefully account for all possible geometric isomers
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