214 research outputs found

    Theoretical X-Ray Absorption Debye-Waller Factors

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    An approach is presented for theoretical calculations of the Debye-Waller factors in x-ray absorption spectra. These factors are represented in terms of the cumulant expansion up to third order. They account respectively for the net thermal expansion σ(1)(T)\sigma^{(1)}(T), the mean-square relative displacements σ2(T)\sigma^2(T), and the asymmetry of the pair distribution function σ(3)(T)\sigma^{(3)}(T). Similarly, we obtain Debye-Waller factors for x-ray and neutron scattering in terms of the mean-square vibrational amplitudes u2(T)u^2(T). Our method is based on density functional theory calculations of the dynamical matrix, together with an efficient Lanczos algorithm for projected phonon spectra within the quasi-harmonic approximation. Due to anharmonicity in the interatomic forces, the results are highly sensitive to variations in the equilibrium lattice constants, and hence to the choice of exchange-correlation potential. In order to treat this sensitivity, we introduce two prescriptions: one based on the local density approximation, and a second based on a modified generalized gradient approximation. Illustrative results for the leading cumulants are presented for several materials and compared with experiment and with correlated Einstein and Debye models. We also obtain Born-von Karman parameters and corrections due to perpendicular vibrations.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Investigation of nonlinearity in inverse problems of satellite dynamics

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    В данной работе представлены результаты исследования полной и внутренней нелинейностей применительно к далеким спутникам Юпитера, наблюдавшихся на короткой дуге. Выявлена взаимосвязь между нелинейностью и условиями спутниковых наблюдений. В частности, показано, что полная нелинейность очень сильная, когда период наблюдений меньше 0.1 от орбитального периода, в то время как внутренняя нелинейность достаточно слабая для всех спутников, что указывает на возможность применения нелинейных методов для адекватного моделирования их орбитальной неопределенности.The report presents the results of a study of the total and intrinsic nonlinearities as applied to the outer satellites of Jupiter observed on a short arc. The relationship between the nonlinearities and the conditions of satellite observations is revealed. In particular, it is shown that the total nonlinearity is very strong when the observation period is less than 0.1 of the orbital period, while the intrinsic nonlinearity is weak enough for all satellites, which indicates the possibility of using nonlinear methods for adequate modeling of their orbital uncertainty.Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (тема № 0721-2020-0049)

    Molecular genetic and bacteriological methods of bovine mycoplasmosis diagnosis

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    Mycoplasmas are bacteria that are extremely unstable in vitro as they lack a rigid cell wall. They are most often detected in association with other pathogens, including those that can become L-forms if treated with antibiotics. Mycoplasma colonies, as well as colonies of L-form bacteria, have a typical «fried egg» appearance, therefore it is necessary to differentiate them for the accurate diagnosis and choice of treatment. The paper presents data on mycoplasma infection diagnosis in cattle and results of differentiation of isolated mycoplasma and L-form bacteria colonies using multiple passaging and real-time polymerase chain reaction. For that, 177 samples were collected from animals with mycoplasmosis clinical signs, 45 of them were tested using molecular genetic method, 132 samples were subjected to bacteriological testing. Mycoplasma DNA was detected in 71.1% of samples, and specific colonies were detected in 3.8% of samples. Such biochemical tests of mycoplasma species identification as arginine hydrolysis, blood serum liquefaction, film and grain formation, inoculation into Tween-80-containing medium, hemadsorption and hemolysis of erythrocytes do not allow an objective assessment of the species belonging to mycoplasmas, but, according to the results obtained, the isolated species most likely belongs to Mycoplasma dispar, which is pathogenic for cattle. Real-time polymerase chain reaction is undoubtedly the most accurate and rapid diagnostic method for mycoplasmosis, but a preliminary diagnosis can also be established bacteriologically within 2–7 days. In addition, during microbiological testing, it is possible to assess the antibiotic resistance of mycoplasma isolates, thereby developing an optimal and high-quality scheme of the disease treatment and prevention

    Importin α7 Is Essential for Zygotic Genome Activation and Early Mouse Development

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    Importin α is involved in the nuclear import of proteins. It also contributes to spindle assembly and nuclear membrane formation, however, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we studied the function of importin α7 by gene targeting in mice and show that it is essential for early embryonic development. Embryos lacking importin α7 display a reduced ability for the first cleavage and arrest completely at the two-cell stage. We show that the zygotic genome activation is severely disturbed in these embryos. Our findings indicate that importin α7 is a new member of the small group of maternal effect genes

    Многоцентровое проспективное рандомизированное исследование эффективности и безопасности препарата Алфлутоп® в альтернирующем режиме по сравнению со стандартным режимом. Сообщение 1: оценка эффективности препарата при различных схемах применения

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    Using of more convenient drug regimens is one of the ways to increase patient adherence to treatment for osteoarthritis (OA).Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of Alflutop® in an alternating dosing regimen versus its standard administration to patients with knee OA. Patients and methods. The investigation included 130 randomized patients who had Kellgren—Lawrence Grade II—IIIprimary tibiofemoral knee OA with pain intensity on walking at least 40 mm on a visual analogue scale and needed to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (at least 30 days in the previous 3 months). The patients were divided into two groups: 1) those who received Alflutop® 2 ml intramuscularly (IM) every other day (a total of 10 injections); 2) those who used the drug 1.0 ml IM daily for 20 days. The duration of the investigation was 14 weeks. Results and discussion. Just on days 20/21 of treatment, the patients of both groups were recorded to have statistically significant reductions in knee pain on walking (p<0.001) and in all WOMAC indices (pain, stiffness, functional failure). There were further reductions in pain and WOMAC within one month or more after completion of therapy (p<0.001), which suggests that the drug has a pronounced after-effect. A statistically significant improvement in quality of life according to the EQ-5D was also noted throughout the study period (p<0.001). The assessment made according to the OMERACT-OARSI criteria was also consistent with the findings. By the end of treatment, its respondents were 84.6 and 81.5% of the patients in Groups 1 and 2, respectively.Conclusion. The data from this investigation confirm the comparable high efficacy of Alflutop® used in both standard and alternating treatment regimens. During treatment, there was a significant reduction in pain intensity and improvements in knee joint function and quality of life. The investigation has shown that the drug can be used at a dose of 1 ml not daily for 20 days, but also at 2 ml every other day for 10 days.Одним из способов повышения приверженности пациентов терапии остеоартрита (ОА) может быть использование более удобных схем применения препаратов.Цель исследования — оценить эффективность препарата Алфлутоп® в альтернирующем режиме по сравнению со стандартным его введением у пациентов с ОА коленных суставов.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 130 пациентов с первичным тибиофеморальным ОА коленных суставов II—III стадии по Келлгрену—Лоуренсу, с интенсивностью боли при ходьбе не менее 40 мм по визуальной аналоговой шкале, потребностью в приеме нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (не менее 30 дней за предшествующие 3 мес). Пациенты были распределены в две группы: больные 1-й группы получали Алфлутоп® по 2 мл внутримышечно (в/м) через день (всего 10 инъекций), пациенты 2-й группы — по 1,0 мл в/м ежедневно в течение 20 дней. Длительность участия пациента в исследовании составила 14 нед. Результаты и обсуждение. У больных обеих групп уже к 20/21-му дню лечения зафиксировано статистически значимое (p<0,001) уменьшение боли в коленных суставах при ходьбе и всех показателей WOMAC (боль, скованность, функциональная недостаточность). Дальнейшее уменьшение боли и показателей WOMAC наблюдалось на протяжении 1 мес и более после завершения терапии (p<0,001), что свидетельствует о выраженном последействии препарата. Также в течение всего периода исследования отмечалось статистически значимое улучшение качества жизни по EQ-5D (р<0,001). С полученными данными согласовывалась и оценка по критерию OMERACT-OARSI. К моменту завершения лечения на терапию ответили 84,6% пациентов 1-й группы и 81,5% пациентов 2-й группы.Выводы. Данные настоящего исследования подтверждают сопоставимую высокую эффективность Алфлутопа® как при стан-дартном, так и при альтернирующем режиме терапии. На фоне лечения отмечены значимое уменьшение выраженности боли, улучшение функции коленных суставов и качества жизни. Показана возможность назначения препарата не только ежедневно №20 по 1 мл, но и через день №10 по 2 мл