4,755 research outputs found

    Своє – чуже. Дике – культурне. Базові структури міфологічних когнітивних моделей (до проблеми інваріанта і трансформації в інформаційному просторі)

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    Відтворення логічних законів міфологічних когнітивних структур, необхідне для виокремлення інваріантів у трансформованому емпіричному етнографічному масиві, зумовлює пошук базових когнітивних структур міфологічної доби. Базові когнітивні структури елементарних суспільств – бінарні символічні класифікації, які починають розгортатися із просторово-часової дихотомії: освоєний – неосвоєний простір, час архетипів – час їхньої реалізації. У статті аналізуються системи спорідненості дуально-родового суспільства, які, на думку авторки, використовувалися як засіб формалізації ієрархічної класифікації понять міфологічної доби.The reconstruction of the logical laws of mythological cognitive structures which is necessary to single out the invariants in the trasforming ethnographic material leads us to the search of basic cognitive structures of the mythological epoch. The basic cognitive structures of elementary societies are the binaric symbolical classifications which begin to develop from the spatialtemporal opposition: assimilated space – space which is not assimilated, the time of the archetypes – the time of their realization. In the article there is an analysis of a system of consanguinity of dual-clan society which on author's mind was used as means of formalization of the hierarchial classification of the mythological epoch concepts

    On the Nature of MeV-blazars

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    Broad-band spectra of the FSRQ (flat-spectrum-radio quasars) detected in the high energy gamma-ray band imply that there may be two types of such objects: those with steep gamma-ray spectra, hereafter called MeV-blazars, and those with flat gamma-ray spectra, GeV-blazars. We demonstrate that this difference can be explained in the context of the ERC (external-radiation-Compton) model using the same electron injection function. A satisfactory unification is reachable, provided that: (a) spectra of GeV-blazars are produced by internal shocks formed at the distances where cooling of relativistic electrons in a jet is dominated by Comptonization of broad emission lines, whereas spectra of MeV-blazars are produced at the distances where cooling of relativistic electrons is dominated by Comptonization of near-IR radiation from hot dust; (b) electrons are accelerated via a two step process and their injection function takes the form of a double power-law, with the break corresponding to the threshold energy for the diffusive shock acceleration. Direct predictions of our model are that, on average, variability time scales of the MeV-blazars should be longer than variability time scales of the GeV-blazars, and that both types of the blazar phenomenon can appear in the same object.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    MOTIFATOR: detection and characterization of regulatory motifs using prokaryote transcriptome data

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    Summary: Unraveling regulatory mechanisms (e.g. identification of motifs in cis-regulatory regions) remains a major challenge in the analysis of transcriptome experiments. Existing applications identify putative motifs from gene lists obtained at rather arbitrary cutoff and require additional manual processing steps. Our standalone application MOTIFATOR identifies the most optimal parameters for motif discovery and creates an interactive visualization of the results. Discovered putative motifs are functionally characterized, thereby providing valuable insight in the biological processes that could be controlled by the motif.

    Exact solution of the Zeeman effect in single-electron systems

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    Contrary to popular belief, the Zeeman effect can be treated exactly in single-electron systems, for arbitrary magnetic field strengths, as long as the term quadratic in the magnetic field can be ignored. These formulas were actually derived already around 1927 by Darwin, using the classical picture of angular momentum, and presented in their proper quantum-mechanical form in 1933 by Bethe, although without any proof. The expressions have since been more or less lost from the literature; instead, the conventional treatment nowadays is to present only the approximations for weak and strong fields, respectively. However, in fusion research and other plasma physics applications, the magnetic fields applied to control the shape and position of the plasma span the entire region from weak to strong fields, and there is a need for a unified treatment. In this paper we present the detailed quantum-mechanical derivation of the exact eigenenergies and eigenstates of hydrogen-like atoms and ions in a static magnetic field. Notably, these formulas are not much more complicated than the better-known approximations. Moreover, the derivation allows the value of the electron spin gyromagnetic ratio gsg_s to be different from 2. For completeness, we then review the details of dipole transitions between two hydrogenic levels, and calculate the corresponding Zeeman spectrum. The various approximations made in the derivation are also discussed in details.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physica Script

    Specification and verification of atomic operations in GPGPU programs

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    We propose a specification and verification technique based on separation logic to reason about data race freedom and functional correctness of GPU kernels that use atomic operations as synchronisation mechanism. Our approach exploits the notion of resource invariant from Concurrent Separation Logic (CSL) to capture the behaviour of atomic operations. However, because of the different memory levels in the GPU architecture, we adapt this notion of resource invariant to these memory levels, i.e., group resource invariants capture the behaviour of atomic operations that access locations in local memory, while kernel resource invariants capture the behaviour of atomic operations that access locations in global memory. We show soundness of our approach and we provide tool support that enables us to verify kernels from standard benchmarks suites