5,559 research outputs found

    On Semi-Periods

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    The periods of the three-form on a Calabi-Yau manifold are found as solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equations; however, the toric varietal method leads to a generalized hypergeometric system of equations which has more solutions than just the periods. This same extended set of equations can be derived from symmetry considerations. Semi-periods are solutions of this extended system. They are obtained by integration of the three-form over chains; these chains can be used to construct cycles which, when integrated over, give periods. In simple examples we are able to obtain the complete set of solutions for the extended system. We also conjecture that a certain modification of the method will generate the full space of solutions in general.Comment: 18 pages, plain TeX. Revised derivation of Δ∗\Delta^* system of equations; version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    On Periods for String Compactifications

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    Motivated by recent developments in the computation of periods for string compactifications with c=9c=9, we develop a complementary method which also produces a convenient basis for related calculations. The models are realized as Calabi--Yau hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces of dimension four or as Landau-Ginzburg vacua. The calculation reproduces known results and also allows a treatment of Landau--Ginzburg orbifolds with more than five fields.Comment: HUPAPP-93/6, IASSNS-HEP-93/80, UTTG-27-93. 21 pages,harvma

    Spacetime structure of the global vortex

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    We analyse the spacetime structure of the global vortex and its maximal analytic extension in an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions. We find that the vortex compactifies space on the scale of the Hubble expansion of its worldvolume, in a manner reminiscent of that of the domain wall. We calculate the effective volume of this compactification and remark on its relevance to hierarchy resolution with extra dimensions. We also consider strongly gravitating vortices and derive bounds on the existence of a global vortex solution.Comment: 19 pages revtex, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Relating the Cosmological Constant and Supersymmetry Breaking in Warped Compactifications of IIB String Theory

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    It has been suggested that the observed value of the cosmological constant is related to the supersymmetry breaking scale M_{susy} through the formula Lambda \sim M_p^4 (M_{susy}/M_p)^8. We point out that a similar relation naturally arises in the codimension two solutions of warped space-time varying compactifications of string theory in which non-isotropic stringy moduli induce a small but positive cosmological constant.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, references added and minor changes made, (v3) map between deSitter and global cosmic brane solutions clarified, supersymmetry breaking discussion improved and references adde

    Memory Effects and Scaling Laws in Slowly Driven Systems

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    This article deals with dynamical systems depending on a slowly varying parameter. We present several physical examples illustrating memory effects, such as metastability and hysteresis, which frequently appear in these systems. A mathematical theory is outlined, which allows to show existence of hysteresis cycles, and determine related scaling laws.Comment: 28 pages (AMS-LaTeX), 18 PS figure

    Patient organizations and primary care development: reflections by patients with chronic diseases

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    To explore how patients with chronic diseases, as well as members of patient organizations, perceive primary care and how they think about how to participate in primary care development. Focus group interviews with 28 patients in three regions in Sweden were conducted. We identified four themes: Availability of care, How to be met by professionals, Information needs and Continuity and prevention in care. Important was to meet the same doctor at every visit and to be met with empathy and knowledge about your disease. Suggestions about better use of technical information services, introduction of a coordinator in the waiting room and longer and varied open hours came up. The information needs for newly diagnosed and those with a long disease trajectory differed and care treatment plans were asked for by many participants. Discussions between patient organizations about how to participate in education of health care professionals were recommended. Patients’ with chronic diseases want to take more active part in their own care. By promoting more contacts between patient organizations, influence on the politic agendas may be achieved. To achieve effects, the patient organizations should be proposed to be included and to activate themselves about these results. If so, a stronger patient voice may be heard in the society. A change in the paternalistic philosophy in primary health care is also needed so the patients’ rights and contribution will be acknowledged and joint education with health professionals could be one way

    On the Instanton Contributions to the Masses and Couplings of E6E_6 Singlets

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    We consider the gauge neutral matter in the low--energy effective action for string theory compactification on a \cym\ with (2,2)(2,2) world--sheet supersymmetry. At the classical level these states (the \sing's of E6E_6) correspond to the cohomology group H^1(\M,{\rm End}\>T). We examine the first order contribution of instantons to the mass matrix of these particles. In principle, these corrections depend on the \K\ parameters tit_i through factors of the form e^{2\p i t_i} and also depend on the complex structure parameters. For simplicity we consider in greatest detail the quintic threefold \cp4[5]. It follows on general grounds that the total mass is often, and perhaps always, zero. The contribution of individual instantons is however nonzero and the contribution of a given instanton may develop poles associated with instantons coalescing for certain values of the complex structure. This can happen when the underlying \cym\ is smooth. Hence these poles must cancel between the coalescing instantons in order that the superpotential be finite. We examine also the \Y\ couplings involving neutral matter \ysing\ and neutral and charged fields \ymix, which have been little investigated even though they are of phenomenological interest. We study the general conditions under which these couplings vanish classically. We also calculate the first--order world--sheet instanton correction to these couplings and argue that these also vanish.Comment: 40 pages, plain TeX with epsf, one uuencoded figur

    Metastability in Interacting Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations II: Large-N Behaviour

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    We consider the dynamics of a periodic chain of N coupled overdamped particles under the influence of noise, in the limit of large N. Each particle is subjected to a bistable local potential, to a linear coupling with its nearest neighbours, and to an independent source of white noise. For strong coupling (of the order N^2), the system synchronises, in the sense that all oscillators assume almost the same position in their respective local potential most of the time. In a previous paper, we showed that the transition from strong to weak coupling involves a sequence of symmetry-breaking bifurcations of the system's stationary configurations, and analysed in particular the behaviour for coupling intensities slightly below the synchronisation threshold, for arbitrary N. Here we describe the behaviour for any positive coupling intensity \gamma of order N^2, provided the particle number N is sufficiently large (as a function of \gamma/N^2). In particular, we determine the transition time between synchronised states, as well as the shape of the "critical droplet", to leading order in 1/N. Our techniques involve the control of the exact number of periodic orbits of a near-integrable twist map, allowing us to give a detailed description of the system's potential landscape, in which the metastable behaviour is encoded

    Quasi-realistic heterotic-string models with vanishing one-loop cosmological constant and perturbatively broken supersymmetry?

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    Quasi-realistic string models in the free fermionic formulation typically contain an anomalous U(1), which gives rise to a Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term that breaks supersymmetry at the one--loop level in string perturbation theory. Supersymmetry is traditionally restored by imposing F- and D-flatness on the vacuum. By employing the standard analysis of flat directions we present a quasi--realistic three generation string model in which stringent F- and D-flat solution do not appear to exist to all orders in the superpotential. We speculate that this result is indicative of the non-existence of supersymmetric flat F- and D-solutions in this model. We provide some arguments in support of this scenario and discuss its potential implications. Bose-Fermi degeneracy of the string spectrum implies that the one--loop partition function and hence the one-loop cosmological constant vanishes in the model. If our assertion is correct, this model may represent the first known example with vanishing cosmological constant and perturbatively broken supersymmetry. We discuss the distinctive properties of the internal free fermion boundary conditions that may correspond to a large set of models that share these properties. The geometrical moduli in this class of models are fixed due to asymmetric boundary conditions, whereas absence of supersymmetric flat directions would imply that the supersymmetric moduli are fixed as well and the dilaton may be fixed by hidden sector nonperturbative effects.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. Added discussion on stringent flat directions. PRD published versio
