369 research outputs found
В статье рассматривается проблема подготовки будущих педагогов к инновационной деятельности, представлены результаты исследования представлений обучающихся педагогического университета об инновационной деятельности, инновационных качествах личности и собственном отношении к инновациямThe article deals with the problem of preparing future teachers for innovation, presents the results of the study of students ' ideas of the pedagogical University of innovation, innovative qualities of the individual and their own attitude to innovatio
The definitions the concepts of “innovations” and “innovation process” have been adduced, general assessment of the position of the Russian Federation in the world in terms of investment in scientific and technical research and developments (R & D) has been given, the most investment areas in terms of the volume of expenditures on scientific and technical research and development (R & D) have been highlighted . Key arguments that justify the need for innovative development of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia have been presented. The state and structure of the pharmaceutical market in Russia have been considered, the factors of transition of the pharmaceutical industry to an innovative course of development have been specified. Clear results of the implementation of the strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry until 2020 have been emphasized. Examples of implementation of the innovation management mechanism at the level of a separate domestic company Biocad have been given
The article discusses important features of trends in the transformation of the wholesale and retail level of the Russian medicinal market in the context of innovative factors in the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia. The paper gives a general assessment of the impact of state regulation of the maximum selling prices for medicines from the list of vital and essential medicines on the profitability of the market. The author presents a simplified institutional scheme of interaction between distributors and other market participants. The study discusses important aspects and tactical steps of the distribution and pharmacy level of the Russian pharmaceutical market. The article gives the ratings of the leading distribution pharmaceutical companies in Russia and analyses the peculiarities of their structural changes under the influence of innovative development factors. The paper gives ratings of leading pharmacy chains and analyses the features of new structural formations – associations. The author proposes the term of “polarization” for wholesale and retail companies
Problems of digitalization of education in the conditions of professional mobility
In article problems and risks of digitalization of professional education are considered: change of approaches to the organization and content of educational process taking into account formation of transprofessional competences, ensuring availability and quality of the developed courses, information security of the digital educational environmentВ статье рассматриваются проблемы и риски цифровизации профессионального образования: изменение подходов к организации и содержанию образовательного процесса с учетом формирования транспрофессиональных компетенций, обеспечение доступности и качества разрабатываемых курсов, информационная безопасность цифровой образовательной сред
Expirience of professional activity of graduates of colledges and univesities
The article raises the issue of the youth’s status in the transition from education to professional work. Graduates without work experience faced the requirements of employers which don’t meet their expectations. The results of the present study demonstrate such perception of employers dissatisfied with the quality of "product" of modern education. The article contains the analysis of the situation in the light of the social apathy concept, in terms of which, listlessness of modern individuals caused not only by social problems, but rather is a permanent state of a human post-industrial society.В работе поднимается вопрос о положении молодежи при переходе от образовательной к профессиональной деятельности. Выпускники, не имея опыта работы, сталкиваются с требованиями работодателей, не соответствующими их ожиданиям. Результаты представленного исследования демонстрируют подобное восприятие работодателей, неудовлетворенных качеством «продукции» современного образования. Сделана попытка рассмотрения данной ситуации через призму концепции социальной апатии, с точки зрения которой, апатичность современных индивидов вызвана не только социальными проблемами, но скорее являет собой некоторое перманентное состояние человека постиндустриального общества
Рефлексия как фактор успешности инновационной деятельности обучающихся
Original manuscript received September 30, 2021. Revised manuscript accepted May 02, 2022. First published online July 20, 2022.The analysis of the psychological grounds for learners’ innovative activity would provide avenues for development of innovation capabilities in the younger generation. In the article, reflection is considered a mechanism that impacts the efficacy of action. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to analyze how reflective practice is manifested in learners who are engaged in the university innovative activity but demonstrate its varying degrees. As a working hypothesis, it was assumed that students with varying degrees of innovative activity differ in the level of general reflection of their own activity and its individual components: information-based activity, motivation, benchmarking, decision-making, and performance. The study showed that students experience the greatest difficulties when analyzing the conditions for organizing activities, assessing their own resources and possible risks. Also, significant differences were found in the degree of intensity of such a component as the information-based activity among students with varying degrees of innovative engagement.Изучение психологических оснований инновационной деятельности позволит наметить пути развития инновационного потенциала обучающихся. Рефлексия рассматривается как механизм, оказывающий влияние на эффективность инновационной деятельности. Целью исследования являлось изучение выраженности рефлексии деятельности у студентов, проявляющих разную степень активности в процессе инновационной деятельности в вузе. В качестве гипотезы выступило предположение о том, что студенты с разной степенью инновационной активности отличаются по уровню общей рефлексии собственной деятельности и отдельных ее составляющих: информационной основы деятельности, мотивации и целеполагания, процесса принятия решения и осуществления деятельности. Исследование показало, что наибольшие затруднения студенты испытывают при анализе условий организации деятельности, оценке собственных ресурсов, возможных рисков. Обнаружены значимые различия в степени выраженности такой составляющей рефлексии, как информационная основа деятельности, у студентов, имеющих разный уровень инновационной активности
Simulation models in terms of integration of the energy markets
© Medwell Journals, 2017. Study considers to the modeling of wholesale energy markets in the context of implementation of the roadmap. We use a comprehensive simulation model to study the influence of structural factors on the development of national and regional energy. In addition, we evaluate the impact of the generating companies specifically its impact on prices, offers and sales of electric power on the market without a reaction from competitors. The results of the study are discussed in relation to the road map in energy. Our findings are also applicable to wholesale energy markets, the EU and Russia
Solid-state synthesis and characterization of ferromagnetic Mn5Ge3 nanoclusters in GeO/Mn thin films
Mn5Ge3 films are promising materials for spintronic applications due to their high spin polarization and a Curie temperature above room temperature. However, non-magnetic elements such as oxygen, carbon and nitrogen may unpredictably change the structural and magnetic properties of Mn5Ge3 films. Here, we use the solid-state reaction between Mn and GeO thin films to describe the synthesis and the structural and magnetic characterization of Mn5Ge3(Mn5Ge3Oy)-GeO2(GeOx) nanocomposite materials. Our results show that the synthesis of these nanocomposites starts at 180°С when the GeO decomposes into elemental germanium and oxygen and the resulting Ge atoms immediately migrate into the Mn layer to form ferromagnetic Mn5Ge3 nanoclusters. At the same time the oxygen atoms take part in the synthesis of GeOx and GeO2 oxides and also migrate into the Mn5Ge3 lattice to form Mn5Ge3Oy Nowotny nanoclusters. Magnetic analysis assumes the general nature of the Curie temperature increase in carbon-doped Mn5Ge3Cx and Mn5Ge3Oy films. Our findings prove that not only carbon, but oxygen may contribute to the increase of the saturation magnetization and Curie temperature of Mn5Ge3-based nanostructures
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