2,504 research outputs found

    A Method for Rapid Determination of the Icing Limit of a Body in Terms of the Stream Conditions

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    The effects of existing frictional heating were analyzed to determine the conditions under which ice formations on aircraft surfaces can be prevented. A method is presented for rapidly determining by means of charts the combination of-Mach number, altitude, and stream temperature which will maintain an ice-free surface in an icing cloud. The method can be applied to both subsonic and supersonic flow. The charts presented are for Mach numbers up to 1.8 and pressure altitudes from sea level to 45,000 feet

    Laser-velocimeter flow-field measurements of an advanced turboprop

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    Non-intrusive measurements of velocity about a spinner-propeller-nacelle configuration at a Mach number of 0.8 were performed. A laser velocimeter, specifically developed for these measurements in the NASA Lewis 8-foot by 6-foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel, was used to measure the flow-field of the advanced swept SR-3 turboprop. The laser velocimeter uses an argon ion laser and a 2-color optics system to allow simultaneous measurements of 2-components of velocity. The axisymmetric nature of the propeller-nacelle flow-field permits two separate 2 dimensonal measurements to be combined into 3 dimensional velocity data. Presented are data ahead of and behind the prop blades and also a limited set in between the blades. Aspects of the observed flow-field such as the tip vortex are discussed

    An analytical and experimental comparison of the flow field of an advanced swept turboprop

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    An argon ion laser velocimeter with four beams was used to measure the detailed flow-field of an advanced eight blade propeller with 45% of tip sweep in an 8x6 foot supersonic wind tunnel. Data were obtained at a free stream Mach number of 0.8, the design advance ratio of 3.06 and a power coefficient of 1.8. Data are presented for inlet flow, exit flow, flow within the blades and flow slightly outside the blade tips. The data are compared to a lifting line theory. In general, the results of the comparison are considered favorable

    Observation of a Spinning Top in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Boundaries strongly affect the behavior of quantized vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates, a phenomenon particularly evident in elongated cigar-shaped traps where vortices tend to orient along a short direction to minimize energy. Remarkably, contributions to the angular momentum of these vortices are tightly confined to the region surrounding the core, in stark contrast to untrapped condensates where all atoms contribute \hbar. We develop a theoretical model and use this, in combination with numerical simulations, to show that such localized vortices precess in an analogous manner to that of a classical spinning top. We experimentally verify this spinning-top behavior with our real-time imaging technique that allows for the tracking of position and orientation of vortices as they dynamically evolve. Finally, we perform an in-depth numerical investigation of our real-time expansion and imaging method, with the aim of guiding future experimental implementation, as well as outlining directions for its improvement.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    LV measurements with an advanced turboprop

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    Nonintrusive measurements of velocity about a spinner-propeller-nacelle configuration were made at a Mach number of 0.8. A laser velocimeter (LV) specifically developed for these measurements was used to determine the flow field of the advanced swept SR-3 propeller. The data will be used to study the flow and to verify computer prediction codes. The usefulness of the LV data in detecting flow anomalies and to substantiate the data quality was demonstrated. Some typical results are given. Mach number profiles at the entrance of the propeller are compared with theoretical predictions. The LV data is in excellent agreement with the axisymmetric, compressible, inviscid theory (without blades) ahead of the propeller except near the hub. The data indicate blade blockage near the spinner. Blade to blade variations in axial velocity for four radial positions at the propeller exist are also given. The large apparent wake near the hub is associated with the hub choking. The blade to blade variation of axial velocity ahead of a shock within the blade passage is given

    Plasma boosted electron beams for driving Free Electron Lasers

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    In this paper, we report results of simulations, in the framework of both EuPRAXIA \cite{Walk2017} and EuPRAXIA@SPARC\_LAB \cite{Ferr2017} projects, aimed at delivering a high brightness electron bunch for driving a Free Electron Laser (FEL) by employing a plasma post acceleration scheme. The boosting plasma wave is driven by a tens of \SI{}{\tera\watt} class laser and doubles the energy of an externally injected beam up to \GeV{1}. The injected bunch is simulated starting from a photoinjector, matched to plasma, boosted and finally matched to an undulator, where its ability to produce FEL radiation is verified to yield O(\num{e11}) photons per shot at \nm{2.7}.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Conceptualizations of suicide through time and socio-economic factors: a historical mini-review

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    OBJECTIVES: Suicide is a complex phenomenon determined by the interplay of an articulated network of factors including socio-economic factors which have a decisive role. This paper investigates the development of the modern conceptualization of suicide in Europe, its sociological understandings and its intertwinement with economic cycles throughout time. METHODS: MEDLINE, SCHOLAR, EMBASE using the keywords 'socioeconomic factors AND suicide'; 'economic cycles AND suicide'; 'history AND suicide' without timeframe limitations. Moreover, journal-by-journal search in journals of related areas was performed. RESULTS: In total, 51 historical studies focusing on the subjects in European countries were included. Three main areas arose: (a) development of the conceptualization of suicide over time; (b) sociological understandings of suicide according to the structure of society and its economy of power; (c) economic theories explaining the intertwinement of economic cycles and suicides. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide is a deeply human phenomenon inescapably linked to and grounded in society and economic cycles. Understandings from the past show the importance of accurate analysis of socio-economic contexts that shape societies together with man's own sense of self in order to organize multi-layered tangible and intangible support strategies to better understand and prevent suicide in this day and age