789 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of habitat management for improving grey partridge populations: a BACI experimental assessment

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    We assessed the impact of field division (4 m bare ground strips within wheat fields) and food supplementation (supplied through grain feeders) on grey partridge Perdix perdix L. populations using six–year ‘before–after’/'control–impact’ (BACI) experiments. We did not detect any convincing positive effects of either of these two schemes on partridge pair density and reproductive success. Increases in pair densities were similar on managed and control areas, and contrasting results were found between some sites. No consistent pattern was observed between reproductive success and feeding intensity. Our studies highlight the need for field experiments at farm–scale to test the effectiveness of management measures. We conclude that, in the context in which they are applied, management techniques directed towards increasing partridge density do not systematically provide the desired outcome. We develop our point of view about management in the Discussion

    Untargeted metabolomic profile for the detection of prostate carcinoma-preliminary results from PARAFAC2 and PLS-DA Models

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    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the main biomarker for the screening of prostate cancer (PCa), which has a high sensibility (higher than 80%) that is negatively offset by its poor specificity (only 30%, with the European cut-off of 4 ng/mL). This generates a large number of useless biopsies, involving both risks for the patients and costs for the national healthcare systems. Consequently, efforts were recently made to discover new biomarkers useful for PCa screening, including our proposal of interpreting a multi-parametric urinary steroidal profile with multivariate statistics. This approach has been expanded to investigate new alleged biomarkers by the application of untargeted urinary metabolomics. Urine samples from 91 patients (43 affected by PCa; 48 by benign hyperplasia) were deconjugated, extracted in both basic and acidic conditions, derivatized with different reagents, and analyzed with different gas chromatographic columns. Three-dimensional data were obtained from full-scan electron impact mass spectra. The PARADISe software, coupled with NIST libraries, was employed for the computation of PARAFAC2 models, the extraction of the significative components (alleged biomarkers), and the generation of a semiquantitative dataset. After variables selection, a partial least squares–discriminant analysis classification model was built, yielding promising performances. The selected biomarkers need further validation, possibly involving, yet again, a targeted approach

    Lameness detection challenges in automated milking systems addressed with partial least squares discriminant analysis

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    AbstractLameness causes decreased animal welfare and leads to higher production costs. This study explored data from an automatic milking system (AMS) to model on-farm gait scoring from a commercial farm. A total of 88 cows were gait scored once per week, for 2 5-wk periods. Eighty variables retrieved from AMS were summarized week-wise and used to predict 2 defined classes: nonlame and clinically lame cows. Variables were represented with 2 transformations of the week summarized variables, using 2-wk data blocks before gait scoring, totaling 320 variables (2×2×80). The reference gait scoring error was estimated in the first week of the study and was, on average, 15%. Two partial least squares discriminant analysis models were fitted to parity 1 and parity 2 groups, respectively, to assign the lameness class according to the predicted probability of being lame (score 3 or 4/4) or not lame (score 1/4). Both models achieved sensitivity and specificity values around 80%, both in calibration and cross-validation. At the optimum values in the receiver operating characteristic curve, the false-positive rate was 28% in the parity 1 model, whereas in the parity 2 model it was about half (16%), which makes it more suitable for practical application; the model error rates were, 23 and 19%, respectively. Based on data registered automatically from one AMS farm, we were able to discriminate nonlame and lame cows, where partial least squares discriminant analysis achieved similar performance to the reference method

    Approximating a Wavefunction as an Unconstrained Sum of Slater Determinants

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    The wavefunction for the multiparticle Schr\"odinger equation is a function of many variables and satisfies an antisymmetry condition, so it is natural to approximate it as a sum of Slater determinants. Many current methods do so, but they impose additional structural constraints on the determinants, such as orthogonality between orbitals or an excitation pattern. We present a method without any such constraints, by which we hope to obtain much more efficient expansions, and insight into the inherent structure of the wavefunction. We use an integral formulation of the problem, a Green's function iteration, and a fitting procedure based on the computational paradigm of separated representations. The core procedure is the construction and solution of a matrix-integral system derived from antisymmetric inner products involving the potential operators. We show how to construct and solve this system with computational complexity competitive with current methods.Comment: 30 page

    Experienced and inexperienced observers achieved relatively high within-observer agreement on video mobility scoring of dairy cows

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    AbstractAssessment of lameness prevalence and severity requires visual evaluation of thelocomotion of a cow. Welfare schemes including locomotion assessments are increasingly being adopted, and more farmers and their veterinarians might implement a locomotion-scoring routine together. However, high within-observer agreement is a prerequisite for obtaining valid mobility scorings, and within-observer agreement cannot be estimated in a barn, because the gait of cows is dynamic and may change between 2 occasions. The objective of this study was to estimate the within-observer agreement according to the observers’ educational background and experience with cattle, based on video recordings with very diverse types of gait. Groups of farmers, bovine veterinarians, first- and fourth-year veterinary students, researchers, and cattle-inexperienced sensory assessors evaluated mobility using a 5-point mobility score system developed specifically for walking cows (n=102 observers). The evaluation sessions were similar for all groups, lasted 75 min, and were organized as follows: introduction, test A, short training session, break, and test B. In total, video recordings of 22 cows were displayed twice in a random order (11 cows in each test × 2 replicates). Data were analyzed applying kappa coefficient, logistic regression, and testing for random effects of observers. The crude estimates of 95% confidence interval for weighted kappa in test A and B ranged, respectively, from 0.76 to 0.80 and 0.70 to 0.75. When adjusting for the fixed effects of video sample and gait scoring preferences, the probability of assigning the same mobility score twice to the same cow varied from 55% (sensory assessors) to 72% (fourth-year veterinary students). The random effect of the individual observers was negligible. That is, in general observers could categorize the mobility characteristics of cows quite well. Observers who preferred to assess the attributes back arch or the overall mobility score (based on uneven gait) had the highest agreement, respectively, 69 or 68%. The training session seemed insufficient to improve agreement. Nonetheless, even novice observers were able to achieve perfect agreement up to 60% of the 22 scorings with merely the experience obtained during the study (introduction and training session). The relatively small differences between groups, together with a high agreement, demonstrate that the new system is easy to follow compared with previously described scoring systems. The mobility score achieves sufficiently high within-observer repeatability to allow between-observer agreement estimates, which are reliable compared with other more-complex scoring systems. Consequently, the new scoring scale seems feasible for on-farm applications as a tool to monitor mobility within and between cows, for communication between farmers and veterinarians with diverse educational background, and for lamenessbenchmarking of herds
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