26 research outputs found

    Endophytic Bacillus bacteria with RNase activity in the resistance of potato plants to viruses

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    Viral diseases annually cause significant crop losses and significantly reduce the quality of products, including potatoes, some of the most important crops. Currently, viruses cannot be controlled with chemical pesticides, since known antiviral compounds are teratogenic and hazardous to people’s health. Biocontrol agents based on endophytic microorganisms may be an alternative to them. Many strains of Bacillus produce ribonucleases (RNases). Our laboratory possesses a collection of bacteria that produce various metabolites and have RNase activity. The results showed that the inoculation of potato with B. subtilis 26D and B. thuringiensis increased the grain yield by 32–43 %. In addition, the treatment of potato plants with Bacillus spp. significantly reduced the infection of potato plants with virus M. The prevalence of the disease in potato plants was significantly reduced from 60 % in the control to 18 % (B. subtillis 26D) and 25–33 % (B. thuringiensis) in the inoculated plants. Similarly, the infection index decreased from 14 in the control to 1 in the inoculated plants. The further study of molecular mechanisms related to bacterial induction of plant defense reactions in response to viral infections will lead to a better understanding of stress resistance problems. The endophytic microorganisms studied in this report may become the basis for the creation of biological agents for plant protection

    Ecological and genetic assessment of the consequences of radiation influence on contaminated areas

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    The objects of study are the territory of the districts of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan adjacent to the Kapustin Yar test site: Bokeyordinsky, Zhangalinsky, Zhanibeksky, Kaztalovsky, Akzhayiksky and Syrymsky. The purpose of the work is to conduct a radioecological survey of contaminated areas and to study the content of pollutants in environmental objects, biota (rodents, fish and biosubstrates of domestic animals) by physicochemical methods to assess the risk of the landfill’s impact on biota and humans. This paper presents the results of expeditionary and laboratory research on the pollution of environmental objects in the areas adjacent to the landfill. Indicators of the gamma-survey of the levels of radiation background of the surveyed territories as wellas data on pollution of soil, surface and ground waters, dominant forms of plants, biosubstrates (hair of domestic animals: camel, horse, cow) are given. The generally accepted research methods were used: standard sampling me thods, radiological, atomic adsorption spectrophotometry, cytogenetic (micronucleus) method. A reconnaissance and radioecological examination of environmental objects was carried out using analytical methods, which made it possible to determine the quantitative content of toxic components, the content of priority pollutants and radioactive isotopes. It has been established that the values of the volumetric activity of natural and man-made radionuclides in soil samples, drinking water and biosubstrates (pet hair, human peripheral blood samples) from settlements correspond to the value of the control level for this region. The measurements of radiation activity by gamma radiation showed that along the perimeter of the surveyed territory of the test site and in nearby settlements the radiation level is in the range of 0.06–0.014 μSv/h. A slight excess of the level of radioactivity persists in the area near the fall of missiles in the Bokeyordin region. The investigated regions are characterized by an insignificant level of background radiation, the average DER value for the regions as a whole is 0.14 μSv/h. The absolute maximum, 0.73 μSv/h, was recorded at the points of missile impact in the Kaztal region

    Hyperhomocysteinemia increases susceptibility to cortical spreading depression associated with photophobia, mechanical allodynia, and anxiety in rats

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    Epidemiological data suggest that elevated homocysteine is associated with migraine with aura. However, how homocysteine contributes to migraine is still unclear. Here, we tested whether hyperhomocysteinemia (hHCY) promotes cortical spreading depression (CSD), a phenomenon underlying migraine with aura, and whether hHCY contributes to pain behavior. hHCY was induced by dietary methionine in female rats while the testing was performed on their 6–8week-old offspring. CSD and multiple unit activity (MUA) induced by KCl were recorded from the primary somatosensory cortex, S1, using multichannel electrodes. In hHCY rats, compared to control, we found: i) higher probability of CSD occurrence; ii) induction of CSD by lower concentrations of KCl; iii) faster horizontal propagation of CSD; iv) smaller CSD with longer duration; v) higher frequency of MUA at CSD onset along with slower reappearance. Rats with hHCY demonstrated high level of locomotor activity and grooming while spent less time in the central area of the open field, indicating anxiety. These animals showed light sensitivity and facial mechanical allodinia. Thus, hHCY acquired at birth promotes multiple features of migraine such as higher cortical excitability, mechanical allodynia, photophobia, and anxiety. Our results provide the first experimental explanation for the higher occurrence of migraine with aura in patients with hHCY


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    We studied the effect of two differing for aggressive strains of the fungus S. nodorum on the activity and expression of the oxidoreductases in the leaves of T. aestivum L. It is shown that the expression of oxalate oxidase was higher in plants infected with highly aggressive strains, and expression of the peroxidase higher when infected with strain weak aggressive.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке ФЦП «Научные и научнопедагогические кадры инновационной России» на 2009-2013 годы проект ГК № 16.740.11.0061, РФФИ_поволжье_а № 11-04-97037

    A potential role for T-type calcium channels in homocysteinemia-induced peripheral neuropathy

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    Homocysteinemia is a metabolic condition characterized by abnormally high level of homocysteine in the blood and is considered to be a risk factor for peripheral neuropathy. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying toxic effects of homocysteine on the processing of peripheral nociception have not yet been investigated comprehensively. Here, using a rodent model of experimental homocysteinemia, we report the causal association between homocysteine and the development of mechanical allodynia. Homocysteinemia-induced mechanical allodynia was reversed on pharmacological inhibition of T-type calcium channels. In addition, our in vitro studies indicate that homocysteine enhances recombinant T-type calcium currents by promoting the recycling of Cav3.2 channels back to the plasma membrane through a protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathway that requires the direct phosphorylation of Cav3.2 at specific loci. Altogether, these results reveal an unrecognized signaling pathway that modulates the expression of T-type calcium channels, and may potentially contribute to the development of peripheral neuropathy associated with homocysteinemia