15 research outputs found


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    A total of ten groundwater samples were collected from wells around the site of Orita Aperin refuse        dump, Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria, to determine the extent of groundwater contamination. The results        of   the  hydro-chemical   analysis   show  that   groundwater   samples   collected  from wells   away from the        leachate revealed comparable W.H.O. standard values for groundwater consumption. Most obvious        parameters   are:  increase   in   total  hardness   (between   184.8   and   239.6mg/l   for   samples   near   the        leachate;   74   and   102mg/l   for   samples   far   from   the   leachate),   low   calcium   (ranged   from   46.2   to        78.7mg/l for samples near the leachate; 3.7 to 32.8mg/l for samples far from the leachate), magne-        sium (ranged from 5.1 to 30.3mg/l for samples near the leachate; 3.4 to 21.5mg/l for samples far from        the leachate), chloride (between 20 and 224mg/l for samples near the leachate, 32 and 174mg/l), and        sulphate content (ranged from 9 to 76mg/l for samples near the leachate; 25 to 38mg/l for samples far        from the leachate); while high values of TDS (in samples A and C and I), nitrate (in samples A and C)        and chloride (in samples A and I) which were due to the effect of leachate on the water quality result-        ing to contamination of these wells. Thus, adequate treatment should be carried out on wells located        close to the leachate before consumption.&nbsp


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    he antimicrobial activity of five brands (A, B, C, D and E) of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets commonly sold in Lagos Nigeria, were compared and assessed against susceptible clinical isolates (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serotypetyphi). Susceptibility test, minimum inhibitory concentration test and the bactericidal activity were determined. All sampled brands were within their shelf life. Most (60%) of the sampled brands were made in India while the remaining 40% were made in Nigeria. All the brands complied with the official specification in British Pharmacopeia (BP) for uniformity of weight as they show less than 5% deviation in weight. The mean antibacterial activities of the brands at 25µg/ml were found to be within the range of 38.0mm to 42.2mm zone of inhibition while the MICs range between 0.012µg/ml to 1.5µg/ml.All the sampled brands were effective against all the test organisms to varying degree with brands A and E been more potent while brand D was the least effective. The order of MICs (decreasing order of potency) was D>B>C>A>E for Staphylococcus aureus and D>C>B>E>A for Escherichia coli while that of Salmonella enterica serotypeTyphiwas D>B>C>A>E. The bactericidal activity of each ciprofloxacin brand D and E are concentration-dependent; with brand E more active at all tested concentrations.


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    The study was initiated at the instance of the Local Authority, to evaluate the physico-chemical param-eters (quality) of groundwater used by residence living around the Igbenre Ekotedo dumpsite. Nine (9) groundwater samples were collected randomly from boreholes around the dumpsite and were an-alysed for heavy metals including Fe, Pb, Mn, Cu, Cr, and Zn, using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Other elements analysed for include Mg2+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and anions such as PO43−, SO42−, NO3−, and Cl−.The physical properties tested for are their total dissolved solid (TDS), pH values, tempera-tures, hardness and electrical conductivity (EC). The results showed that the TDS, NO3−, hardness and EC concentrations of the water samples fell below the permissible limits set by the WHO standards for drinking water quality for the area except at location BH 3, BH 4 and BH 5. The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+, Cl−, SO42−, Zn and Cr are found to be below the WHO standard for all locations, but with relatively higher concentration values of Ca2+, and, Cl− at locations BH 3, BH 4 and BH 5. Also, the concentrations of PO43−, Mg2+, K+ and Fe are significantly higher than the prescribed WHO standard but with relatively higher values of Mg2+ and Fe associated with locations BH 3, BH 4 and BH 5. The spatial distribution maps of the examined parameters show a general increase in concentration towards the Southwest and Southern directions of the study area. This implies the likely direction of groundwater flow around the area since contaminants are usually mobilised and moved in the direction of groundwater flow. At the moment, the contamination is localised and limited to the South-western part of the study area and boreholes can safely be located at the North-Western and South-Eastern parts of the surveyed area


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    The antimicrobial activity of extracts of twelve Nigerian medicinal plant species and a “wonder cure” concoction [Epa –Ijebu]; used in traditional medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis and cough were screened for activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from tuberculosis patient sputum and the control strains of M. tuberculosis (H37RV). Both ethanolic and aqueous solution of the extract of Allium ascalonicum, Terminalia glaucescens, Allium cepa and Securidaca longepedunculata (ethanolic extract only) at 0.05g/ml as well as aqueous solution of “wonder cure” concoction at same concentration inhibited the growth of M. tuberculosis. However at lower concentration of 0.2 µg/ml (critical proportion level of the control drug (isoniazide), M. tuberculosis was resistant to both aqueous and ethanolic extracts of the plants as well as the aqueous solution of the wonder-cure concoction. The phytochemical analysis of the plant extract and the Epa-Ijebu showed the presence of bioactive compounds: tannin, flavonoid, alkaloids, phlobatannin, anthocyanin, reducing sugar, saponin and anthraquinone. Our results offer a scientific basis for the traditional use of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Allium ascalonicum, Terminalia glaucescens, Allium cepa, Securidaca longepeducunlata (ethanolic extract only) and aqueous solution of the “wonder cure” concoction at higher concentration against M. tuberculosis. However local herbs such as Nicotiana tabacum, Allium sativum, Aframomum melegueta, Aprus precatorius, Xylopia aethiopica, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Crinium jagus, and Garcinia kola were ineffective

    Geoelectric sounding for the determination of groundwater conditions around Iwaya area of Lagos, Nigeria

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    High apparent resistivity contrasts between the saturated freshwater zones and apparent low resistivity of the saturated seawater intrusion were measured on eleven vertical electrical soundings field curves using the Schlumberger electrode array in Iwaya area of Lagos. The field measurements were inverted to subsurface layers. The results of the interpretation revealed four to five geoelectric layers. Resistivity maps were constructed at depths of 6m, 10m, 15m and 40m. Resistivities of between 4 and 20Wm indicated areas of seawater intrusion with average depth range of 6m. Trough like pattern of the resistivity map at 6m depth indicate the shape of the seawater plume. Resistivities higher than 100Wm indicate areas of freshwater zone at an average depth of 10m. Key words: Resistivity, Seawater, Schlumberger, Resistivity map, Fresh water. (Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences: 2003 9(4): 539-546

    Antimicrobial and toxicological studies of Epa-Ijebu, a "wonder-cure" concoction used in South West Nigeria.

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    ‘Epa-ijebu’ is regarded as a “wonder cure” concoction used in curing many diseases and as an antidote to scorpion and snake bites among the Yoruba’s in South West, Nigeria. Initial report had indicated antibacterial activity of the concoction against some common bacterial pathogens. This present study screened for fungicidal activity against Candida albicans, Microsporum spp, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Aspergillus fumigatus as well as bactericidal activity against Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Enteritidis, Shigella flexneri, and Enteroheamorrhagic Escherichia coli . Toxicity of the concoction was also tested . The disc diffusion method and the Agar well diffusion technique were employed for screening the Epa-Ijebu against clinical isolates of the four fungi .Both the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimal Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) were also determined. A comparison between the MFC of the Epa-Ijebu and three marketed antifungal drugs (Griseofulvin, Nystatin and Itraconazole) was made. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimal Bacterial Concentration (MBC) were determined using serially diluted Epa-Ijebu concoction. Acute toxicity of the Epa- Ijebu was also tested by feeding it to one week old laboratory mice. The Epa-Ijebu concoction at 25.0 – 50.0 mg/ml inhibited the growth of the fungi and was recorded to be fungicidal at 50.0 – 100.0 mg/ml for all the fungi screened. These figures compare favorably with the known antifungals. The concoction inhibited the growth of all the bacteria at the concentration used and was found to have an MIC of between 15.6 - 125 mg/ml and MBC of between 31.25 and 250mg/ml. However, toxicological assays showed that the concoction was toxic to the animals at high concentrations of 0.2 -0.8 g/ml leading to the deaths of the animals within 24hrs of being fed. Histological examination of the stomach, liver and kidney showed that profound erosion of the tissues with marked area of karyolysis and karyorrhesis. The study confirms the antifungal and antibacterial properties of the “wonder cure” concoction but its use as an antidote to many ailments need to be moderated because of its toxicity