132 research outputs found

    The effect of starter cultures on the qualitative indicators of dry fermented sausages made from poultry meat

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    ArticleChanges in physicochemical, rheological and microbiological properties occurring throughout the ripening (on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28) of dry fermented sausages made from poultry meat were studied. The effect of starter bacteria on the microstructure and sensory attributes of dry fermented sausages has also been determined. The results of physicochemical analysis of dry fermented sausage shows no significant difference (P 0.05) between the control and inoculated batches in lowering the pH level, changing the critical shear stress, growth of viable microorganisms, accumulation of amine nitrogen during ripening was established. The results show, that inculcation of starter cultures accelerates biochemical processes during fermentation and thereby provides the necessary functional and technological properties of minced meat. Sensory profiling showed a more significant (P < 0.05) acidic and spicy flavour and intensity of acidic and smoked meat aroma; and increased firmness and cohesiveness in inoculated sausage. The results of microstructural analysis showed that the dry fermented sausages that ripened with the starter bacteria (Lactobacillus curvatus, Staphylococcus carnosus, Pediococcus pentosaceus), differ from the control sample compacted as a thin surface layer which is formed during the drying, smoking and maturation, and that indicates more uniform moisture removal


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    In the current study the possibility of the simultaneous determination of anti-tuberculosis (anti-TB) drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and rifampicin) using the reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) and ion-pair chromatography was investigated. A selective and highly sensitive liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of four anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and rifampicin) in the human plasma was developed. The detection was carried out using the multiple reaction-monitoring (MRM) modes with positive polarity. The fragmentation conditions for each drug were optimized, and the conditions for the blood plasma preparation for HPLC/MS analysis, including the protein precipitation with ACN with a ratio of 3:1 (by volume), were chosen. The matrix effects on the separation and ionization of anti-TB drugs were estimated by the post-extraction additives method. It was shown that the 10-fold dilution of plasma extracts was sufficient to decrease the influence of the sample matrix. The stability of anti-TB drugs during the analysis (in autosampler at 1 and 12 hours) and at storage conditions (3 cycles of freeze-thaw) was studied. The method for increasing the stability of rifampicin using ascorbic acid (1 mg/ml) as antioxidant was provided. The LOD with UV detection were 2 – 20 µg/ml, in SIM-mode – 2 – 15 ng/ml and in MRM-mode – 0.5 – 10 ng/ml respectively. The possibility of the determination of four anti-TB drugs in real plasma samples of patients with tuberculosis undergoing drug therapy in optimized conditions HPLC/MC was shown.Key words: anti-tuberculosis drugs, RP HPLC, LC/MS/MS, matrix effect(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.2.007 E.A. Bessonova, L.A. Kartsova, S.A. Soloveva Saint-Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian FederationВ работе выявлены возможности одновременного определения четырех противотуберкулезных препаратов (ПТП)  (этамбутол, пиразинамид, изониазид, рифампицин) методами обращённо-фазовой ВЭЖХ (ОФ ВЭЖХ) и ион-парной хроматографии.  Предложен вариант одновременного определения этих ПТП в плазме крови человека методом ОФ ВЭЖХ с тандемным масс-спектрометрическим детектированием с электроспрей ионизацией. Детектирование осуществляли в режиме положительной ионизации путём мониторинга множественных реакций (MRM). Оптимизированы условия фрагментации для каждого лекарственного вещества. Найдены условия подготовки плазмы крови к ВЭЖХ/МС анализу, включающие осаждение белков плазмы крови ацетонитрилом. Значения степеней извлечения ПТП составили 85-90 %. Проведена оценка влияния матрицы пробы на разделение и ионизацию ПТП методом пост-экстракционной добавки. Показано, что разбавление экстракта плазмы крови в 10 раз достаточно для требуемого снижения матричного эффекта.  Изучена стабильность ПТП в процессе анализа (автосамплер 1 и 12 ч.) и в условиях хранения (3 цикла заморозка-разморозка). Предложен способ увеличения стабильности рифампицина с добавлением в качестве антиоксиданта аскорбиновой кислоты (1 мг/мл). Пределы обнаружения с УФ детектированием составили от 2 до 20 мкг/мл, с МС детектированием в SIM–режиме от 2 до 15 нг/мл и в MRM–режиме от 0.5 до 10 нг/мл. В оптимизированных условиях показана возможность обнаружения и количественного определения всех четырех ПТП в плазме крови больного туберкулезом с проводимой лекарственной терапией. Ключевые слова: противотуберкулёзные препараты, ОФ ВЭЖХ, масс-спектрометрическое детектирование, матричный эффект, стабильность рифампицинаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2016.20.2.00

    Chromatographic and liquid chromatography-tandem-mass spectrometry determination of first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs in human plasma

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    В работе выявлены возможности одновременного определения четырех противотуберкулезных препаратов (ПТП) ( этамбутол, пиразинамид, изониазид, рифампицин ) методами обращённо-фазовой ВЭЖХ (ОФ ВЭЖХ) и ион-парной хроматографии. Предложен вариант одновременного определения этих ПТП в плазме крови человека методом ОФ ВЭЖХ с тандемным масс-спектрометрическим детектированием с электроспрей ионизацией. Детектирование осуществляли в режиме положительной ионизации путём мониторинга множественных реакций (MRM). Оптимизированы условия фрагментации для каждого лекарственного вещества. Найдены условия подготовки плазмы крови к ВЭЖХ/МС анализу, включающие осаждение белков плазмы крови ацетонитрилом. Значения степеней извлечения ПТП составили 85-90 %. Проведена оценка влияния матрицы пробы на разделение и ионизацию ПТП методом пост-экстракционной добавки. Показано, что разбавление экстракта плазмы крови в 10 раз достаточно для требуемого снижения матричного эффекта. Изучена стабильность ПТП в процессе анализа (автосамплер 1 и 12 ч.) и в условиях хранения (3 цикла заморозка-разморозка). Предложен способ увеличения стабильности рифампицина с добавлением в качестве антиоксиданта аскорбиновой кислоты (1 мг/мл). Пределы обнаружения с УФ детектированием составили от 2 до 20 мкг/мл, с МС детектированием в SIM-режиме от 2 до 15 нг/мл и в MRM-режиме от 0.5 до 10 нг/мл. В оптимизированных условиях показана возможность обнаружения и количественного определения всех четырех ПТП в плазме крови больного туберкулезом с проводимой лекарственной терапией.In the current study the possibility of the simultaneous determination of anti-tuberculosis (anti-TB) drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and rifampicin) using the reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) and ion-pair chromatography was investigated. A selective and highly sensitive liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of four anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and rifampicin) in the human plasma was developed. The detection was carried out using the multiple reaction-monitoring (MRM) modes with positive polarity. The fragmentation conditions for each drug were optimized, and the conditions for the blood plasma preparation for HPLC/MS analysis, including the protein precipitation with ACN with a ratio of 3:1 (by volume), were chosen. The matrix effects on the separation and ionization of anti-TB drugs were estimated by the post-extraction additives method. It was shown that the 10-fold dilution of plasma extracts was sufficient to decrease the influence of the sample matrix. The stability of anti-TB drugs during the analysis (in autosampler at 1 and 12 hours) and at storage conditions (3 cycles of freeze-thaw) was studied. The method for increasing the stability of rifampicin using ascorbic acid (1 mg/ml) as antioxidant was provided. The LOD with UV detection were 2 - 20 µg/ml, in SIM-mode - 2 - 15 ng/ml and in MRM-mode - 0.5 - 10 ng/ml respectively. The possibility of the determination of four anti-TB drugs in real plasma samples of patients with tuberculosis undergoing drug therapy in optimized conditions HPLC/MC was shown

    Evaluation of a reliability index for steel trusses to the deflection criterion with interval uncertainty of data

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    The authors describe a new approach to evaluation the reliability index of steel trusses by the criterion of deflection considering the uncertainty of random variables expressed in the interval form. Classical probabilistic-statistical methods of structural reliability analysis require the choice and justification of the cumulative distribution functions for random variables and its parameters. Subjective acceptance of statistical hypotheses can lead to large errors in the structural reliability analysis. In this study, it is proposed to represent random variables in the interval form that characterize the boundaries of their variability. Such intervals can be obtained as tolerances by the technical documentation, can be based on the construction experience or can be got by data analyzing. The Vysochansky - Petunin inequality is used to obtain the limits of variability of a random variable without a hypothesis about a specific probability distribution function. The reliability analysis of bar-systems is complicated due to the uncertainty of the data in each element of the system. For the engineering solution of this problem, an analytical approach to the optimization problem is offered. The truss reliability index can be used to compare several design solutions in a quantitative form according to the criterion of operational safety

    CFD modeling a fluidized bed large scale reactor with various internal elements near the heated particles feeder

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    © 2018 Institution of Chemical Engineers A numerical study of the fluidized bed industrial reactor in the presence of various internal elements is carried out by CFD methods A simple reactor heating efficiency function of chemical reaction with heat absorption is considered. The main emphasis is placed on the circulation flows of the catalyst particles and heating of the reactor. The analysis of the impact of various design elements on the heating efficiency of the reactor is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of baffles applying, which allows redirecting the flow. This effect may have an especially important value when the rapid heating of the reactor is required for temperature dependent reactions. The influence of heated catalyst feeder design on the efficiency of whole reactor heating is educed. The influence of the fractional composition of the catalyst, namely the presence of fine particles, on the reactor heating efficiency for different reactor design features is also studied. The results are carried out for a specific reactor example, but contribute to the overall branch of fluidized bed engineering

    Differentiated approach to correcting low vitamin D status in adolescent girls in Moscow

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    Introduction. The work is devoted to the study of vitamin D status in adolescent girls and the selection of adequate doses for its correction.Study objective. To study the dynamics of calcidiol concentration in the blood serum against vitamin D3 intake and evaluate the effectiveness of correcting doses of vitamin in adolescent girls from Moscow.Study design. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, prospective, randomized clinical study.Materials and methods. The study involved adolescent girls aged from 11 to 17 years (n = 218) from I-II health groups, with determined serum level of 25(OH)D. Participants were randomly assigned to the main and control groups. The adolescent girls in the study group received vitamin D3 tablets, and the control group received a placebo. Study duration was 6 months. The dose of vitamin D3 was dependent on baseline serum caLcidioL levels and ranged from 800 IU to 2000 IU. Vitamin D status was redetermined in the girls who completed the treatment (n = 192).Results. Initially, 96.4% of girls had a low vitamin D status, while vitamin D insufficiency was observed in 26.6%, deficiency in 57.8%, deep deficiency in 12%. The median level of 25(OH)D in the main group before taking the vitamin was 16.25 ng/ml, after taking - 24.1            ng/ml, in the control group - 17.9 and 11.4 ng/ml, respectively (p &lt; 0.001). In the main group, an increase in the content of the metabolite was observed in 94.9% of the subjects, the initially identified pronounced deficit was completely absent.Conclusions. A differentiated approach to prescribing different doses of cholecalciferon, depending on the baseline level of 25(OH)D, BMI and age, is an effective method for replenishing vitamin D deficiency in adolescents. The high probability of normalization of vitamin D status in certain age groups, mainly with the appointment of low corrective doses of cholecalciferol justifies the possibility of their use for 6 months or more in adolescents during puberty period

    Magnetic materials based on layered double hydroxides

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    Composite materials that contain tetracationic hydrotalcite-like layered double hydroxide and a cobalt-iron spinel phase were prepared by coprecipitation from a solution of a mixture of magnesium, aluminum, cobalt(II), and iron(III) salts followed by hydrothermal treatment. The iron and cobalt contents in the samples were varied within a broad rang

    Features of cellular structure of the induced sputum and profile of cytokines at sintropiya of bronchial asthma and obesity at young patients

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    Aim. To estimate changes of cellular structure of the induced sputum at young patients with bronchial asthma at interrelations with BMI and level of cytokines in blood plasma. Materials and methods. 164 patients with bronchial asthma were divided into 2 groups taking into BMI: the 1st group included patients with bronchial asthma and BMI from 18 to 25 kg/m2, patients with bronchial asthma and BMI from 30 to 40 kg/m2 entered into the 2nd group. The group of control was made by 40 almost healthy volunteers. Estimated existence of excess weight and defined obesity degree according to recommendations of World Health Organization. Studied the level of control of bronchial asthma, cellular structure of the induced sputum, the IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-15, IL-17, TNF-α, INF-γ levels in plasma of peripheral blood. Results. There are presented the results of the research of cellular profile of the induced sputum and profile of cytokines at patients with bronchial asthma depending on BMI and severity of the disease. The received results testify to prevalence of eosinophilic type of an inflammation in the group of patients with BMI less than 25 kg/m2 whereas at patients mainly paucigranulation inflammation decided on obesity. The highest content of the Il-17 was registered at patients with bronchial asthma and obesity as in comparison with indicators of patients with normal BMI, and with almost healthy that, perhaps, is the reason of low effect of steroid therapy at these patients. Conclusion. Endotype assessment before basic antiinflammatory therapy at patients with the first time diagnosed bronchial asthma, will be able to help with selection of the most optimum treatment to each specific patient

    Prevalence of professional burnout among practicing cardiologists in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

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    The burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals is a headline problem in the world, as it leads to poor health of medical workers, affects patient satisfaction with health care and the healthcare system as a whole. At the same time, existing preventive measures can improve the well-being of staff.Aim. To study the prevalence of professional burnout syndrome among practicing cardiologists in the Russian Federation (RF).Material and methods. This cross-sectional study was carried out using the method of online anonymous surveying. The inclusion criterion was the current practical activity in the RF. The study involved 452 cardiologists from 8 federal districts (women; n=377, 83,4%), 48,2% of which worked in a hospital. Occupational burnout was assessed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire in the Russian language adaptation for healthcare workers by N. E. Vodopyanova and E. S. Starchenkova. The score was calculated on three subscales (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment), the maximum score for the subscales was 54, 30 and 48, respectively. The personal accomplishment subscale is the opposite as follows: the higher the score, the less the symptom severity. Additionally, demographic parameters, working conditions, the desire to change job and field of activity were taken into account. Regression analysis was used to establish associations of burnout with factors.Results. The median score of the emotional exhaustion subscale was 29,5 (23,0; 35,0) points, depersonalization — 12,0 (8,0; 16,0) and personal accomplishment — 32,0 (28,0; 37,0). Men had higher depersonalization score than women as follows: 15,0 (10,0; 18,0) vs 11,0 (8,0; 15,0), p=0,001. High degrees of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization (burnout) were found in 235 (52%) cardiologists, while all three symptoms simultaneously — in 132 (29,2%) doctors. There were no symptoms of burnout in 84 (18,6%) cardiologists. A high degree of burnout was associated with a desire to change job (p&lt;0,001).Conclusion. A high prevalence of professional burnout among practicing cardiologists in the RF was revealed, which, in turn, is associated with the desire to change job or occupation

    Apolipoprotein A-I increases the activity of lysosomal glycosidases in the liver of mice with BCG-induced tuberculosis inflammation

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    This work shows the ability of apolipoprotein A-I to influence the activity of lysosomal glycosidases in the liver of mice in a model of BCG-induced tuberculous inflammation. The aim of the investigation was to study the activity of lysosomal glycosidases in the liver of mice using a model of BCG-induced tuberculous inflammation after intravenous administration of apolipoprotein A-I. Material and methods. The studies were performed on male CBA mice weighing 20-22 g. Disseminated tuberculous inflammation was modeled by a single intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 mg of BCG vaccine. The activity of lysosomal glycosidases was assessed spectrofluorimetrically by the content of hydrolysis products of the corresponding fluorogenic substrates. Results. Tuberculous inflammation led to a pronounced decrease in the activity of lysosomal glycosidases in the liver. Thus, β-galactosidase was decreased 2.3 times, β-glucosidase – 2.8 times, β-glucuronidase – 2.5 times compared with healthy animals. Intravenous injection of apolipoprotein A-I to animals against the background of BCG infection prevented a significant decrease in the enzymatic activity of glycosidases and these values practically did not differ from the control values. Conclusions. Enzymatic activity of lysosomal glycosidases in the group of mice with intravenous administration of apolipoprotein A-I against the background of BCG infection was 1.5–2 times higher than the corresponding indicators in the group of animals with BCG-infection without administration of apolipoprotein A-I, i.e. without treatment