17 research outputs found


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    At present, chemotherapy with some drugs such as nitroimidazoes derivatives is the preferred treatment for giardiasis. However, these agents are associated with adverse side effects ranging from nausea to possible genotoxicity. The present investigation was designed to systematically review the in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies about the efficacy of nanoparticles against giardiasis. The study was carried out based on the 06-PRISMA guideline and registered in the CAMARADES-NC3Rs Preclinical Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Facility (SyRF) database. The search was performed in five English databases, including Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Google Scholar, without time limitation for publications around the world about anti-Giardia effects of all organic and inorganic nanoparticles without date limitation in order to identify all the published articles. The searched words and terms were ā€œGiardiasisā€, ā€œGiardia lambliaā€, ā€œGiardia intestinalisā€, ā€œGiardia duodenalisā€, ā€œnanoparticlesā€, ā€œnanomedicineā€, ā€œin vitroā€, in vivoā€, and ā€œclinical trialā€. Out of 312 papers, 10 papers, including 4 in vitro (40.0%), 5 in vivo (50.0%), and 1 in vitro/in vivo (10.0%) up to 2021 met the inclusion criteria for discussion in this systematic review. The most common type of nanoparticles was metal nanoparticles (5 studies, 50.0%) such as silver, gold, etc., followed by organic nanoparticles such as chitosan nanoparticles (4 studies, 40.0%). The results of this review study showed the high efficacy of a wide range of organic and non-organic NPs against giardiasis, indicating that nanoparticles could be considered as an alternative and complementary resource for treating giardiasis, since they have no significant toxicity. However, more studies are required to elucidate this conclusion, especially in clinical systems

    Viral RNA Metagenomics of Hyalomma Ticks Collected from Dromedary Camels in Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia

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    Arthropod-borne infections are a medical and economic threat to humans and livestock. Over the last three decades, several unprecedented viral outbreaks have been recorded in the Western part of the Arabian Peninsula. However, little is known about the circulation and diversity of arthropod-borne viruses in this region. To prepare for new outbreaks of vector-borne diseases, it is important to detect which viruses circulate in each vector population. In this study, we used a metagenomics approach to characterize the RNA virome of ticks infesting dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries) in Makkah province, Saudi Arabia. Two hundred ticks of species Hyalomma dromedarii (n = 196) and Hyalomma impeltatum (n = 4) were collected from the Alkhurma district in Jeddah and Al-Taif city. Virome analysis showed the presence of several tick-specific viruses and tick-borne viruses associated with severe illness in humans. Some were identified for the first time in the Arabian Peninsula. The human disease-associated viruses detected included Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever virus and Tamdy virus (family Nairoviridae), Guertu virus (family Phenuiviridae), and a novel coltivirus that shares similarities with Tarumizu virus, Tai forest reovirus and Kundal virus (family Reoviridae). Furthermore, Alkhurma hemorrhagic virus (Flaviviridae) was detected in two tick pools by specific qPCR. In addition, tick-specific viruses in families Phenuiviridae (phleboviruses), Iflaviridae, Chuviridae, Totiviridae and Flaviviridae (Pestivirus) were detected. The presence of human pathogenetic viruses warrants further efforts in tick surveillance, xenosurveillence, vector control, and sero-epidemiological investigations in human and animal populations to predict, contain and mitigate future outbreaks in the region

    Viral RNA Metagenomics of Hyalomma Ticks Collected from Dromedary Camels in Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia

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    Arthropod-borne infections are a medical and economic threat to humans and livestock. Over the last three decades, several unprecedented viral outbreaks have been recorded in the Western part of the Arabian Peninsula. However, little is known about the circulation and diversity of arthropod-borne viruses in this region. To prepare for new outbreaks of vector-borne diseases, it is important to detect which viruses circulate in each vector population. In this study, we used a metagenomics approach to characterize the RNA virome of ticks infesting dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries) in Makkah province, Saudi Arabia. Two hundred ticks of species Hyalomma dromedarii (n = 196) and Hyalomma impeltatum (n = 4) were collected from the Alkhurma district in Jeddah and Al-Taif city. Virome analysis showed the presence of several tick-specific viruses and tick-borne viruses associated with severe illness in humans. Some were identified for the first time in the Arabian Peninsula. The human disease-associated viruses detected included Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever virus and Tamdy virus (family Nairoviridae), Guertu virus (family Phenuiviridae), and a novel coltivirus that shares similarities with Tarumizu virus, Tai forest reovirus and Kundal virus (family Reoviridae). Furthermore, Alkhurma hemorrhagic virus (Flaviviridae) was detected in two tick pools by specific qPCR. In addition, tick-specific viruses in families Phenuiviridae (phleboviruses), Iflaviridae, Chuviridae, Totiviridae and Flaviviridae (Pestivirus) were detected. The presence of human pathogenetic viruses warrants further efforts in tick surveillance, xenosurveillence, vector control, and sero-epidemiological investigations in human and animal populations to predict, contain and mitigate future outbreaks in the region

    Assessment and Validation of Globodera pallida as a Novel In Vivo Model for Studying Alzheimerā€™s Disease

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    Publication history: Accepted - 11 September 2021; Published online - 19 September 2021.Background: Whole transgenic or non-transgenic organism model systems allow the screening of pharmacological compounds for protective actions in Alzheimerā€™s disease (AD). Aim: In this study, a plant parasitic nematode, Globodera pallida, which assimilates intact peptides from the external environment, was investigated as a new potential non-transgenic model system of AD. Methods: Fresh second-stage juveniles of G. pallida were used to measure their chemosensory, perform immunocytochemistry on their neurological structures, evaluate their survival rate, measure reactive oxygen species, and determine total oxidized glutathione to reduced glutathione ratio (GSSG/GSH) levels, before and after treatment with 100 ĀµM of various amyloid beta (AĪ²) peptides (1ā€“40, 1ā€“42, 17ā€“42, 17ā€“40, 1ā€“28, or 1ā€“16). Wild-type N2 C. elegans (strain N2) was cultured on Nematode Growth Medium and directly used, as control, for chemosensory assays. Results: We demonstrated that: (i) G. pallida (unlike Caenorhabditis elegans) assimilates amyloid-Ī² (AĪ²) peptides which co-localise with its neurological structures; (ii) pre-treatment with various AĪ² isoforms (1ā€“40, 1ā€“42, 17ā€“42, 17ā€“40, 1ā€“28, or 1ā€“16) impairs G. pallidaā€™s chemotaxis to differing extents; (iii) AĪ² peptides reduced survival, increased the production of ROS, and increased GSSG/GSH levels in this model; (iv) this unique model can distinguish differences between different treatment concentrations, durations, and modalities, displaying good sensitivity; (v) clinically approved neuroprotective agents were effective in protecting G. pallida from AĪ² (1ā€“42) exposure. Taken together, the data indicate that G. pallida is an interesting in vivo model with strong potential for discovery of novel bioactive compounds with anti-AD activity.N.A.A. received a PhD studentship from Shaqra University, KSA and the Saudi Cultural Bureau in London (UKSACB). B.D.G.ā€™s laboratory has received support for AD research from Alzheimerā€™s Research UK (ARUK-NC2019-NI), the Medical Research Council (MRC) (CIC-CD1718- CIC25), US-Ireland Health and Social Care NI (HSC R&DST/5460/2018) and InvestNI (RD101427 11-01-17-008). This work was also supported by Shaqra University, Saudi Arabi

    Chamuangone-enriched rice bran oil ameliorates neurodegeneration in haloperidol-induced Parkinsonian rat model via modulation of neuro-inflammatory mediators and suppression of oxidative stress markers

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    A natural bioactive compound chamuangone extracted from Thai salad Garcinia cowa leaves exhibited robust medicinal properties, targeting central oxidative stress pathways, and having neuroprotective potential. Chamuangone-enriched rice bran oil (CERBO), with 1.97 mg/mL chamuangone, was obtained through green extraction. The study was designed to evaluate the anti-Parkinsonā€™s activity of CERBO in the haloperidol-induced Parkinsonian rat model. Animals were categorized into six groups as control, disease control and treatment groups. Parkinsonā€™s disease (PD)-like symptoms were induced by administration of haloperidol 1 mg/kg, intraperitoneally; CERBO treatment groups received 2.5, 5, and 7.5 mg/kg orally before the administration of haloperidol for 21 days. Neurobehavioral, biochemical, neurochemical, and histopathological studies along with gene expression analysis were performed at the completion of the study. CERBO markedly recover the motor and non-motor PD-like symptoms in treatment groups dose-dependently. The levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione, and glutathione peroxidase, increased, while malondialdehyde levels decreased dose-dependently in CERBO-treated groups. CERBO dose-dependent elevations were observed in neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline). PD-associated specific biomarker (Ī±-synuclein) decreased dose-dependently with downregulation in messenger RNA expression of neuro-inflammatory mediators (interleukin Ī±, interleukin 1Ī², and tumor necrosis factor-Ī±). Histopathological studies revealed recovery in neuronal loss, formation of Lewyā€™s bodies, and neurofibrillary tangles in the treatment groups. It was concluded from the data that CERBO possessed good anti-Parkinsonā€™s activity and could be a novel, safe, and effective remedy for the treatment of PD.peer-reviewe

    Antileishmanial Activity of Ziziphus spina-christi Leaves Extract and Its Possible Cellular Mechanisms

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    This experimental investigation was designed to assess the in vitro and in vivo antileishmanial effects of Z. spina-christi methanolic extract (ZSCME) and also aims to assess some of the antileishmanial mechanisms such as the NO production, apoptosis, and plasma membrane permeability. We assessed the in vitro leishmanicidal effects of ZSCME (10ā€“200 Āµg/mL) against intracellular amastigote stage of the Leishmania major (MRHO/IR/75/ER) and, then, in vivo examined male BALB/c mice infected by L. major. In addition, the rate of infectivity, Caspase 3 activity, nitric oxide (NO) production, the plasma membrane permeability, and the cytotoxic effects of ZSCME were studied. The primary phytochemical analysis of ZSCME revealed the existence of high amounts of flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids, and saponin in this plant. The findings exhibited that ZSCME meaningfully (p < 0.001) reduced the viability of amastigotes of L. major, whereas it prompted the creation and release of NO, apoptosis, and the plasma membrane permeability (p < 0.05) and indicated no cytotoxicity in macrophage cells. The in vivo results also demonstrated that ZSCME significantly decreased the parasite load and the diameter of the lesions in the infected mice. Our results demonstrate the promising in vitro and in vivo antileishmanial effects of ZSCME against of L. major. Although the findings of the present study showed some possible antileishmanial mechanisms of ZSCME, such as stimulating NO production, apoptosis, and increasing plasma membrane permeability, additional investigations are required to confirm these results

    Response of Moringa oleifera Seeds and Fixed Oil Production to Vermicompost and NPK Fertilizers under Calcareous Soil Conditions

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    A shortages of soil nutrients resources and a lack of accessibility to them especially in calcareous soil are considered some of the main factors that limit plant production. In particular, the cultivation of the Moringa oleifera trees in this type of soil is of special interest given the increasing demand for every part of this tree. Several studies have focused on the production of its leaves as an herbaceous plant and not as a tree, but there has not been extensive research on its pods, seeds, and fixed oil production. In this sense, in this study, we provide an assessment of the use of fertilizers, vermicompost and NPK (as traditional minerals and as nanoparticles), in order to improve pods, seeds, and fixed oil contents, as indicators of the quality of the production of the Moringa oleifera trees in calcareous soil conditions. In this experiment, it was observed that all parameters and the yield of pods, seeds, and fixed oil of the Moringa oleifera tree were significantly improved by increasing the level of vermicompost and using NPK fertilization and combination treatments in both seasons of the study. The combination treatments of 10 and 20 ton haāˆ’1 vermicompost plus NPK control produced the highest percentage of oleic acid with insignificant differences between them

    The The predicting factors of clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [KSA]: A multi-center cohort study

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    Background: On March 2020, the first case of coronavirus disease-19 was registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and subsequently the first mortality case. The predicting factors for patients' outcomes are essential to triage patients with COVID-19. This may provide low-cost facilities that help in the fight against the existing global pandemic. Ā Ā  Objectives: This study aimed to predict hospitalization and death outcomes of COVID-19 patients using the simplest facilities. Method: The electronic medical records of 280 COVID-19 patients between March 2020 and May 2021 were retrieved from a multi-centre of healthcare facilities across Kingdom of Saudi Arabian cites. All demographic and clinical information were examined to determine predictors and outcomes. Results: Of the 280 COVID -19 patients enrolled in our study, 14.3% were aged ā‰„ 66 years and 62.5% were female. The elderly (ā‰„ 66 years, P= 0.000) and male patients (P= 0.001) were significantly hospitalized by COVID -19 than others. Patients with symptoms were hospitalized significantly more than patients without symptoms (P= 0.001). Patients with chronic conditions were hospitalized more frequently (P= 0.001). Hospitalization status also did not differ by smoking. Fever occurred significantly more frequently in patients with one or more chronic diseases (P = 0.000). Elderly (ā‰„ 66 years, P= 0.000) and male patients of COVID -19 (P= 0.022) had significant evidence of association with death outcome than others. Hospitalization status was associated with death (P = 0.000). Conclusion: This study reported that male gender and advanced age COVID-19 patients are independent predictors for both hospital admission and death outcomes more than others. The COVID-19 patients who complain from symptoms are at risk for hospitalization as well. Additionally, having chronic clinical conditions are predictor factor for hospital admission outcome. Finally, the hospitalized patients of COVID-19 infection are at risk for death outcome

    Maximizing Leaves, Inflorescences, and Chemical Composition Production of <i>Moringa oleifera</i> Trees under Calcareous Soil Conditions

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    One of the main issues limiting plant productivity is a lack of soil nutrient resources, especially in calcareous soil, which covers more than one third of the worldā€™s land surface area. On the other hand, despite rising demand for all parts of the Moringa oleifera tree, several studies have focused on its leaf production as an herbaceous plant, rather than as a tree, and no extensive research has been carried out on leaf and inflorescence production in the mature tree. As a result, the influence of vermicompost and NPK (minerals and nanoparticles), as well as their combination, under calcareous soil conditions, was investigated in this study. The experiment was set up as a split plot in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. In both seasons considered in this study, it was discovered that increasing the quantity of vermicompost and employing NPK fertilization, as well as their combination treatments, greatly enhanced all parameters and yield of distinct Moringa oleifera tree parts. Furthermore, the combination treatment T21 yielded the highest mean values of growth, leaves, and chemical composition parameters, as well as the highest yield from the Moringa oleifera tree. In both seasons, the highest number of inflorescences per tree, as well as the yield of fresh and dry inflorescences, was measured using combination treatment T18. In both seasons, however, increasing the level of vermicompost, NPK, and their combination treatments significantly reduced the total phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of dry Moringa oleifera leaves

    Response of Growth, Yield, and Phytochemical Behavior of Jojoba Genotypes to Azolla filiculoides Plant Extract

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    A unique storage lipid wax found in jojoba seeds can be employed as a chemical feedstock. Alternative safe and natural sources of plant nutrients are constantly sought to preserve both human health and the environment. As a result, EAI1, EAI2, and EAI3 jojoba genotypes&rsquo; growth, yield, and phytochemical behavior in response to Azolla extract at concentrations of 0, 10, and 30% were studied. Maximum productivity was found with EAI1, followed by EAI3 then EAI2 across all Azolla extracts. In relation to the Azolla extract concentrations in the two seasons, the concentration of 30% delivered the most pronounced results across all the studied genotypes. During the two seasons, administration of a combined treatment of the EAI1 jojoba genotype with 30% Azolla extract produced the highest mean values of growth, flowering, and fruiting, as well as chemical composition parameters. This means that the treatment of EAI1 genotype with 30% Azolla filiculoides Lam. plant extract yielded the highest significant seed yield (3748 and 3839 kg ha&minus;1) and oil yield per hectare (1910 and 2002 L ha&minus;1). The combination treatment of the EAI1 jojoba genotype with 10% Azolla extract yielded the highest proportion of gadoleic fatty acid (49.83%)