45 research outputs found

    Scope and trends of the digital transformation in the world industry

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    The impact that the digital transformation in manufacturing has on businesses, suppliers and other third parties has increased significantly now. Digital transformation in manufacturing means improving traditional manufacturing processes with the help of digital technologies. The goal of digital transformation is to increase production efficiency and reduce costs, improve the quality of goods and services produced, and quickly adapt to changes in the global market. The state of industrial production is constantly changing due to the instability of global, economic and political decisions, so the adoption and expansion of digital solutions based on Industry 4.0, the Internet of things, machine learning and other technologies of the future is accelerating. With the help of these technologies, industrial companies are trying to change approaches and find new ways to solve problems. As practice shows, mining and metallurgical companies lag behind other industries in the field of digital transformation, although they have great potential. This lag behind mainly due to the risks associated with the transformation and development of new digital production technologies, while it is possible to adhere to traditional and proven methods of work

    Bone remodeling markers after experimental augmentation of trabecular bone defects with resorbable and non-resorbable osteoplastic materials in rabbits

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    To study the effect of bone defect augmentation on the dynamics of bone remodeling markers. Material and methods The effect of resorbable xenoplastic material (RXM), synthetic beta-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP), porous titanium implant (PTI) and nanostructured carbon implant (NCI) on the markers of bone remodeling (osteocalcin, OC; bone alkaline phosphatase, BALP; C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, CTX-1) and inflammation marker (C-reactive protein, CRP) was investigated using bone defect model in rabbits. 24 animals were divided into 4 groups (n = 6 in each group) according to the type of osteoplastic material. Control group (n = 6) was without augmentation. An impression fracture of the proximal tibia was modeled. Blood samples were taken on days 1, 3, 7, 14, 45, 90, 180 after surgery. Results CTX-1was not detected in the control, b-TCP, PTI, and RXM groups after 90 days, but in the NCI group CTX-1 remained elevated until the end of the study. OC in the control, b-TCP, PTI groups reached a maximum at 14-45 days. No significant increase in OC was found in the NCI group. The BALP in the control group peaked at 90 days. In the b-TCP and PTI groups the concentration of BALP increased more rapidly. The dynamics of CRP in the RXM, b-TCP and PTI groups was similar to the dynamics in the control group, in the NCI group an increased level of CRP remained until the end of the study. Conclusion When a bone defect was augmented with both resorbable b-TCP and nonresorbable PTI, high osteogenesis activity and low osteoresorption activity were detected. The use of xenoplastic material did not reveal any advantages in comparison with surgery performed without augmentation. An increase in osteoresorption and a low level of osteogenesis were found by using NCI. © Yildiz K., Yildiz V., 2020

    Баланс интересов в договоре на сервисное обслуживание автопарка

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version).ABSTRACT The way of achievement of balance of interests of a customer and of a contractor during service of cars which became possible on the basis of differentiation of a contractual value of technical availability rate is grounded. It is suggested within techniques of calculating technical availability rate to take into account the increase in the total number and total labor intensity of repair actions for a calendar period as the car fleet ages. Advantages of the proposed recommendations are shown at the example of service maintenance of open-pit dump trucks of a large metallurgical enterprise. Keywords: car fleet, service maintenance, technical availability rate, contractual value, balance of interests. REFERENCES 1.Gryaznov, M.V., Antropova, E.M., Balikova, E. 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Approach to evaluation of efficiency of material resources during the operation of KamAZ-55111 dump trucks in CJSC Yuzhuralavtoban [Podhod k ocenke effektivnosti material’nyh resursov pri ekspluatacii avtosamosvalov KamAZ-55111 v ZAO «Juzhuralavtoban»].Vestnik Krasnojarskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, Iss.39.Transport.Krasnoyarsk, KGTU publ., 2005, pp.644-648. 3.Gryaznov, M.V., Kolobanov, S.V.et al.Improvement of the calculation technique for the areas of current repair of dump trucks with carrying capacity up to 30 tons [Sovershenstvovanie metodiki rascheta ploshhadej zon tekushhego remonta avtosamosvalov gruzopod’emnost’ju do 30 t].Problems of development of mining industries and safety of controlled use of chrysotile fiber and chrysotile-containing materials: Proceedings of the 3rd international scientific-practical conference.Gen.ed.by S. Zh.Galiev.Zhitikara, 2005, pp.304-309. 4.Gryaznov, M.V., Menshchikov, G.V., Krasavin, A. 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Research of regularities of change in the performance of open-pit dump trucks during the period of their operation [Issledovanie zakonomernostej izmenenija pokazatelej raboty kar’ernyh samosvalov v techenie sroka ih ekspluatacii].Gornaja promyshlennost’, 2006, Iss.6, pp.30-34. 20.Gilevich, G. P. Reference guide for drawing up plans for development of mining operations in pits for extraction of raw materials for production of building materials [Spravochnoe rukovodstvo po sostavleniju planov razvitija gornyh rabot na kar’erah po dobyche syr’ja dlja proizvodstva stroitel’nyh materialov].Moscow, Nedra publ., 1988, 142 p. 21.Kuleshov, A. A. Design and operation of open-pit transport: Handbook [Proektirovanie i ekspluatacija kar’ernogo transporta: Spravochnik].Part.I. St.Petersburg Mining Institute.St.Petersburg, 1994, 230 p. 22.Kerimov, F. Yu.Operation of lifting, transport, construction and road machines: Textbook [Ekspluatacija pod’emno-transportnyh, stroitel’nyh i dorozhnyh mashin: Uchebnik].Moscow, Akademia publ., 2007, 512 p. 23.Spirin, I. V. Organization and management of passenger road transportation: Textbook [Organizacija i upravlenie passazhirskimi avtomobil’nymi perevozkami: Uchebnik].5th ed., rev.Moscow, Academia publ., 2010, 400 p. 24.Turevsky, I. S. Road transportation: educational guide [Avtomobil’nye perevozki: ucheb. posobie].Moscow, Forum; Infra-M, 2008, 224 p. 25.Velmozhin, A.V., Gudkov, V.A., Mirotin, L.B., Kulikov, A. V. Freight road transportation: textbook for universities [Gruzovye avtomobil’nye perevozki: uchebnik dlja vuzov].Moscow, Gorjachaja linija - Telekom, 2006, 560 p. 26.Gorev, A. E. Freight road transportation: educational guide [Gruzovye avtomobil’nye perevozki: Ucheb. posobie].5th ed., rev.Moscow, Academia publ., 2008, 288 p. 27.Chubenko, E. F. The main performance indicators of vehicles of freight road transport [Osnovnye pokazateli raboty podvizhnogo sostava gruzovogo avtomobil’nogo transporta].Vestnik Vladivostokskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta ekonomiki i servisa, 2011, Iss.2, pp.77-80. 28.Bachurin, A. A. Planning and forecasting of activities of road transport organizations: educational guide [Planirovanie i prognozirovanie dejatel’nosti avtotransportnyh organizacij: Ucheb. posobie].Moscow, Academia publ., 2011, 272 p. 29.Gryaznov, M.V., Krupnov, A. M. Search of labor productivity reserves of maintenance personnel of the TSAGA LLC «Autotransportnoe upravlenie» [Poisk rezervov proizvoditel’nosti truda remontnogo personala CRGA OOO «Avtotransportnoe upravlenie»].Vestnik MGTU im. G. I. Nosova,2007, Iss.2, pp.93-94. 30.Gryaznov, M.V., Tverdokhlebov, B.A., Nikitina, K. E.Organization of service maintenance of dump trucks in the conditions of ODE of OJSC MMK [Organizacija servisnogo obsluzhivanija avtosamosvalov v uslovijah GOP OAO «MMK»].Mining, processing and application of natural stone: collection of scientific works on the proceedings of international scientific-technical conference.Iss.10, Magnitogorsk, MSTU publ., 2010, pp.172-180. 31.Kurganov, V.M., Gryaznov, M. V. Management of reliability of transport systems and processes of road transportation: Monograph [Upravlenie nadezhnost’ju transportnyh sistem i processov avtomobil’nyh perevozok: Monografija].Magnitogorsk, Dom pechati publ., 2013, 318 p.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Обоснован способ достижения баланса интересов заказчика и исполнителя работ по сервисному обслуживанию автомобилей, который стал возможен на основе дифференциации договорной величины коэффициента технической готовности. Предложено в методике расчёта коэффициента технической готовности учитывать увеличение общего количества и суммарной трудоёмкости ремонтных воздействий за календарный период по мере старения автопарка. Преимущества предлагаемых рекомендаций показаны на примере сервисного обслуживания карьерных автосамосвалов крупного металлургического предприятия

    Investigation of bone tissue mechanical properties in the supra-acetabular region

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    Introduction The investigation of the trabecular bone strength in the acetabular area and its dependence on age and gender may provide a theoretical basis for the development of implants for bone replacement. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanical characteristics of the bone tissue in the supra-acetabular region in patients of different age groups. Materials and methods The cadaveric material of 60 patients was studied and included 20 young patients (age range, 18 to 44), 20 middle-aged patients (age range 45 to 59) and 20 elderly patients (age range, 60 to 74). Fragments of bone tissue 3 × 3 × 1.5 cm in size were removed from the supraacetabular region using an osteotome. Cylindrical specimens, 6 mm in diameter and 9 mm high, were produced from these fragments using a crown cutter. All samples were subjected to uniaxial compression at a loading rate of 1 mm/min. Results Comparison of male patients for each of the mechanical parameters did not reveal age differences (p > 0.05). In women of different age groups, the magnitude of elastic deformation was significantly different both by multiple analysis and in pairwise comparison of groups (p 0.05). Discussion The data obtained on the mechanical behavior of the trabecular bone and the values of the strength parameters are explained by the spatial arrangement of the fibers of structural proteins, the cross-linking profile of collagen, the degree of matrix mineralization, the structure of hydroxyapatite, and the amount of bound water. Conclusion In male patients, mechanical characteristics of the bone tissue in the supra-acetabular region do not change significantly with age. In women, the value of elastic deformation increases significantly with age. The maximum tensile strength and modulus of elasticity in women of different ages did not show any changes © Udintseva M.Yu., Zaitsev D.V., Volokitina E.A., Antropova I.P., Kutepov S.M., 202


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    The aim of the Yet Another RussNet project is to create an open WordNet-like thesaurus for Russian. YARN’s synsets had been created by means of crowdsourcing, which led to the problem of having several duplicate synsets for one concept. This study is dedicated to development and implementation of semi-automatic way of building up a single synset of reasonable quality for every group of duplicates.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-312-00129_мол_а

    Perioperative analysis of hematological features in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    The article presents the results of a retrospective comparative study of the hematological parameters of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and deforming arthrosis. Patients underwent hip replacement in the Sverdlovsk regional hospital in Yekaterinburg in 2017.В статье представлены результаты ретроспективного сравнительного исследования гематологических показателей пациентов с ревматоидным артритом и деформирующим артрозом, которым было выполнено эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава в травматологическом отделении Свердловской областной больнице №1 г. Екатеринбурга в 2017 году

    Computer analysis of regulation of hepatocarcinoma marker genes hypermethylated by HCV proteins

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a risk factor that leads to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. Epigenetic changes are known to play an important role in the molecular genetic mechanisms of virus-induced oncogenesis. Aber rant DNA methylation is a mediator of epigenetic changes that are closely associated with the HCC pathogenesis and considered a biomarker for its early diagnosis. The ANDSystem software package was used to reconstruct and evaluate the statistical significance of the pathways HCV could potentially use to regulate 32 hypermethylated genes in HCC, including both oncosuppressor and protumorigenic ones identified by genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation. The reconstructed pathways included those affecting protein-protein interactions (PPI), gene expression, protein activity, stability, and transport regulations, the expression regulation pathways being statistically significant. It has been shown that 8 out of 10 HCV proteins were involved in these pathways, the HCV NS3 protein being implicated in the largest number of regulatory pathways. NS3 was associated with the regulation of 5 tumor-suppressor genes, which may be the evidence of its central role in HCC pathogenesis. Analysis of the reconstructed pathways has demonstrated that following the transcription factor inhibition caused by binding to viral proteins, the expression of a number of oncosuppressors (WT1, MGMT, SOCS1, P53) was suppressed, while the expression of others (RASF1, RUNX3, WIF1, DAPK1) was activated. Thus, the performed gene-network reconstruction has shown that HCV proteins can influence not only the methylation status of oncosuppressor genes, but also their transcriptional regulation. The results obtained can be used in the search for pharmacological targets to develop new drugs against HCV-induced HCC

    Preclinical attestation of osteotropic materials

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    In the course of this study, the safety of new promising ceramic composite materials was evaluated. In addition, the directional osteotropic effect of new bioequivalent materials was estimated.В ходе описанного исследования оценивалась безопасность новых перспективных керамических композитных материалов. Помимо этого, было проведено изучение направленного остеотропного действия новых биоэквивалентных материалов

    Studies of osteotropic action of ceramic material based on lantane zirconate in experiment

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    The article considers the possibility of using lanthanum zirconate as a new, promising osteotropic material. In modern traumatology, there is a need for osteotropic material that can fully correspond to native, intact bone tissue. To study osteotropic properties, we used the method of scanning electron microscopy, the method of uniaxial compression. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that lanthanum zirconate can be used as an osteotropic material.В статье рассмотрена возможность применения цирконата лантана в качестве нового остеотропного материала. В современной травматологии используют остеотропный материал, который не может полностью соответствовать нативной, интактной костной ткани в силу своих отличий по физико-химическим, механическим и биологическим свойствам. Для изучения остеоинтегративных свойств использовался экспериментальный метод, метод сканирующей электронной микроскопии, метод одноосного сжатия. По результатам исследования был сделан вывод о возможности применения цирконата лантана в качестве остетропного материал