108 research outputs found

    Establishing a governance threshold in small-scale fisheries to achieve sustainability

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    The lack of effective governance is a major concern in small-scale fisheries. The implementation of governance that encompasses the three pillars of sustainability (social, economic, and ecological) is still a worldwide challenge. We examined nine stalked barnacle fisheries (Pollicipes pollicipes) across Southwest Europe to better understand the relationship between governance elements and sustainability. Our results show that nested spatial scales of management, the access structure, co- management, and fisher’s participation in monitoring and surveillance promote sustainability. However, it is not the mere presence of these elements but their level of implementation that drives sustainability. Efforts should be placed in the accomplishment of a minimum combination of local scales of management, access rights through individual quotas, instructive-consultative co- management and functional participation. Surpassing this threshold in future governance structures will start to adequately promote social, economic and ecologically sustainability in small-scale fisheries

    Chaotic Genetic Patchiness in the Highly Valued Atlantic Stalked Barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes from the Iberian Peninsula: Implications for Fisheries Management. Frontiers in Marine Science

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    The stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes inhabits rocky shores from the Atlantic coasts of Brittany (France) to Senegal. Because of the culinary traditions of southern Europe, stalked barnacles represent an important target species for local fisheries on the Iberian Peninsula. To manage this fishery sustainably, it is therefore important to assess the dynamics of local populations over the Iberian coast, and how they are interconnected at a wider scale using finely tuned genetic markers. In this work, a new enriched library of GT microsatellites for P. pollicipes was prepared and sequenced using Ion TorrentTM Next Gen-Sequencing Technology. 1,423 adults and juveniles were sampled in 15 localities of three geographic regions: southern Portugal, Galicia and Asturias (both in northern Spain). Twenty polymorphic loci arranged in five multiplex PCRs were then tested and validated as new molecular tools to address the spatial and temporal genetic patterns of P. pollicipes. Our results revealed high genetic diversity among adults. However, juveniles were genetically more structured than their adult counterparts, which alternatively displayed much more connectivity among the three studied regions. The lack of spatial genetic heterogeneity in adults may be due to the overlapping of several generations of settlers coming from different geographic origins, which mainly depends on the orientation of residual currents along the coast during reproduction. The genetic differentiation of juveniles may indeed be congruent with Iberian Peninsula hydrodynamics, which can produce chaotic genetic patchiness (CGP) at small temporal scales due to sweepstake reproductive success, collective dispersal and/or self-recruitment. Remarkably, most of the genetic heterogeneity of juveniles found in this work was located in Galicia, which could represent an admixture between distinct metapopulations or an old refuge for the most northern populations. To conclude, high genetic variation in P. pollicipes can lead to the false impression of population panmixia at the Iberian scale by masking more restricted and current-driven larval exchanges between regions. This possibility should be taken into consideration for further specific management and conservation plans for the species over the Iberian Peninsula


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    This is a first record of Probstmayria tapiri in Mexico, was found in 60 (41.09%) fecal samples from Baird´s tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in the Biosphera Reserves La Sepultura and El Triunfo in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico. Morphological characteristics of small nematode spindle-shaped forms truncated anteriorly and with a long, gradually attenuated, acutely pointed tail. Mouth with tree lips, pharynx elongated, aesophagus with tree portions: Anterior portion, long and slender, posterior portion, shorter, and pyriform portion, with a bulb. The excretory pore is situated near oesophagi bulb and ventral surface of the body. Vulva of female at about the middle of the body. Spicules assymetrical and curved. On the ventral surface of the tail there are nine small postanal papillae. These results allow us to extend their geographic distribution of nematode to Central America and another species of Tapir’s (T. bairdii). Finally we emphasized that the environmental conditions of La Sierra Madre de Chiapas, are optimal for the biological development of this nematode from tapirs of Central and South America.Primer registro de Probstmayria tapiri en México y para la especie de Tapirus bairdii (tapir Centroamericano), en la que se hace una redescripción de este nematodo. Se encontró en 60 (41.09%) muestras de excretas frescas recolectadas en las Reservas de la Biosfera La Sepultura y El Triunfo en la Sierra Madre de Chiapas, México. Las características morfológicas de los especimenes observados son nematodos pequeños con cutícula finamente estriada, fusiforme que gradualmente disminuye su diámetro hacia ambos extremos, terminando en una cola aguda. Boca hexagonal con tres labios bilobulados, faringe alargada, esófago con tres porciones: anterior, larga y delgada, media, corta y estrecha, piriforme, con un bulbo. El poro excretor se encuentra situado cerca del bulbo esofágico y ventral a la superficie del cuerpo. La vulva de la hembra esta cerca de la porción media del cuerpo. Las espículas del macho son asimétricas y curvadas. En la superficie ventral de la cola hay nueve papilas postanales. Estos resultados nos permiten ampliar la distribución geográfica del nematodo a Centroamérica y otra especie de tapir (T. bairdii). Finalmente enfatizamos que las condiciones ambientales de la Sierra Madre son óptimas para el desarrollo biológico de este nematodo de los miembros de la Familia Tapiridae en Centroamérica y Sudaméric

    A large‑scale comparison of reproduction and recruitment of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes across Europe

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    Understanding large-scale spatial and temporal patterns of marine populations is a central goal in ecology, which has received renewed attention under climate change. However, few studies explore the large-scale dynamics of populations using standardized protocols and during the same time frames. We studied the phenology and intensity of reproduction and recruitment for the intertidal stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes over an European scale and described their potential linkages with environmental variables. This species supports profitable fisheries in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). In Brittany (France), we had observed a significant lower reproductive effort (long non-breeding season, short breeding period in summer) and low values of recruitment intensity. This pattern may be related to the fact that Brittany corresponds to the northern limit of the distribution of this species in continental Europe. On the Iberian Peninsula, the most different region was Galicia (Spain), with Asturias (Spain) and SW Portugal being more similar. In Galicia, we have observed a contradictory pattern characterized by the absence of a non-breeding period and by a shorter recruitment season than observed in other Iberian regions. Our results suggest that air temperature, SST and chlorophyll-a might be related to the variability in reproduction and recruitment patterns of P. pollicipes. Moreover, spring and early summer upwelling in SW Portugal and Galicia might be inhibiting recruitment in this period. At the northern limit, the expected increase in performance under climate change might facilitate the recovery of populations after exploitation, increasing the resilience of the resource to fishing pressure


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    Objetivos: El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión de las publicaciones que revelen el impacto de los estilos de vida en la salud integral de estudiantes universitarios del área ciencias de la salud. Métodos : La revisión fue efectuada mediante búsqueda electrónica de artículos relacionados con estilos de vida en estudiantes universitarios pertenecientes a las escuelas de ciencias de la salud. Las fuentes de búsqueda fueron ISI, SCIELO, MEDLINE, BVS y PUBMED. Los términos de búsqueda fueron: estilo de vida, estudiantes universitarios y ciencias de la salud. Para esta revisión se seleccionaron los artículos publicados que tuvieron experiencias investigativas desde el 2010 a la actualidad y los que incluyeron aspectos teórico-conceptuales se consideró los publicados desde el año 2000. Resultados: De los 83 artículos revisados, se descartaron 38 por no cumplir con el criterio de haber realizado la investigación en el área de ciencias de la salud, y 12 fueron retirados por ser publicados antes del 2010, quedando solo 33 artículos para esta revisión bibliográfica. De los 33 artículos seleccionados, 18 estudios cumplieron con los criterios de investigación, 15 fueron considerados para incluir aspectos teórico – conceptuales. Respecto a la actividad física, un estudio evidenció que el 40% de los jóvenes universitarios no realiza ningún ejercicio físico; otra investigación demostró que solo el 44% de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud practicaban los recomendados 30 minutos de ejercicio 5 días por semana. Además los patrones alimentarios de los estudiantes fueron inadecuados, haciéndose necesario un cambio en el 90% de la población, siendo la “comida chatarra” la que más consumieron los participantes. Por otro lado, los datos de un estudio revelaron que 1 de cada 5 de los estudiantes universitarios presentan alteraciones en su salud mental y el consumo de tabaco y/o drogas, aparece como factor de riesgo. Conclusión: La mayoría de los estudiantes universitarios de ciencias de la salud no aplican sus conocimientos en sus propios estilos de vida (alimentación, actividad física y demás prácticas). Esto revela la urgencia de crear programas universitarios que modifiquen y promuevan estilos de vida saludable. DOI:https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v16.n2.67


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    Objetivo: Realizar una actualización del Síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de artículos científicos relacionados con el tema. Los artículos científicos se obtuvieron a través de las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Lillacs, Cochrane. Los criterios de inclusión utilizados para seleccionar los artículos base para esta revisión fueron: 1) que tengan título con las palabras clave de la investigación, 2) con población de estudio en estudiantes universitarios, 3) publicados desde el año 2010 que estén relacionados al tema de investigación. Resultados: De 34 artículos revisados en total 12 cumplieron con los criterios de investigación. La prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout universitario varía entre el 8% y el56,9% de acuerdo a la población estudiada. Conclusión: La prevalencia del síndrome de burnout en estudiantes universitarios es significativa, afectando los tres dominios: agotamiento emocional, cinismo y rendimiento académico, por lo que su evaluación amerita futuras investigaciones.   DOI:https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v16.n1.33

    Coping with poachers in European stalked barnacle fisheries: Insights from a stakeholder workshop.

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    In January 2020, a stakeholder workshop was organized as a knowledge sharing strategy among European stalked barnacle fisheries. Management of this fishery differs greatly among regions and ranges from less organized and governed at large scales (>100 km, coasts of SW Portugal and Brittany in France) to highly participatory systems which are co-managed at small spatial scales (10′s km and less, Galicia and Asturias). Discussions revealed that poaching is ubiquitous, hard to eradicate, and adapts to all types of management. The stakeholders identified some key management initiatives in the fight against poaching: granting professional harvesters with exclusive access to the resource, increasing social capital among harvesters through tenure systems (e.g. Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries) that empower them as stewards of their resource and intensi- fication of surveillance with the active participation of the harvesters. Furthermore, increased cooperation be- tween fishers associations and regional fisheries authorities, improved legal frameworks, adoption of new technologies and the implementation of market-based solutions can also help coping with this systemic problem