175 research outputs found

    Outplacement–An employment safety tool but not for everyone. The relationship between job insecurity, new job opportunities and outplacement implementation

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    This article explores outplacement models typical for understanding the roles of job insecurity and the subjective perception of opportunities to find a new job. This study aims to validate the following hypothesis: people who are covered by outplacement systems in a workplace usually feel that they have both a good opportunity to find a job and have low job insecurity. Outplacement was defined according to a matrix of job insecurity and the possibility of finding a job. This comparative study is the first one that investigates the differences in outplacement and was carried out taking into account job insecurity and job opportunities. The Job Opportunity Index was almost the same in Russia and Poland but the Job Insecurity Index in Poland was higher than in Russia. 51% of Russian bankers and 29% of Polish bankers indicated that they could count on outplacement services to help them. The hypothesis was not confirmed in Poland as it was in Russia. The hypothesis of this study is supported by empirical research carried out on a sample of 2324 bank employees in Poland and in the Russian Federation. Factor analysis, discriminant analysis, the Mann-Whitney test and the Wilks’ Lambda test were used. © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBRElena Andrianova and Anna Tarasova implemented with cooperation with The Center for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding. Jerzy Ka?mierczyk and Elena Andrianova implemented with support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 19-29-07131 "Modelling and measurement of human capital and its forms in the context of economy digitalization: resources, flows, institutions")

    Analysis of the experience of implementing urban redevelopment projects in Russia

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the identified shortage of the urban environment in Russia, namely those types of buildings that meet modern requirements. In large cities, the only way to change this situation is redevelopment. This article considers options for stimulating the development of urban areas and optimization of their use through redevelopment. The definitions of the concepts of redevelopment, renovation, gentrification, revitalization are delimited. The classification of types of programs according to the level of management is performed. The advantages and disadvantages of the redevelopment process are presented. Based on the analysis of the regulatory and legal framework, the authors revealed that the concept of “redevelopment” is not defined in any way in it. The practical experience of implementing redevelopment projects and programs in Russia, including development projects of the main industrial zones of the city of Moscow, which are inextricably linked with the strategic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the implementation of national projects, is analysed. Special attention is paid to the redevelopment project management issues, proposals are presented to increase the efficiency of program management based on the Japanese P2M project management standard. At the end of the study, the authors revealed the results achieved in the implementation of redevelopment projects and evaluated their effectiveness in terms of various indicators

    Abnormal Ultrastructure of the Platelet Plasma Membrane in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. It can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs. Blood cells, including platelets, are also involved in SLE and contribute to the pathogenesis of disease. We studied ultrastructure of platelets isolated from the blood of SLE patients and found that the plasma membrane was rough and shaggy compared to the normally smooth cell surface. These changes in the membrane morphology increased with the disease severity and were more pronounced when SLE was associated with the antiphospholipid syndrome, suggesting that platelets are strongly affected by the immune reactions underlying SLE

    Motivation and labor values of youth: Development paradoxes

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    Based on the monitoring studies conducted in Tyumen oblast (2006—2016), the paper aims to examine trends and specifics of the development of labor orientations. Correlation and dispersion analysis is used to single out a number of inconsistencies reflecting immaturity of the market motivation and entrepreneurial orientation among those who were born and brought up in a market environment. Young persons with a more market-oriented type of labor motivation have fewer claims and agree to have the little they have if guarantees of stability are provided. The age when there is a break in the dominance of success and achievement motivation declines. Young people pay less attention to interesting and meaningful job. A gap between the declared value of initiative and entrepreneurship and a real commitment to creation of innovations are observed. Those who were born and raised in a market environment are eager to work «in the market». With a very high percentage of young people willing to work for themselves the share of actual young entrepreneurs is still very low. © 2018 Russian Public Opinion Research Center, VCIOM. All rights reserved

    Structural characterization of platelets and platelet microvesicles

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Platelets are blood cells without nuclei, which, in conjunction with fibrin, cause bleeding to stop (hemostasis). Cellular microvesicles are microscopic particles released into extracellular space under activation and/or apoptosis of cells of different types. Platelet microvesicles form the main population of blood circulating through microvesicles and play an important role in the reactions of hemostasis, thrombosis, and many other (patho)physiological processes. Despite the large number of studies that have been devoted to the function of platelet microvesicles, the mechanisms of their formation and structural details remain poorly understood. The ultrastructure of the initial platelets and microvesicles formed in vitro from resting cells and platelets activated by arachidonic acid, ADP, thrombin, and calcium ionophore A23187 is investigated in this study. The intracellular origin, stages of formation, structural diversity, and size of microvesicles were analyzed according to the results of transmission electron microscopy of human platelets and isolated microvesicles. It was shown that thrombin, unlike other activators, not only stimulates microvesiculation of the plasma membrane, but also causes decomposition of cells with the formation of subcellular particles that have sizes comparable with the size of the microvesicles from the outer membrane of the cells. Some of these microparticles are cellular organelles surrounded by a thin membrane. The size of isolated microvesicles ranges from 30 to 500 nm, but their size distribution depends on the nature of the activating stimulus. The obtained results contain new data on the formation of platelet microvesicles and their structural diversity, which are important for understanding of their multiple functions in health and disease

    Применение ингибиторов фактора некроза опухоли α у женщин с анкилозирующим спондилитом во время беременности

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    Objective: to present our own experience of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) inhibitors (iTNFα) usage during pregnancy in women with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), to assess AS activity and outcomes of gestation.Patients and methods. A prospective observation of 55 pregnant women with AS who met the modified New York criteria of 1984. Fifty-six pregnancies were followed. The average age of the patients was 31.7±4.7 years, the duration of the disease was 132.2±85.4 months. The median BASDAI for pregnancy trimesters was 2.4 [1.2; 4.4], 2.7 [1.4; 4.2] and 2.2 [1.5; 4.0], respectively. 14 women received iTNFα 3 months before pregnancy.Results and discussion. In the first trimester, TNFα was used in 9 (16.1%) patients, in the second – in 9 (16.1%) and in the third – in 5 (9.3%); the median BASDAI for trimesters was 2.3 [1.0; 3.7], 3.4 [1.2; 3.5], 3.0 [0.8; 3.4], respectively. All patients who discontinued iTNFα just before or in early pregnancy had indications for resuming therapy in the second half of gestation. Cancellation of iTNFα at the end of the second trimester was not a risk factor for high activity in the third trimester. There was 1 adverse pregnancy outcome. In other cases, childbirth occurred at 38.9±1.4 weeks, newborns' body weight was 3273.1±435.6 g.Conclusion. Women with AS who plan a pregnancy should be prescribed drugs with the maximum allowed duration of use during gestation. Cancellation of iTNFα before and in early pregnancy is a risk factor for high AS activity, while renewal of iTNFα therapy during pregnancy is not always effective.Цель исследования – представить собственный опыт применения ингибиторов фактора некроза опухоли (иФНОα) во время беременности у женщин с анкилозирующим спондилитом (АС), оценить активность АС и исходы гестации.Пациенты и методы. Проведено проспективное наблюдение 55 беременных с АС, соответствовавших модифицированным Нью-Йоркским критериям 1984 г. Прослежено 56 беременностей. Средний возраст пациенток составлял 31,7±4,7 года, продолжительность болезни – 132,2±85,4 мес. Медиана BASDAI по триместрам беременности – 2,4 [1,2; 4,4], 2,7 [1,4; 4,2] и 2,2 [1,5; 4,0] соответственно. ИФНОα за 3 мес до наступления беременности получали 14 женщин.Результаты и обсуждение. В I триместре иФНОα применяли 9 (16,1%) пациенток, во II – 9 (16,1%) и в III – 5 (9,3%); медиана BASDAI по триместрам составляла 2,3 [1,0; 3,7], 3,4 [1,2; 3,5], 3,0 [0,8; 3,4] соответственно. Все пациентки, отменившие иФНОα накануне или на ранних сроках беременности, имели показания к возобновлению терапии во второй половине гестации. Отмена иФНОα в конце II триместра не являлась фактором риска высокой активности в III триместре. Имел место 1 неблагоприятный исход беременности. В остальных случаях роды произошли на сроке 38,9±1,4 нед, масса тела новорожденных – 3273,1±435,6 г.Заключение. Женщинам с АС, планирующим беременность, необходимо назначать препараты с максимально разрешенным сроком применения во время гестации. Отмена иФНОα перед беременностью и на ее ранних сроках – фактор риска высокой активности АС, при этом возобновление терапии иФНОα во время беременности не всегда эффективно

    Intracellular origin and ultrastructure of platelet-derived microparticles

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    © 2017 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Essentials Platelet microparticles play a major role in pathologies, including hemostasis and thrombosis. Platelet microparticles have been analyzed and classified based on their ultrastructure. The structure and intracellular origin of microparticles depend on the cell-activating stimulus. Thrombin-treated platelets fall apart and form microparticles that contain cellular organelles. Summary: Background Platelet-derived microparticles comprise the major population of circulating blood microparticles that play an important role in hemostasis and thrombosis. Despite numerous studies on the (patho)physiological roles of platelet-derived microparticles, mechanisms of their formation and structural details remain largely unknown. Objectives Here we studied the formation, ultrastructure and composition of platelet-derived microparticles from isolated human platelets, either quiescent or stimulated with one of the following activators: arachidonic acid, ADP, collagen, thrombin or calcium ionophore A23187. Methods Using flow cytometry, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, we analyzed the intracellular origin, structural diversity and size distributions of the subcellular particles released from platelets. Results The structure, dimensions and intracellular origin of microparticles depend on the cell-activating stimulus. The main structural groups include a vesicle surrounded by one thin membrane or multivesicular structures. Thrombin, unlike other stimuli, induced formation of microparticles not only from the platelet plasma membrane and cytoplasm but also from intracellular structures. A fraction of these vesicular particles having an intracellular origin contained organelles, such as mitochondria, glycogen granules and vacuoles. The size of platelet-derived microparticles depended on the nature of the cell-activating stimulus. Conclusion The results obtained provide a structural basis for the qualitative differences of various platelet activators, for specific physiological and pathological effects of microparticles, and for development of advanced assays

    MODY caused by a mutation in the insulin gene

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    MODY10 is a rare subtype of MODY diabetes, which caused by heterozygous mutations in the insulin gene INS. There are single descriptions of families with MODY-INS or MODY10 in the literature, its clinical course is not well understood. We present a case of MODY10 in a boy with a history of diabetes mellitus (DM) in three generations (father and paternal grandmother). Proband was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at the age of 7 years. The glycaemia at the onset of the diabetes was 10.2 mmol/l, HbA1c — 7.6%, islet cell autoantibodies (ICA), insulin autoantibodies (IAA), glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA) and islet tyrosine phosphatase 2 (IA2) antibodies (IA2) were not detected. According to the results of the oral glucose tolerance test, fasting blood glucose was 6.5 mmol/l, in 120 minutes 10.3 mmol/l, which corresponded to the diagnosis of impaired glucose tolerance. Diet with restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates was recommended, than gliclazide was added to the therapy, which the proband received for 3 years. At the age of 10, a deterioration in the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism was noted, which insulin therapy was added. Examination at the age of 12 revealed a decrease in C-peptide secretion. The child’s father has a similar phenotype — slowly progressive disorders of carbohydrate metabolism from 6 years old, from 10 years old — insulin therapy. A genetic test was provided, in the child and his father was detected a previously undescribed heterozygous mutation in the INS p.C31W. Thus, in our clinical case, MODY10 was characterized by a milder course than T1DM, but eventually leading to the development of insulin demand, which distinguishes it from the most common forms of MODY. Currently, there is no specific therapy, and the detection of a mutation in the INS gene does not affect therapeutic tactics, however, a correct genetic diagnosis makes it possible to predict the course of diabetes and provide genetic counseling to the family

    Situational analysis of the unitary enterprise segment within the pharmaceutical market

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    The article discusses the analysis of the segment of unitary enterprises in the pharmaceutical market. A situational analysis of the diversification of pharmaceutical activities of registered unitary pharmaceutical enterprises is carried out.В статье обсуждается анализ сегмента унитарных предприятий в рамках фармацевтического рынка. Проведен ситуационный анализ диверсификации фармацевтической деятельности зарегистрированных унитарных фармацевтических предприятий. статье обсуждается анализ сегмента унитарных предприятий в рамках фармацевтического рынка. Проведен ситуационный анализ диверсификации фармацевтической деятельности зарегистрированных унитарных фармацевтических предприятий

    The attitude of consumers to the instructions for medical use of the drug

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    This article presents the results of a sociological survey on the attitude of consumers to the instructions for medical use of the drug, which was attended by 52 respondents. According to the results of the survey, more than 80% of respondents try to comply with the requirements of the instruction, and the remaining 20% either partially comply or do not comply at all.В данной статье представлены результаты социологического опроса об отношении потребителей к инструкции по медицинскому применению лекарственного препарата, в котором участвовали 52 респондента. По итогам опроса было выявлено, что более 80% респондентов стараются соблюдать требования инструкции, а остальные 20% либо частично соблюдают, либо не соблюдают совсем