3,047 research outputs found


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    Professional burnout of the high school tutors and its negative impact on the educational process and the state of health of teachers, have been revealed in the article, signs, indicating the systemic nature of the problem, have been described. Strategies of overcoming such professional burnout have been considered, the preference of the problem-oriented strategy has been noted. The results of the analysis of the time spent by the teacher in the formation of assignments have been presented. The expediency of using information technologies as a tool to reduce the load on the teacher by reducing the time required to prepare for practical and laboratory classes has been substantiated. The stages of preparation for classes, that should be automated, have been highlighted


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    The purpose of the paper is to improve the methods of using test technologies in the educational process and to develop an optimal schedule for conducting tests in higher education when teaching programming languages. The article considers the advantages and disadvantages of test technologies. The author investigates the effectiveness of one-time and step-by-step testing and studies the role of testing at different stages of the educational process. In the course of the study, the author used written and computer forms of testing. The paper shows that step-by-step testing is more effective than one-time testing. The article identifies the expediency of testing that precedes the implementation of practical work. The results of the study allow us to develop an optimal schedule for conducting tests, which contributes to improving the quality of learning material and increasing students’ motivation

    Frobenius groups of automorphisms and their fixed points

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    Suppose that a finite group GG admits a Frobenius group of automorphisms FHFH with kernel FF and complement HH such that the fixed-point subgroup of FF is trivial: CG(F)=1C_G(F)=1. In this situation various properties of GG are shown to be close to the corresponding properties of CG(H)C_G(H). By using Clifford's theorem it is proved that the order G|G| is bounded in terms of H|H| and CG(H)|C_G(H)|, the rank of GG is bounded in terms of H|H| and the rank of CG(H)C_G(H), and that GG is nilpotent if CG(H)C_G(H) is nilpotent. Lie ring methods are used for bounding the exponent and the nilpotency class of GG in the case of metacyclic FHFH. The exponent of GG is bounded in terms of FH|FH| and the exponent of CG(H)C_G(H) by using Lazard's Lie algebra associated with the Jennings--Zassenhaus filtration and its connection with powerful subgroups. The nilpotency class of GG is bounded in terms of H|H| and the nilpotency class of CG(H)C_G(H) by considering Lie rings with a finite cyclic grading satisfying a certain `selective nilpotency' condition. The latter technique also yields similar results bounding the nilpotency class of Lie rings and algebras with a metacyclic Frobenius group of automorphisms, with corollaries for connected Lie groups and torsion-free locally nilpotent groups with such groups of automorphisms. Examples show that such nilpotency results are no longer true for non-metacyclic Frobenius groups of automorphisms.Comment: 31 page

    Memory Studies as a Part of Ontolic Future Model

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    The article considers the current place of collective memory in modern postmodern society. The process of collective memory formation is considered from the point of view of the interdisciplinary field of research. Examples of the formation of false memories are examined and the consequences of these actions are analyzed. The mechanisms of collective memory formation and their application in society are analyzed.В статье рассмотрена текущее место коллективной памяти в современном обществе постмодерна. Процесс формирования коллективной памяти рассмотрен с точки зрения междисциплинарного поля исследований. Рассмотрены примеры формирования ложных воспоминаний и проанализированы последствия данных действий. Проанализированы механизмы формирования коллективной памяти и их применение в обществе

    Contemporary information social risks in the post-modern era

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    The article analyses the global social risks related to the expansion of information technologies, mass digitalisation, and the accessibility of sources of all information. The possibility of risky situations arising in different areas of society under postmodern conditions has been demonstrated. This is due to the massive spread of information and Internet technology, global changes in the structure of values of modern society, and the reassessment of a number of historical events and characters by some social groups. The focus is on the destruction of traditional mechanisms for transmitting social experience and memory and the transformation of perceptions of history through the use of virtual forms of communication. A different, own interpretation of historical events, the liberation of historical knowledge from politicisation and mythologisation can lead to risks of distortion of historical memory and even to conflicting situations of interpretation of the past. Case studies show that this, in turn, can lead to a set of risks in the economic sphere, for example: the risk of a situation of global redistribution of economic resources, the risk of losing the source of legitimacy of an economic resource, the risk of loss the reputation of a memory entity. These processes negatively affect social stability in society and distort the integrity of historical memory.Particular attention is paid to the topic of cognitive transformation risk related to the mass use of virtual media in the educational process. On the one hand, they are an effective teaching tool based on rapid search, transformation and storage of learning information. But, on the other hand, practice shows that knowledge loses its consistency and becomes “mosaic”, “clichéd”. The consequences of these processes are of a lasting nature and require further in-depth study by the scientific community, including psychologists, educators, and sociologists

    Laryngeal mucous membrane plasmacytosis with 15 year follow-up: Case report and literature review

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    Mucous membrane plasmacytosis (MMP) is an uncommon variant of mucositis represented by a polyclonal plasma cell infiltration of mucosal tissue. Various clinical presentations in the upper airway have been reported ranging from erythematous mucosa to fungating masses. Histologic features include mucosal epithelial hyperplasia or psoriasiform changes with a dense submucosal infiltrate of polytypic plasma cells. Molecular studies for immunoglobulin gene rearrangement should be performed in all cases of MMP to rule out clonal neoplastic expansion of plasma cells. We present a case of MMP with over 15 years of clinical follow-up, emphasizing the relatively benign clinical course of this disorder