
Containerless high purity pulling process and apparatus for glass fiber


Apparatus and method for pulling optical glass fibers in a containerless environment is disclosed which includes a single axis acoustical levitation furnace in which a specimen is levitated and melted. A reflector unit is carried in the interior of the furnace and includes a reflector disposed centrally about the acoustical axis of the levitator. The reflector unit includes a circular shroud of insulation and a copper sleeve inserted in the unit which is hollow at for receiving a cooling medium. A fiber pulling bore is formed centrally in the reflector unit surrounded by cooling jacket to enhance solidification and formation of a fiber. A starting fiber strand is introduced into the melt and pulled outwardly through bore whereby the specimen fiber is started and formed as pulled therethrough. In order to replenish the melt and thus enable a continous process, a movable secondary reflector is provided which captures a supplemental specimen pellet and by movement of the reflector transfers it to the melt

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