65 research outputs found

    Növényi jellegek és alkalmazásuk növényökológiai kutatásokban I.: Történeti áttekintés, jelleg típusok, módszertan és adatbázisok = Plant functional traits and their application in ecological research I.: History, traits, methodologies and databases

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    Abstract: The importance of studies based on plant functional traits is indicated by the huge number of papers (more than 5000) published in the last 15 years in this topic. In community ecology the recent trend of studying organisms on the functional- rather than on the taxonomic level is quite significant. In this review we attempted to summarise the applicability of functional plant traits commonly used in ecological studies. We discussed the levels of functional categorisation, described the different plant strategies based on functional traits and emphasised the usage of standardised measurements. The most outstanding trait databases are introduced here, showing their availability, content and specialities. This review is intended as an introduction to the topic and can later be completed by papers elaborating on how plant functional traits are used in theoretical and applied plant ecology. Keywords: functional ecology, growth-form, LEDA, life-form, plant strategies, SLA, TRY | Összefoglalás: A növényi funkcionális jellegek kutatásának aktualitását mi sem jelzi jobban, mint az a több mint 5000 publikáció, mely az utóbbi 15 évben megjelent a témában. A közösségi ökológia számára ma már nélkülözhetetlen a fajok szintjén túlmutató funkcionális csoportok alkalmazása, ahol a növényeket taxonómiai minőségük helyett funkcionális jellegeik alapján vizsgálják. Jelen dolgozatban bemutatjuk a növényökológiában leggyakrabban alkalmazott növényi jellegeket, típusaikat valamint az általuk meghatározott növényi stratégiákat. Szót ejtünk a jellegek egységes mérésének módszertanáról, illetve bemutatjuk a legfontosabb jellegadatbázisokat, és azok alkalmazási lehetőségeit. Jelen dolgozatot a téma bevezetésének szánjuk, amit később olyan írások követhetnek, amelyek részletesen foglalkoznak a funkcionális jellegek gyakorlatban történő alkalmazásának lehetőségeivel. Kulcsszavak: életforma, fajlagos levélfelület, funkcionális ökológia, LEDA, növekedési forma, növényi stratégiák, TR


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    Heat tolerance of photosystem II (PSII) was examined in Siberian flag (Iris sibirica L.) living in different microhabitats of a non-forested enclosed depression surface (doline) on the Bükk-plateau. Although the microclimatic parameters of the habitats with different facing sites show sharp contrasts, there was no significant difference between the heat tolerance of PSII in leaves of I. sibirica growing in these expositions neither in dark- nor in light-adapted state

    Iris sibirica has unusual, practically non-different heat tolerance of PSII at different geographical exposures on the Bükk-plateau (North-Hungary)

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    Heat tolerance of photosystem II (PSII) was examined in Siberian flag (Iris sibirica L.) living in different microhabitats of a non-forested enclosed depression surface (doline) on the Bükk-plateau. Although the microclimatic parameters of the habitats with different facing sites show sharp contrasts, there was no significant difference between the heat tolerance of PSII in leaves of I. sibirica growing in these expositions neither in dark- nor in light-adapted state

    Factors affecting reproductive success in three entomophilous orchid species in Hungary

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    The reproductive success of orchids is traditionally estimated by determining the fruit-set of individuals. Here, we investigated both the fruit and the seed production of three orchid species and the factors that may affect individual fruit-set, like pollination strategy, individual traits or the annual amount of precipitation. The species [Dactylorhiza sambucina (L.) Soó, Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P. F. Hunt & Summerhayes and Platanthera bifolia (L.) L. C. M. Richard] were studied in three consecutive years (2010–2012) in the Bükk Mountains, Hungary. All three species were proved to be non-autogamous by a bagging experiment. Data analyses showed significant differences between seed numbers but not between fruit-sets of species. There was no statistical difference in individual reproductive success between wet and dry years, however, the effect of the annual amount of precipitation is significant on the population level. Comparison of published fruit-set data revealed accordance with our results in P. bifolia, but not in D. sambucina and D. majalis. We assume that the surprisingly high fruit-set values of the two Dactylorhiza species may be due to the fact that the pollination crisis reported from Western European countries is not an actual problem in the Bükk Mountains, Hungary

    Large- and small-scale environmental factors drive distributions of cool-adapted plants in karstic microrefugia

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    Background and aims Dolines are small- to large-sized bowl-shaped depressions of karst surfaces. They may constitute important microrefugia, as thermal inversion often maintains cooler conditions within them. This study aimed to identify the effects of large- (macroclimate) and small-scale (slope aspect and vegetation type) environmental factors on cool-adapted plants in karst dolines of East-Central Europe. We also evaluated the potential of these dolines to be microrefugia that mitigate the effects of climate change on cool-adapted plants in both forest and grassland ecosystems. Methods We compared surveys of plant species composition that were made between 2007 and 2015 in 21 dolines distributed across four mountain ranges (sites) in Hungary and Romania. We examined the effects of environmental factors on the distribution and number of cool-adapted plants on three scales: (1) regional (all sites); (2) within sites and; (3) within dolines. Generalized linear models and non-parametric tests were used for the analyses. Key Results Macroclimate, vegetation type and aspect were all significant predictors of the diversity of cool-adapted plants. More cool-adapted plants were recorded in the coolest site, with only few found in the warmest site. At the warmest site, the distribution of cool-adapted plants was restricted to the deepest parts of dolines. Within sites of intermediate temperature and humidity, the effect of vegetation type and aspect on the diversity of cool-adapted plants was often significant, with more taxa being found in grasslands (versus forests) and on north-facing slopes (versus south-facing slopes). Conclusions There is large variation in the number and spatial distribution of cool-adapted plants in karst dolines, which is related to large- and small-scale environmental factors. Both macro- and microrefugia are therefore likely to play important roles in facilitating the persistence of cool-adapted plants under global warming