237 research outputs found

    O VI Observations of the Onset of Convection Zones in Main-Sequence A Stars

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    If magnetic activity in outer stellar atmospheres is due to an interplay between rotation and subsurface convection, as is generally presumed, then one would not expect to observe indicators of activity in stars with T_eff > 8300 K. Any X-ray or ultraviolet line emission from hotter stars must be due either to a different mechanism or to an unresolved, active, binary companion. Due to their poor spatial resolution, X-ray instruments have been especially susceptible to source confusion. At wavelengths longward of 1216 Angstroms, the near ultraviolet spectra of stars hotter than this putative dividing line are dominated by photospheric continuum. We have used FUSE to obtain spectra of the subcoronal O VI emission lines, which lie at a wavelength where the photospheric continuum of the mid- and early-A stars is relatively weak. We observed 14 stars spanning a range in T_eff from 7720 to 10,000 K. Eleven of the 14 stars showed O VI emission lines, including 6 of the 8 targets with T_eff > 8300 K. At face value, this suggests that activity does not fall off with increasing temperature. However, the emission lines are narrower than expected from the projected rotational velocities of these rapidly-rotating stars, suggesting that the emission could come from unresolved late-type companions. Furthermore, the strength of the O VI emission is consistent with that expected from an unseen active K or M dwarf binary companinon, and the high x-ray to far uv luminosity ratios observed indicate that this must be the case. Our results are therefore consistent with earlier studies that have shown a rapid drop-off in activity at the radiative/convective boundary expected at T_eff about 8300 K, in agreement with conventional stellar structure models

    X-ray Point Sources in The Central Region of M31 as seen by Chandra

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    We report on \chandra observations of the central region of M31. By combining eight \chandra ACIS-I observations taken between 1999 and 2001, we have identified 204 X-ray sources within the central 17×17\sim 17'\times17' region of M31, with a detection limit of 2×1035\sim 2\times10^{35}\lum. Of these 204 sources, 22 are identified with globular clusters, 2 with supernova remnants, 9 with planetary nebula, and 9 as supersoft sources. By comparing individual images, about 50% of the sources are variable on time scales of months. We also found 13 transients, with light curves showing a variety of shapes. We also extracted the energy spectra of the 20 brightest sources; they can be well fit by a single power-law with a mean photon index of 1.8. The spectral shapes of 12 sources are shown to be variable, suggesting that they went through state changes. The luminosity function of all the point sources is consistent with previous observations (a broken power-law with a luminosity break at 1.7×10371.7\times10^{37}\lum). However, when the X-ray sources in different regions are considered separately, different luminosity functions are obtained. This indicates that the star-formation history might be different in different regions.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, accepted, Higher-resolution figures available on reques

    CBR model for the intelligent management of customer support centers

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    [EN] In this paper, a new CBR system for Technology Management Centers is presented. The system helps the staff of the centers to solve customer problems by finding solutions successfully applied to similar problems experienced in the past. This improves the satisfaction of customers and ensures a good reputation for the company who manages the center and thus, it may increase its profits. The CBR system is portable, flexible and multi-domain. It is implemented as a module of a help-desk application to make the CBR system as independent as possible of any change in the help-desk. Each phase of the reasoning cycle is implemented as a series of configurable plugins, making the CBR module easy to update and maintain. This system has been introduced and tested in a real Technology Management center ran by the Spanish company TISSAT S.A.Financial support from Spanish government under grant PROFIT FIT-340001-2004-11 is gratefully acknowledgeHeras Barberá, SM.; Garcia Pardo Gimenez De Los Galanes, JA.; Ramos-Garijo Font De Mora, R.; Palomares Chust, A.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Botti, V. (2006). CBR model for the intelligent management of customer support centers. En Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag (Germany). 663-670. https://doi.org/10.1007/11875581_80S663670Acorn, T., Walden, S.: SMART: SupportManagement Automated Reasoning Technology for Compaq Customer Service. In: Scott, A., Klahr, P. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2 International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS-92 Berlin, vol. 4, pp. 3–18. AAAI Press, Menlo Park (1992)Simoudis, E.: Using Case-Based Retrieval for Customer Technical Support. IEEE Intelligent Systems 7, 10–12 (1992)Kriegsman, M., Barletta, R.: Building a Case-Based Help Desk Application. IEEE Expert: Intelligent Systems and Their Applications 8, 18–26 (1993)Shimazu, H., Shibata, A., Nihei, K.: Case-Based Retrieval Interface Adapted to Customer-Initiated Dialogues in Help Desk Operations. In: Mylopoulos, J., Reiter, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, pp. 513–518. AAAI Press, Menlo Park (1994)Raman, R., Chang, K.H., Carlisle, W.H., Cross, J.H.: A self-improving helpdesk service system using case-based reasoning techniques. Computers in Industry 2, 113–125 (1996)Kang, B.H., Yoshida, K., Motoda, H., Compton, P.: Help Desk System with Intelligent Interface. Applied Artificial Intelligence 11, 611–631 (1997)Roth-Berghofer, T., Iglezakis, I.: Developing an Integrated Multilevel Help-Desk Support System. In: Proceedings of the 8th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, pp. 145–155 (2000)Goker, M., Roth-Berghofer, T.: The development and utilization of the case-based help-desk support system HOMER. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 12, 665–680 (1999)Roth-Berghofer, T.R.: Learning from HOMER, a case-based help-desk support system. In: Melnik, G., Holz, H. (eds.) Advances in Learning Software Organizations, pp. 88–97. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)Bergmann, R., Althoff, K.D., Breen, S., Göker, M., Manago, M., Traphöner, R., Wess, S.: Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications. In: The INRECA Methodology, 2nd edn. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 1612. Springer, Heidelberg (2003)eGain (2006), http://www.egain.comKaidara Software Corporation (2006), http://www.kaidara.com/Empolis Knowledge Management GmbH - Arvato AG (2006), http://www.empolis.com/Althoff, K.D., Auriol, E., Barletta, R., Manago, M.: A Review of Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Tools. AI Perspectives Report. Goodall, A., Oxford (1995)Watson, I.: Applying Case-Based Reasoning. Techniques for Enterprise Systems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. California (1997)empolis: empolis Orenge Technology Whitepaper. Technical report, empolis GmbH (2002)Tissat, S.A. (2006), http://www.tissat.esGiraud-Carrier, C., Martinez, T.R.: An integrated framework for learning and reasoning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 3, 147–185 (1995)Corchado, J.M., Borrajo, M.L., Pellicer, M.A., Yanez, J.C.: Neuro-symbolic system for Business Internal Control. In: Perner, P. (ed.) ICDM 2004. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3275, pp. 1–10. Springer, Heidelberg (2004)Aamodt, A., Plaza, E.: Case-based reasoning: foundational issues, methodological variations and system approaches. AI Communications 7(1), 39–59 (1994)Tversky, A.: Features of similarity. Psychological Review 84(4), 327–352 (1997

    X-ray Observations of the New Pulsar--Supernova Remnant System PSR J1119-6127 and SNR G292.2-0.5

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    PSR J1119-6127 is a recently discovered 1700-year-old radio pulsar that has a very high inferred surface dipolar magnetic field. We present a detailed analysis of a pointed ASCA observation and archival ROSAT data of J1119-6127 and its surroundings. Both data sets reveal extended emission coincident with the newly-discovered radio supernova remnant G292.2-0.5, reported in a companion paper by Crawford et al. (astro-ph/0012287).. A hard point source, offset ~1.5' from the position of the radio pulsar, is seen with the ASCA GIS. No pulsations are detected at the radio period with a pulsed fraction upper limit of 61% (95% confidence). The limited statistics prevent a detailed spectral analysis, although a power-law model with photon index (Gamma=~1-2) describes the data well. Both the spectral model and derived X-ray luminosity are consistent with those measured for other young radio pulsars, although the spatial offset renders an identification of the source as the X-ray counterpart of the pulsar uncertain.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 12 Pages in emulated ApJ format with embedded tables and color figure

    A dependent nominal type theory

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    Nominal abstract syntax is an approach to representing names and binding pioneered by Gabbay and Pitts. So far nominal techniques have mostly been studied using classical logic or model theory, not type theory. Nominal extensions to simple, dependent and ML-like polymorphic languages have been studied, but decidability and normalization results have only been established for simple nominal type theories. We present a LF-style dependent type theory extended with name-abstraction types, prove soundness and decidability of beta-eta-equivalence checking, discuss adequacy and canonical forms via an example, and discuss extensions such as dependently-typed recursion and induction principles

    A Chandra Study of the Rosette Star-Forming Complex. I. The Stellar Population and Structure of the Young Open Cluster NGC 2244

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    We present the first high spatial resolution Chandra X-ray study of NGC 2244, the 2 Myr old stellar cluster immersed in the Rosette Nebula. Over 900 X-ray sources are detected; 77% have optical or FLAMINGOS near-infrared (NIR) stellar counterparts and are mostly previously uncatalogued young stellar cluster members. All known OB stars with spectral type earlier than B1 are detected and the X-ray selected stellar population is estimated to be nearly complete between 0.5 and 3 Msun. The X-ray luminosity function (XLF) ranges from 29.4<logLx<32 ergs/s in the hard (2-8keV) band. By comparing the NGC 2244 and Orion Nebula Cluster XLFs, we estimate a total population of 2000 stars in NGC 2244. A number of further results emerge from our analysis: The XLF and the associated K-band luminosity function indicate a normal Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) for NGC 2244. This is inconsistent with the top-heavy IMF reported from earlier optical studies that lacked a good census of <4Msun stars. The spatial distribution of X-ray stars is strongly concentrated around the central O5 star, HD 46150. The other early O star, HD 46223, has few companions. The cluster's stellar radial density profile shows two distinctive structures. This double structure, combined with the absence of mass segregation, indicates that this cluster is not in dynamical equilibrium. The spatial distribution of X-ray selected K-excess disk stars and embedded stars is asymmetric with an apparent deficit towards the north. The fraction of X-ray-selected cluster members with K-band excesses caused by inner protoplanetary disks is 6%, slightly lower than the 10% disk fraction estimated from the FLAMINGOS study based on the NIR-selected sample. This is due to the high efficiency of X-ray surveys in locating disk-free T Tauri stars.[Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (March 1, 2008 v675 issue). 61 pages, 20 figures, 7 tables. Updated a statement on NGC 2244-334 and added a referenc

    Chandra Observations of the Pleiades Open Cluster: X-ray Emission from Late-B to Early-F Type Binaries

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    We present the analysis of a 38.4 ks and a 23.6 ks observation of the core of the Pleiades open cluster. The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory detected 99 X-ray sources in a 17'X17' region, including 18 of 23 Pleiades members. Five candidate Pleiades members have also been detected, confirming their cluster membership. Fifty-seven sources have no optical or near-infrared counterparts to limiting magnitudes V=22.5 and J=14.5. The unidentified X-ray sources are probably background AGN and not stars. The Chandra field of view contains seven intermediate mass cluster members. Five of these, HII 980 (B6 + G), HII 956 (A7 + F6), HII 1284 (A9 + K), HII 1338 (F3 + F6), and HII 1122 (F4 + K), are detected in this study. All but HII 1284 have high X-ray luminosity and soft X-ray spectra. HII 1284 has X-ray properties comparable to non-flaring K-type stars. Since all five stars are visual or spectroscopic binaries with X-ray properties similar to F-G stars, the late-type binary companions are probably producing the observed coronal X-ray emission. Strengthening this conclusion is the nondetection by Chandra of two A stars, HII 1362 (A7, no known companion) and HII 1375 (A0 + A SB) with X-ray luminosity upper limits 27-54 times smaller than HII 980 and HII 956, the B6-A7 stars with cooler companions. Despite the low number statistics, the Chandra data appear to confirm the expectation that late-B and A stars are not strong intrinsic X-ray sources. The ACIS spectra and hardness ratios suggest a gradual increase in coronal temperature with decreasing mass from F4 to K. M stars appear to have somewhat cooler coronae than active K stars.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables, to appear in Ap

    Chandra Observations of Variable Embedded X-ray sources in Orion. Paper I: Resolving Orion Trapezium

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    We used the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory to perform two observations, separated by three weeks, of the Orion Trapezium region. The zeroth order images on the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) provide spatial resolution of 0.5" and moderate energy resolution. Within a 160"x140" region around the Orion Trapezium we resolve 111 X-ray sources with luminosities between 7x10^{28} ergs/s and 2x10^{32} ergs/s. We do not detect any diffuse emission. Many sources appear much more heavily absorbed, with N_H in the range of 10^22 to 10^23 cm^-2. The main objective of this paper is to study the Orion Trapezium and its close vicinity. Most spectra of the very early type members can be fit with a two-temperature thermal spectrum with a soft component of kT ~ 0.8 keV and a hard component of kT ~ 2 to 3 keV. We discuss these results in the context of stellar wind models. We detect eight additional, mostly variable X-ray sources in the close vicinity of the Trapezium. Five of these X-rays sources are identified with proplyds and we argue that the X-ray emission originates from class I, II and III protostars at the cores of the proplyds.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Neutrino Mass and μe+γ\mu \rightarrow e + \gamma from a Mini-Seesaw

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    The recently proposed "mini-seesaw mechanism" combines naturally suppressed Dirac and Majorana masses to achieve light Standard Model neutrinos via a low-scale seesaw. A key feature of this approach is the presence of multiple light (order GeV) sterile-neutrinos that mix with the Standard Model. In this work we study the bounds on these light sterile-neutrinos from processes like \mu ---> e + \gamma, invisible Z-decays, and neutrinoless double beta-decay. We show that viable parameter space exists and that, interestingly, key observables can lie just below current experimental sensitivities. In particular, a motivated region of parameter space predicts a value of BR(\mu ---> e + \gamma) within the range to be probed by MEG.Comment: 1+26 pages, 7 figures. v2 JHEP version (typo's fixed, minor change to presentation, results unchanged

    XMM-Newton Detection of Hard X-ray Emission in the Nitrogen-Type Wolf-Rayet Star WR110

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    We have used the excellent sensitivity of XMM-Newton to obtain the first high-quality X-ray spectrum of a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star which is not known to be a member of a binary system. Our target, the nitrogen-type star WR 110 (= HD 165688) was also observed and detected with the VLA at four different frequencies. The radio data are in excellent agreement with that expected for free-free wind emission. and the ionized mass-loss rate is derived. The X-ray emission measure distribution shows a dominant contribution from cool plasma at kTcool_{cool} = 0.5 keV (6 MK) which is only weakly absorbed. We argue that this cool emission originates at hundreds of radii if the wind is spherical and homogeneous and derive shock velocities and the X-ray filling factor using radiative shock models. A surprising result is the unambiguous detection of a hard X-ray component clearly seen in the hard-band images and the spectra. This hard component accounts for about half of the observed flux and can be acceptably fitted by a hot optically thin thermal plasma or a power-law model. If the emission is thermal, then a temperature kThot_{hot} \geq 3 keV is derived. Such high temperatures are not predicted by current instability-driven wind shock models. We examine several alternatives and show that the hard emission could be accounted for by the WR wind shocking onto a close stellar companion which has so far escaped detection. However, until persuasive evidence for binarity is found we are left with the intriguing possibility that the hard X-ray emission is produced entirely by the Wolf-Rayet star.Comment: 2 tables, 7 figure