1,444 research outputs found

    Statistical correlation between enterovirus genome copy numbers and infectious viral particles in wastewater samples

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    Aims: Classic virological tests are time consuming and labour-intensive; realtime RT-PCR has proven to be a fast method to detect and quantify enterovirus genomes in clinical and environmental samples. This method is unable to discriminate between infective and noninfective enterovirus particles; few clinical studies have compared real-time RT-PCR and viral culture. We wondered if the enterovirus genome quantification could be correlated to the infectivity. Methods and Results: We used the statistical approach to verify our hypotheses to correlate data, obtained by the standard method (most probable number of cytopathic units—MPNCU) and molecular test (real-time RT-PCR), on wastewater treatment plant samples. Chi-squared test was used, considering several cut-off values (‘50’-‘100’-‘200’ genome copy numbers), to determine statistical significance in comparison of the two methods. Chi-square value was not significant when cut-off of 50 (P = 0Æ103) and 100 (P = 0Æ178) was assumed but was significant with cut-off of 200 (P = 0Æ044). Conclusion: This limit, 200 genome copy, could be used as cut-off value to indicate enterovirus survival in environmental monitoring. Significant and Impact of the Study: To introduce a fast procedure that is able to compensate for disadvantages of cell culture method for viral environmental analyses

    Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy of strain-engineered GaAsBi alloys

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    In this paper, we present results obtained by an optical technique, namely, reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), applied to a series of GaAs1-xBix samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) under different strain conditions with the increasing concentration of Bi, up to the higher value of about 7%. The epitaxial buffer layers for the growing GaAs1-xBix layer were prepared with either a compressive strain (as it is commonly done) or a tensile strain: The latter case has been proven to be a strategy that allows us to obtain a better crystalline quality [Tisbi et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 014028 (2020)]. A characteristic, well defined anisotropy signal below 2.5 eV is demonstrated to be connected to the presence of Bi and, in particular, to the strain produced in the sub-surface region by the voluminous Bi atoms. The amplitude of this signal directly relates to the Bi quantity, while its sign gives information about the local clustering/ordering of Bi atoms in the grown sample. We conclude that the detailed interpretation of RAS signatures and the knowledge of their origin offer the opportunity to utilize this technique to follow in real time the GaAsBi growth either in MBE or in metal organic vapor phase epitaxy processes

    Coverage, efficacy or dosing interval: which factor predominantly influences the impact of routine childhood vaccination for the prevention of varicella? A model-based study for Italy

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    Background: Varicella is a highly infectious disease with a significant public health and economic burden, which can be prevented with childhood routine varicella vaccination. Vaccination strategies differ by country. Some factors are known to play an important role (number of doses, coverage, dosing interval, efficacy and catch-up programmes), however, their relative impact on the reduction of varicella in the population remains unclear. This paper aims to help policy makers prioritise the critical factors to achieve the most successful vaccination programme with the available budget. Methods: Scenarios assessed the impact of different vaccination strategies on reduction of varicella disease in the population. A dynamic transmission model was used and adapted to fit Italian demographics and population mixing patterns. Inputs included coverage, number of doses, dosing intervals, first-dose efficacy and availability of catch-up programmes, based on strategies currently used or likely to be used in different countries. The time horizon was 30 years. Results: Both one- and two-dose routine varicella vaccination strategies prevented a comparable number of varicella cases with complications, but two-doses provided broader protection due to prevention of a higher number of milder varicella cases. A catch-up programme in susceptible adolescents aged 10-14 years old reduced varicella cases by 27-43 % in older children, which are often more severe than in younger children. Coverage, for all strategies, sustained at high levels achieved the largest reduction in varicella. In general, a 20 % increase in coverage resulted in a further 27-31 % reduction in varicella cases. When high coverage is reached, the impact of dosing interval and first-dose vaccine efficacy had a relatively lower impact on disease prevention in the population. Compared to the long (11 years) dosing interval, the short (5 months) and medium (5 years) interval schedules reduced varicella cases by a further 5-13 % and 2-5 %, respectively. Similarly, a 10 % increase in first-dose efficacy (from 65 to 75 % efficacy) prevented 2-5 % more varicella cases, suggesting it is the least influential factor when considering routine varicella vaccination. Conclusions: Vaccination strategies can be implemented differently in each country depending on their needs, infrastructure and healthcare budget. However, ensuring high coverage remains the critical success factor for significant prevention of varicella when introducing varicella vaccination in the national immunisation programme

    Present situation and new perspectives for vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis in Tuscany, Central Italy

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    Background. In Italy one third of bacterial meningitis are caused by Neisseria meningitidis. In March 2005, the Regional Health Authority of Tuscany included the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccine in the recommended vaccination pro- gram with a schedule of three doses to all newborns at 3, 5 and 13 months of age (from 2008 amended to a single dose at 13 months) and a single catch-up dose until age 6. Objective. To evaluate the impact of the current national and regional immunization strategies against N. meningitidis and to highlight new perspectives for meningococcal disease prevention with the existing tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (ACWY) and with the future incoming meningococcal B vaccines. Methods. Meningitis incidence rates in Italy and in Tuscany were calculated for the period 1994-2011 and 2005-2011,respectively. Immunization coverage with MCC vaccine in Tuscany and vacci- nation status of meningitis cases were reported. Literature review on meningococcal conjugate vaccine use and recommendation was performed. Results. A decrease in incidence rates of meningococcal menin- gitis was observed in all age groups involved in the immunization campaign. Immunization coverage with MCC increased progres- sively year by year in Tuscany. A herd immunity effect was meas- ured in unvaccinated age groups. Since 2006 no cases of invasive meningococcal C infection in vaccinated subjects were observed in Tuscany. Conclusions. Implementation of MCC vaccination in Tuscany was effective in preventing meningococcal C disease, confirming the effectiveness of the vaccine. A new tetravalent (ACWY) con- jugate vaccine is now available and its use in all Italian Regions should be considered. The full article is free available on www.jpmh.or

    Experimental probing of exchange interactions between localized spins in the dilute magnetic insulator (Ga,Mn)N

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    The sign, magnitude, and range of the exchange couplings between pairs of Mn ions is determined for (Ga,Mn)N and (Ga,Mn)N:Si with x < 3%. The samples have been grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and characterized by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy; high-resolution transmission electron microscopy with capabilities allowing for chemical analysis, including the annular dark-field mode and electron energy loss spectroscopy; high-resolution and synchrotron x-ray diffraction; synchrotron extended x-ray absorption fine-structure; synchrotron x-ray absorption near-edge structure; infra-red optics and electron spin resonance. The results of high resolution magnetic measurements and their quantitative interpretation have allowed to verify a series of ab initio predictions on the possibility of ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic insulators and to demonstrate that the interaction changes from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic when the charge state of the Mn ions is reduced from 3+ to 2+.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures; This version contains the detailed characterization of the crystal structure as well as of the Mn distribution and charge stat

    Insulinoma presenting as idiopathic hypersomnia

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    We report the case of a 32-year-old woman with a history of increased sleep need and difficulty waking up; the diagnosis of idiopathic hypersomnia was hypothesized. During ambulatory polysomnography (PSG), the patient presented an episode characterized by loss of consciousness and jerking of the four limbs. A video-PSG monitoring was performed and the patient showed unresponsiveness and drowsiness at 7 a.m. During the episode, EEG showed theta-delta diffuse activity, and blood glucose level was 32 mg dl(-1). The diagnosis of insulinoma was then assumed; CT scan showed a hypodense mass into the pancreatic tail, and a partial pancreasectomy was performed. The described symptoms disappeared, and 5 years later the findings of a complete clinical and neurophysiological examination were negative. The clinical picture of insulinoma presenting with paroxysmal disorders has been previously described; however, whereas hypersomnia is uncommon, in the current case it represents the main symptom. Clinicians should keep in mind that neuroglycopenia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with hypersomnia, particularly if the clinical scenario does not conform to standard criteria

    Heart rate detection by Fitbit ChargeHRâ„¢: A validation study versus portable polysomnography

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    Consumer "Smartbands" can collect physiological parameters, such as heart rate (HR), continuously across the sleep-wake cycle. Nevertheless, the quality of HR data detected by such devices and their place in the research and clinical field is debatable, as they are rarely rigorously validated. The objective of the present study was to investigate the reliability of pulse photoplethysmographic detection by the Fitbit ChargeHR (FBCHR, Fitbit Inc.) in a natural setting of continuous recording across vigilance states. To fulfil this aim, concurrent portable polysomnographic (pPSG) and the Fitbit's photoplethysmographic data were collected from a group of 25 healthy young adults, for ≥12hr. The pPSG-derived HR was automatically computed and visually verified for each 1-min epoch, while the FBCHR HR measurements were downloaded from the application programming interface provided by the manufacturer. The FBCHR was generally accurate in estimating the HR, with a mean (SD) difference of -0.66(0.04)beats/min (bpm) versus the pPSG-derived HR reference, and an overall Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) of 0.93 (average per participant r=0.85±0.11), regardless of vigilance state. The correlation coefficients were larger during all sleep phases (rapid eye movement, r=0.9662; N1, r=0.9918; N2, r=0.9793; N3, r=0.9849) than in wakefulness (r=0.8432). Moreover, the correlation coefficient was lower for HRs of &gt;100bpm (r=0.374) than for HRs of &lt;100bpm (r=0.84). Consistently, Bland-Altman analysis supports the overall higher accuracy in the detection of HR during sleep. The relatively high accuracy of FBCHR pulse rate detection during sleep makes this device suitable for sleep-related research applications in healthy participants, under free-living conditions
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