12 research outputs found

    Forms of psycho-pedagogical work to overcome the negative factors in professional self-determination of teenagers with deviant behavior

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    The article examines the problem of professional orientation of students of adolescence with deviant behavior in secondary school. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding that without psycho-pedagogical assistance to professional orientation component development of "difficult" teenagers is very difficult and often even impossible. These difficulties caused by both objective reasons – the complexity of the process of professional selection in the current socio-economic situation and subjective age and personality characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior. In this regard, the article describes the main factors affecting the formation of deviant adolescents the ability to professional self-determination, and proposes to the understanding and application of some form of psycho-pedagogical work on overcoming difficulties in professional self-determination of this category of students. The forms were tested in real teaching practice

    Sustainable development of the municipality in the economic crisis

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    This article is devoted to the items of sustainable development of the municipal entities. During the economic crisis the solution of the problems of the regional balanced development can be found in the comprehensive programmers of the social, economic and innovation development of the areas. The authors of the article describe the role of innovations in support of regional economic «outburst». The items of the article characterize the relationship of sustainable and innovative development of the municipal systems

    Modeling of the structure of expenditure liabilities of municipalities

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    The article considers the system of rationing budgetfunds at the municipal level, aimed at increasing the budget provision. The authors substantiate the options for economic modeling of the cost of municipal services provided at the expense of the budgets of municipalities by the example of the Moscow region

    The interdependence of innovation and investment potential of the regions

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    The article discusses a meaningful balance of economic categories «innovation potential» and «investment potential» in the conditions of transition to innovative model of development. The authors proved that with the expansion in the structure of the national economy innovative component of the inevitable transformation of approaches to the investment potential and investment policy at the regional level

    Concept of organizational and financial provision of sustainable development of territorial entities in the innovation economy

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    The article analyzes the conceptual bases, organizational forms and sources of financing of innovative development of regions and municipalities. An innovative model is considered as a system that provides the sustainable development of the national economy

    Financial and infrastructural aspects of investment and innovative development of municipalities of the Moscow region

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    One of the most important tasks of Russia in maintaining global competitiveness is to create the necessary conditions and incentives for investment and innovation development. The article discusses the features and limitations of enhancing innovation at the municipal level on the example of the Moscow region in the context of financial and infrastructural factors. The authors studied the policies pursued by local authorities aimed at creating internal sources of financing for innovation, supporting entrepreneurship, and developing the infrastructure for supporting innovative businesses