13 research outputs found

    Indices of the 24-hour blood pressure monitoring in young patients with the neurovascular compression of the medulla oblongata

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    Today the neurovascular contact (NVC) is viewed as a possible pathogenetic factor of the development of arterial hypertension. The interrelation between the pulsatile compression of the medulla and the essential hypertension as well as the antihypertensive effect of surgical correction of NVC in the majority of patients have been reported earlier. The goal of the study is the comparison of the results of the 24- hour blood pressure monitoring in young age patients with and without the neurovascular contact of the medulla. We studied 88 young age patients (M±m: 33.3±0.78) having performed24 hour blood pressure monitoring and intracranial MR angiography. NVC has been established in 43 patients (48.8%) on the left side, and in 22 patients (25%) - on the right. In patients with NVC on the left side a statistically significant increase of the systolic pressure (135.0±2.0 compared 130.5±2.8 mmHg, p=0.05) has been established. No other specific changes in the 24- hour arterial blood pressure monitoring parameters have been found in patients with NVC on either left or right side.В настоящее время нейроваскулярный контакт (НВК) рассматривается как возможный патогенетический фактор развития артериальной гипертензии. О взаимосвязи пульсирующей компрессии продолговатого мозга и эссенциальной гипертензии, а также об антигипертензивном эффекте хирургического лечения НВК у большинства пациентов докладывалось ранее. Цель исследования - сравнить показатели суточного мониторирования артериального давления у пациентов молодого возраста с наличием и отсутствием нейроваскулярного контакта продолговатого мозга. Мы провели обследование 88 пациентов молодого возраста (М±т: 33,3±0,78), выполнив суточное мониторирование артериального давления и МР-ангиографию интракраниальных сосудов. НВК слева выявлен у 43 пациентов (48,8%), справа у 22 пациентов (25%). У пациентов с НВК слева выявлено достоверное повышение систолического давления (135,0+2,0 против 130,5±2,8 мм рт ст, р=0,05). Других специфических изменений показателей суточного мониторирования АД при наличии НВК с левой или правой стороны не выявлено

    Etiology of influenza-like illnesses in the population of Novosibirsk city in the 2018–2019 epidemic season

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    Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections lead to a substantial incidence of severe cases and hospitalizations and so remain a global health problem. Within the frame of the Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (GIHSN), we assessed the contribution of influenza and other respiratory viruses to severe cases of influenzalike diseases in patients hospitalized to the Novosibirsk infectious hospitals in the years 2018–2019. We analyzed 484 nasopharyngeal swabs collected from patients admitted to the hospitals with acute respiratory infections (ARI) using real-time polymerase chain reaction commercial kits. We confirmed viral etiology of ARI in 69.8% cases. Influenza viruses were detected in 47.1% cases, wherein concomitant circulation of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) viruses was observed in 20.7% and 26% of patients, respectively, whereas influenza B virus was detected only in one sample. All analyzed influenza A viruses were antigenically similar to vaccine strains. Genetically, the Novosibirsk strains were closely related to influenza A viruses distributed in Russia and worldwide. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus was detected in all patients aged 0 to 14 years and required intensive care. Other respiratory viruses were detected in 36.4% of children and 5.8% of adults, and 8.3% of children had viral coinfection, whereas no cases of coinfection were detected in adults. The most common viruses in children were metapneumovirus — 12.8%, rhinovirus — 9.3% and respiratory syncytial virus — 8.0%. In adults, metapneumovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus and rhinovirus were detected with a detection rate no exceeding 2%. In this study, we found no differences in the detection rate of the influenza virus due to concomitant chronic diseases, pregnancy, or smoking habits. At the same time, the detection rate of other respiratory viruses in non-smokers vs. smokers was significantly lower than in smokers and former smokers (26.15%, 66.67% and 62.50%, respectively). In addition, the level of detection of respiratory viruses in children with vs. without chronic pathology was significantly higher (55.3% and 38.7%, respectively). Thus, our and similar studies are important for monitoring and control of the infection

    Epidemic process of influenza in Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, in 2016-2017

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    The article presents the results of an epidemiological observational study of the respiratory infection morbidity, estimation of the morbidity rates, the duration of the epidemic in Yekaterinburg in 2016 and 2017 for various age groups and the etiological decoding of the infectious agents that caused a rise in the incidence of these infections in a city hospital performed using laboratory techniques. The laboratory assessment showed that Hong Kong influenza virus A (H3N2) was predominant in the study period.Целью исследования являлась оценка эпидемического процесса гриппа в эпидсезон 2016-2017 г.г. в г. Екатеринбурге по результатам регистрируемой заболеваемости и лабораторной диагностики выявленных случаев заболеваний. В статье представлены результаты эпидемиологического наблюдения за заболеваемостью острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями, расчет интенсивных показателей заболеваемости, продолжительность эпидемии в различных возрастных группах в эпидсезон 2016-2017 гг. в г. Екатеринбурге и этиологическая расшифровка лабораторными методами инфекционных агентов, послуживших причиной подъема заболеваемости данными инфекциями в городском стационаре. Лабораторные исследования показали, что в указанный период доминировал вирус гриппа A(H3N2) гонконгской линии

    Вариант вируса гриппа в, адаптированный к мышам, для изучения лечебной и профилактической эффективности противовирусных препаратов in vitro и in vivo

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    Objective: to develop a new antigenic relevance influenza B virus suitable for modeling influenza infection in mice to assess of in vivo and in vitro therapeutic and preventive efficacy of antiviral drugs.Materials and methods: was carried out an adaptation of influenza B virus in BALB/c mice. Was performed, comparative assessment of in vivo and in vitro pathogenicity of the parenta! virus and. adapted, influenza B virus. Was assessed, inhibition of neuraminidase with antiviral drugs (oseltamivir ethoxyacrylate and. Tamiflu) in relation to the adapted, influenza B virus.Results: adapted  influenza B virus (B/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA strain) models non-lethal influenza infection with pronounced, clinical signs of the disease in experimental animals. Were described the destructive changes in lungs and. brain that increases during infection. Analysis of internal organs (lungs, brain, liver, heart, kidneys, spleen) were revealed viral load only in the lungs. Were evaluated, in vivo and in vitro efficacy of antiviral drugs (oseltamivir ethoxysuccinate and Tamiflu®) on the model of influenza infection. Were proved, the high, efficiency of the innovative drug — oseltamivir ethoxysuccinate.Conclusion: the antigen-relevant adapted, influenza B virus (B/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA strain) can be used, to assess the drug effectiveness against influenza, as well as an additional tool for predicting the effectiveness of the vaccine against drifting strains.Цель: разработка нового, обладающего антигенной актуальностью, штамма вируса гриппа типа В, пригодного для моделирования гриппозной инфекции у экспериментальных мышей для оценки лечебной и профилактической эффективности противовирусных препаратов in vivo и in vitro.Mатериалы и методы: была проведена адаптация вируса гриппа В на мышах линии BALB/c. Выполнена сравнительная оценка патогенности родительского и адаптированного вариантов вируса гриппа В в экспериментах in vivo и in vitro. Используя адаптированный вариант вируса гриппа В, проведена оценка ингибирования нейраминидазы с помощью противовирусных лекарственных средств (осельтамивира этоксисукцинат, и Тамифлю®).Результаты: полученный адаптированный вариант, вируса гриппа В штамм. В/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA моделирует у экспериментальных животных нелетальную гриппозную инфекцию с выраженными клиническими признаками заболевания. Описаны, деструктивные изменения в лёгких и головном, мозге, нарастающие в ходе инфекции. Вирусологический анализ внутренних органов (лёгкие, головной мозг, печень, сердце, почки, селезёнка) выявил репликацию вируса гриппа только в лёгких. На данной модели гриппозной инфекции проведена оценка эффективности противовирусных лекарственных средств (осель-тамивира этоксисукцинат, и Тамифлю®) in vivo и in vitro. Доказана высокая эффективность инновационного лекарственного средства осельтамивира этоксисукцинат..Заключение: полученный антигенно актуальный вирус гриппа В штамм В/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA может, быть использован, для оценки эффективности противогриппозных препаратов, а также в качестве дополнительного инструмента прогнозирования эффективности вакцины, против дрейфующих штаммов

    Pathogenicity assessment of wild-type and mouse-adapted influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses in comparison with highly pathogenic influenza A(H5N1) virus

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    Here we compare the results of pathological and virological examinations of mice experimentally infected with either wild-type or mouse-adapted pandemic A(H1N1) pdm09 viruses and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus A(H5N1). Mice were sacrificed on days 1, 3, 6, and 10 post infection or whenever morbidity was severe enough to justify euthanasia. Morbidity rates were calculated on the basis of clinical signs (weight loss, poor hair coat, hunched posture and paresis); virus-induced disease was characterised by the histopathology of lung; virus dissemination was determined by virus isolation on organ samples of lung, brain, liver, kidney and spleen. All mice infected with mouse-adapted A(H1N1) pdm09 died in the course of the experiment, whereas 20% of animals survived the infection with A(H5N1). Echinocyte formation changed the rheological properties of blood in animals infected with either mouse-adapted A(H1N1) pdm09 or A(H5N1). To sum up, the adaptation of pandemic A(H1N1) pdm09 virus can confer an enhanced virulence similar to or even exceeding that of HPAI A(H5N1) virus.Peer reviewe

    Methods for assessing integral parameters of arterial stiffness: comparative analysis and new potential

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    Aim. To develop a new method for calculating integral parameter of arterial stiffness — volume elastic modulus (Ev).Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of integral hemodynamic parameters of 1660 patients (women, 60%, 58,6±16 (M±σ) years of age; men, 40%; 53,5±17,7 (M±σ) years of age) was carried out. The first group consisted of 898 patients with normal blood pressure (BP) (<140/90 mm Hg). The second group included 762 patients with hypertension (HTN). We studied following parameters: systolic and diastolic BP, stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR). Calculation of Ev, total peripheral resistance (TPR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic arterial compliance (SAC) and total bulk modulus (Е∑) was carried out.Results. The analysis showed that BP, SV, TPR and all parameters of the integral stif-f ness (Ev, SAC, and E∑) were significantly higher in hypertensive patients. Ev had a strong positive correlation with SAC (r=0,996, p<0,0011 and E∑ (r=0,985, p<0,001). This made it possible to calculate the dependence of Ev on SAC and E∑ using regression analysis.Conclusion. Using linear regression, the formula for calculating the Ev using SAC was obtained, which has a high accuracy at a heart rate of 60 to 90 bpm (error, no more than ±5%). With tachycardia and bradycardia, the error exceeds ±5%. In these cases, it is necessary to calculate the Ev using the mathematical model of A. E. Teregulov.Calculation of Ev from Ez using the diastolic duration calculated by the Karpman formula does not give a sufficiently reliable result. Thus, a direct measurement of diastolic duration using echocardiography is required


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    Aim. To investigate the mechanisms of variability of the influenza virus.Discussion. Influenza is one of the most significant problems facing the health care system. Human influenza causes a number of social and economic problems: mortality in high-risk groups, increasing in the load on personnel agencies health and reduced manpower. Features of the influenza virus genome enable the pathogen to cause seasonal epidemics each year, despite the preventive measures (vaccination) and using of specific antiviral drugs.Conclusion. Variability of the influenza virus genome is provided by antigenic drift, antigenic shift and recombination. This mechanisms of the variability of influenza virus that allow to remain a highly contagious infectious agent able to infect a large number of host species and cause significant problems as a result of epidemics and pandemics


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    Abstract. Employing an in vitro cellular system, we have studied effects of estriol at physiological concentrations corresponding to the 1st, 2nd , and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy upon phagocytic, bactericidal activity of monocytes, and their ability to form extracellular traps. This steroid hormone does not significantly affect phagocytic function of monocytes at concentrations corresponding to the 1st, 2nd , and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, however, leads to increased formation of extracellular traps and increase of oxygen-dependent bactericidal effects

    Mouse-adapted influenza B virus for in vitro and in vivo assessment of therapeutic and preventive efficacy of antiviral drugs

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    Objective: to develop a new antigenic relevance influenza B virus suitable for modeling influenza infection in mice to assess of in vivo and in vitro therapeutic and preventive efficacy of antiviral drugs.Materials and methods: was carried out an adaptation of influenza B virus in BALB/c mice. Was performed, comparative assessment of in vivo and in vitro pathogenicity of the parenta! virus and. adapted, influenza B virus. Was assessed, inhibition of neuraminidase with antiviral drugs (oseltamivir ethoxyacrylate and. Tamiflu) in relation to the adapted, influenza B virus.Results: adapted  influenza B virus (B/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA strain) models non-lethal influenza infection with pronounced, clinical signs of the disease in experimental animals. Were described the destructive changes in lungs and. brain that increases during infection. Analysis of internal organs (lungs, brain, liver, heart, kidneys, spleen) were revealed viral load only in the lungs. Were evaluated, in vivo and in vitro efficacy of antiviral drugs (oseltamivir ethoxysuccinate and Tamiflu®) on the model of influenza infection. Were proved, the high, efficiency of the innovative drug — oseltamivir ethoxysuccinate.Conclusion: the antigen-relevant adapted, influenza B virus (B/Novosibirsk/40/2017-MA strain) can be used, to assess the drug effectiveness against influenza, as well as an additional tool for predicting the effectiveness of the vaccine against drifting strains