9,523 research outputs found

    The Curci-Ferrari model with massive quarks at two loops

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    Massive quarks are included in the Curci-Ferrari model and the theory is renormalized at two loops in the MSbar scheme in an arbitrary covariant gauge.Comment: 8 latex page

    Fuel poverty, older people and cold weather: An all-island analysis

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    Executive Summary This report covers a number of different aspects of fuel poverty and older people. 1. An exploration of existing government survey data from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with a particular focus on older people and conducting additional targeted analyses where required. 2. An original survey in the Republic of Ireland exploring the lived experience of older people in cold weather. 3. A feasibility study of data logging thermometers placed in the homes of older tenants in local authority accommodation. 4. Analysis of excess winter mortality among older people including a consideration of differences between the two jurisdictions. Older people on the island of Ireland, as in many other countries, experience a ‘dual burden’ in terms of fuel poverty. They are more likely to experience fuel poverty and are also particularly vulnerable to health and social harm as a result of this experience. The numbers of older people vulnerable to ill-effects from cold homes will rise as numbers of people aged 80 and over, and those living with chronic illness or disability, increase. There were significant differences observed between expenditure-based, and subjective (EU-SILC) based fuel poverty indicators, for older people, and between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland data. This data required careful interpretation. The higher levels of fuel poverty recorded for older people on the island of Ireland appeared to be driven by all aspects of the fuel poverty model - poor housing condition, energy inefficient housing, rising fuel prices and low income. The majority of older people live in their own home and these homes tend to be older properties which are detached or semi-detached. Older people on the island are over-represented among houses which are in poor condition and which lack central heating in both jurisdictions. Lacking central heating was a more common experience for older people in the Republic of Ireland than in Northern Ireland. Data on energy efficiency measures were not comparable North/South but similar patterns were observed. Older people were less likely than the general population to have attic/loft or wall insulation or double glazing. Older people were also vulnerable from an income point of view. This would seem to be a particular issue in Northern Ireland where rates of income poverty are significantly increasing. In both jurisdictions older people were heavily reliant on social transfers to keep them out of poverty. Coupled with this, there is evidence that many older people are not claiming their full entitlements. Oil dependency was a particular issue in Northern Ireland. Very significant increases were observed in the price of heating oil, as well as electricity and gas in recent years. There was little available research evidence on the relationship between the older consumer and heating oil suppliers

    VLA 8.4-GHz monitoring observations of the CLASS gravitational lens B1933+503

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    The complex ten-component gravitational lens system B1933+503 has been monitored with the VLA during the period February to June 1998 with a view to measuring the time delay between the four compact components and hence to determine the Hubble parameter. Here we present the results of an `A' configuration 8.4-GHz monitoring campaign which consists of 37 epochs with an average spacing of 2.8 days. The data have yielded light curves for the four flat-spectrum radio components (components 1, 3, 4 and 6). We observe only small flux density changes in the four flat-spectrum components which we do not believe are predominantly intrinsic to the source. Therefore the variations do not allow us to determine the independent time delays in this system. However, the data do allow us to accurately determine the flux density ratios between the four flat-spectrum components. These will prove important as modelling constraints and could prove crucial in future monitoring observations should these data show only a monotonic increase or decrease in the flux densities of the flat-spectrum components.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 5 pages, 2 included PostScript figure

    Quantum Criticality and Incipient Phase Separation in the Thermodynamic Properties of the Hubbard Model

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    Transport measurements on the cuprates suggest the presence of a quantum critical point hiding underneath the superconducting dome near optimal hole doping. We provide numerical evidence in support of this scenario via a dynamical cluster quantum Monte Carlo study of the extended two-dimensional Hubbard model. Single particle quantities, such as the spectral function, the quasiparticle weight and the entropy, display a crossover between two distinct ground states: a Fermi liquid at low filling and a non-Fermi liquid with a pseudogap at high filling. Both states are found to cross over to a marginal Fermi-liquid state at higher temperatures. For finite next-nearest-neighbor hopping t' we find a classical critical point at temperature T_c. This classical critical point is found to be associated with a phase separation transition between a compressible Mott gas and an incompressible Mott liquid corresponding to the Fermi liquid and the pseudogap state, respectively. Since the critical temperature T_c extrapolates to zero as t' vanishes, we conclude that a quantum critical point connects the Fermi-liquid to the pseudogap region, and that the marginal-Fermi-liquid behavior in its vicinity is the analogous of the supercritical region in the liquid-gas transition.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Blueprint for fault-tolerant quantum computation with Rydberg atoms

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    We present a blueprint for building a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer with Rydberg atoms. Our scheme, which is based on the surface code, uses individually addressable, optically trapped atoms as qubits and exploits electromagnetically induced transparency to perform the multiqubit gates required for error correction and computation. We discuss the advantages and challenges of using Rydberg atoms to build such a quantum computer, and we perform error correction simulations to obtain an error threshold for our scheme. Our findings suggest that Rydberg atoms are a promising candidate for quantum computation, but gate fidelities need to improve before fault-tolerant universal quantum computation can be achieved

    The Co-occurrence of child and intimate partner maltreatment in the family: characteristics of the violent perpetrators

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    This study considers the characteristics associated with mothers and fathers who maltreat their child and each other in comparison to parents who only maltreat their child. One hundred and sixty-two parents who had allegations of child maltreatment made against them were considered. The sample consisted of 43 fathers (Paternal Family—PF) and 23 mothers (Maternal Family—MF) who perpetrated both partner and child maltreatment, together with 23 fathers (Paternal Child—PC) and 26 mothers (Maternal Child—MC) who perpetrated child maltreatment only. In addition, 2 fathers (Paternal Victim—PV) and 23 mothers (Maternal Victim—MV) were victims of intimate partner maltreatment and perpetrators of child maltreatment and 7 fathers (Paternal Non-abusive Carer—PNC) and 15 mothers (Maternal Non-abusive Carer—MNC) did not maltreat the child but lived with an individual who did. Within their family unit, 40.7% of parents perpetrated both intimate partner and child maltreatment. However, fathers were significantly more likely to maltreat both their partner and child than mothers and mothers were significantly more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence than fathers. PF fathers conducted the highest amount of physical and/or sexual child maltreatment while MC and MV mothers perpetrated the highest amount of child neglect. Few significant differences between mothers were found. PF fathers had significantly more factors associated with development of a criminogenic lifestyle than PC fathers. Marked sex differences were demonstrated with PF fathers demonstrating significantly more antisocial characteristics, less mental health problems and fewer feelings of isolation than MF mothers. MC mothers had significantly more childhood abuse, mental health problems, parenting risk factors and were significantly more likely to be biologically related to the child than PC fathers. This study suggests that violent families should be assessed and treated in a holistic manner, considering the effects of partner violence upon all family members, rather than exclusively intervening with the violent man

    Delocalization power of global unitary operations on quantum information

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    We investigate how originally localized two pieces of quantum information represented by a tensor product of two unknown qudit states are delocalized by performing two-qudit global unitary operations. To characterize the delocalization power of global unitary operations on quantum information, we analyze the necessary and sufficient condition to deterministically relocalize one of the two pieces of quantum information to its original Hilbert space by using only LOCC. We prove that this LOCC one-piece relocalization is possible if and only if the global unitary operation is local unitary equivalent to a controlled-unitary operation. The delocalization power and the entangling power characterize different non-local properties of global unitary operations.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur